







汉语拼音:yǐ shí







  1. 按一定的时间。

    《管子·幼官》:“藪泽以时禁发之。” 尹知章 注:“草木零落,然后入山林。獭祭鱼,然后修泽梁也。”《孟子·梁惠王上》:“斧斤以时入山林,材木不可胜用也。”《史记·孝文本纪》:“朕闻古者诸侯建国千餘,各守其地,以时入贡,民不劳苦,上下驩欣。”

  2. 及时,即时。

    《汉书·匡衡传》:“ 衡 、 谭 ( 甄谭 )居大臣位,知 显 ( 石显 )等专权势,作威福,为海内患害,不以时白奏行罚,而阿諛曲从,附下罔上,无大臣辅政之义。” 唐 元稹 《招讨镇州制》:“如 王廷凑 遂迷不寤,诸道宜便进军,以时翦灭。” 宋 曾巩 《本朝政要策·义仓》:“ 宋 兴, 乾德 之初,天子哀岁不登,而仓吏不以时出与民,於是著发粟之制,使不待詔令。”



  1. A playback mode management unit manages whether the AV content is to be played in a real-time mode or in a time-shift mode.


  2. This research proposes a time window and GA based rolling scheduling method for real berth allocations to deal with the uncertainties.


  3. Not for just an hour, Not for just a day.


  4. for instance , cast shadow and on and off lighting are used to reflect the emotions of the characters.


  5. And finally, if wages are paid by the hour, the more hours people work, the more expensive it becomes for the employer.


  6. A time-shift TV and Video on Demand (VoD) interactive media system is developed based on the design.


  7. Confirm that if the valve is in transit for longer than 90 secs the control system raises fault alarm.


  8. In sum, this design adopts RC oscillation circuit centered by Time-base circuit NE555, which is adjustable to a certain extent.


  9. Time periods shall be calculated by the hour, the day and the month.


  1. 第48条期间以时计算者, 即时起算。

    Article 48 A period fixed by hours shall commence immediately.

  2. 事以时至今日,整个国家仍对他秘密津津乐道。

    In some ways, the nation still mourns his death today.

  3. 书生以时文评古文,如木工以营造法尺量泰山。

    Critics analyze a literary composition by the technique of writing,as engineers measure the height and structure of Taishan by compasses.

  4. 购机时以合约为准。

    Please refer to your contract for special accessories.

  5. 将来时以将来时态出现的动词形式

    A verb form in the future tense.

  6. 那幅画拍卖时以5000英镑售出。

    The painting was knocked down for 5000.

  7. 他等待时以看书来消磨时间。

    He whiled away the hours of waiting by reading a book.

  8. 驾驶汽车时以系上安全带为好。

    It is advisable always to wear a safety belt when youre driving.

  9. 打桥牌时以低于可能得得分叫牌。

    Bid at less than the strength of the hand warrants.

  10. 打桥牌时以低于可能的得分叫牌。

    Bid at less than the strength of the hand warrants.

  11. 那楝房子在拍卖时以很低价卖出。

    The house went very cheaply at auction.

  12. 文昌鱼游泳时以螺旋形方式前进。

    Amphioxus swimming to spiral way forward.

  13. 以将来时思考

    Thinking in the Future Tense

  14. 服用时以汁代茶,并加少许砂糖调味。

    When taking, take the place of with juiceTea, add touch saccharic flavor.

  15. 她阅读时以敏锐的目光审视语言的习惯用法。

    She reads with a sharp eye for idiom.

  16. 无奈前面落后太多,终盘时以半目惜败。

    Piao narrowly lost the game with half Mu.

  17. 她以守时着称。

    She had a reputation punctuality.

  18. 部队集结时以吹号或击鼓发出的信号

    a signal by bugle or drum for troops to come together in formation

  19. 她在大减价时以半价的价格买下了它。

    She bought it half-price during the sale.

  20. 刚才讨论的三条气体定律时以统一为一条定律。

    The three gas laws just discussed can be assembled into a single law.

  21. 建议下筒体料时以封头外经展开尺寸下料!

    Suggestions on cylinder body when its head out baiting size!

  22. 这有助于运行时以更一致的方式更快地执行。

    This helps make the runtime perform faster and in a more consistent manner.

  23. 这匹白马在赛跑时以一鼻之差而获胜。

    The white horse won the race by a nose.

  24. 样品处理时以静置取代吸出正己烷层离心。

    When sample preparation settles substitution aspiration normal hexane level gentrifugalism.

  25. 费格逊在半场时以高尔入替舒灵咸。

    Ferguson brought on Cole in place of Teddy Sheringham at the break.

  26. 播种时以缝合线与地面垂直,种尖向一侧为好。

    Sowing when the vertical suture line with the ground, pointed to the side of good.

  27. 他到终点时以些微之差被超越, 失去了冠军奖。

    He was pipped atto the post for the top award.

  28. 我们的策略是比赛时以守为主, 并随时发起突袭。

    Our strategy was to play defensively for most of the game, with sudden attacking bursts.

  29. 我们得策略是比赛时以守为主, 并随时发起突袭。

    Our strategy was to play defensively for most of the game, with sudden attacking bursts.

  30. 注口头表决之定义为扶轮社表决时以口头同意方式办理。

    Note Viva voce vote is defined as when club voting is.