




1. 汤 [tāng]2. 汤 [shāng]汤 [tāng]热水:~雪。赴~蹈火。扬~止沸。煮东西的汁液:米~。参(shēn )~。烹调后汁特别多的食物:鸡~。菜~。清~。专指温泉(现多用于地名):~泉(温泉)。~山(在中国北京市)。中药……



汉语拼音:zhǔ tāng






  1. 熬药。

    《新唐书·方技传·许胤宗》:“﹝ 胤宗 ﹞以黄蓍、防风煮汤数十斛置牀下,气如雾,薰薄之。” 宋 范成大 《病中绝句》之三:“石鼎颼颼夜煮汤,乱拖芝术鬭温凉。”



  1. Sheep Head, Morocco. After it has been sitting in the open amongst the flies all day, bring it home and boil it up into a soup.


  2. Cooked by gentle heat at least more than two hours, Canton soup is not only of good taste, but also abundant of the love from the cook.


  3. black beans black beans also known as Wu Dou, you can health blood, UFA, postpartum Wudou soup can also be used to drink.


  4. Add some green beans in the porridge or single-use mungbean soup, a refreshing thirst quencher, detoxification, Sheng Jin diuretic effect.


  5. You can also put the pulp into a nut bag, then boil in water to make soup.


  6. Chinese yam can be soup, you can also join together with boiled rice, with anti-aging and the hypoglycemic effect.


  7. You hand in this, you must first lay eggs, and then up to a good egg, and then start making soup, and so on, can you do this?


  8. In China people can make a soup with lily bulbs after they are dried up in the sun.


  9. Nostoc soup can also be used postpartum women in cooking, as the blood use.


  1. 用温火煮汤煮久一点儿。

    Let the soup simmer a while longer.

  2. 它们是煮汤的好材料,是吗?

    Yeah? They make good soup.

  3. 可以煮汤,炖菜,蒸热狗等等。

    Heats soups, stews, steams hot dogs etc

  4. 鸡恉可以煮汤喝,味道还不错。

    Mushrooms can be made into soup and taste good.

  5. 厨师要用吃剩的猪腿骨煮汤。

    The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup.

  6. 有一个长柄用来煮汤的大的锅。

    A large pot especially one with legs used e.g. for cooking soup.

  7. 煮汤得加水吧, 富人给了他一些水。

    The soup that boil must add water, wealthy person gave him a few water.

  8. 我煮汤的时候你把这感冒药服下。

    Take this cold medicine while I make the soup.

  9. 我们将这颗夜明珠煮汤,父亲喝了夜明珠汤,自会痊愈。

    We will boil this pearl, and when our father drinks the boiled water, he will be well again.

  10. 此外,煮汤还要花钱,最重要的是,烧汤还要花费时间准备。

    Besides soup would hayed money, and above all. Soup would take time to prepare.

  11. 汤煮开了就变稠了。

    The soup thickens by boiling.

  12. 继续用原汤煮青菜和银耳。

    Use same stock to cook vegetable greens and fungus.

  13. 把汤煮开,然后文火煮五分钟。

    Bring the soup to the boil, then allow it to simmer for five minutes.

  14. 粥本身应该是用鸭汤煮的。

    Congee itself should be duck soup with the cooking.

  15. 粥本身应该是用鸭汤煮得。

    Congee itself should be duck soup with the cooking.

  16. 我想把这个汤煮一个上午,让汤煮稠点。

    I want to leave the soup on all morning to thicken it.

  17. 我将用一个大缸,防止汤煮沸溢出来。

    I'll use a large pot to prevent the soup from boiling over.

  18. 我将用一个大缸,防止汤煮沸溢出来。

    I'll use a large pot to prevent the soup from boiling over.

  19. 厨子多了煮坏汤

    too many cooks spoil the broth

  20. 厨师多了煮坏汤。

    Too many cooks spoilt the broth.

  21. 厨子总是称赞自己煮的汤

    Every cook praise his own broth

  22. 把蔬菜捣烂好煮成汤

    to liquidize vegetables to make soup

  23. 厨子太多煮坏汤。人多误事。

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

  24. 我们煮个蛋花汤好不好?

    How about having an egg drop soup?

  25. 让汤再煮几分钟。

    Let the soup simmer a few minutes.

  26. 列下的虾头可用来煮味噌汤, 不要丢掉。

    Retain the head of the shrimp as a flavouring for miso soup and other dishes.

  27. 你需要一锅汤来煮。

    You will need a pot of broth for poaching.

  28. 酒吧不能卖酒除非他们同时又煮了一桶汤。

    Bar owners may not sell beer unless they brew a kettle of soup simultaneously.

  29. 由高汤和小扁豆,再加上洋葱,胡萝卜和芹菜煮成的汤。

    Made of stock and lentils with onions carrots and celery.

  30. 将龙眼肉与蛋花同煮后喝汤, 对于人流后调养效果极好。

    Longan meat and eggs will spend with boiled soup for people, after aftercare effect extremely good.