


1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……













  1. 动词的一类,表示可能、应该、必须、愿望等意思。如能、会、可以、可能、该、应该、得、必须、要、肯、敢、愿意。通常用在动词或形容词前边。



  1. What would the Modal-Drop theory predict to be possible word orders for a child acquiring each of the following languages?


  2. When the question word is the subject, you do not use do, does or did.


  3. If the sentence has one verb (e. G. No auxiliary verb) put the adverb in the middle of the sentence after the subject and before the verb.


  4. Even worse in my not-so-humble opinion is the fact that not all the helping verbs even appeared on the list.


  5. Through modality, which is realized by the modal auxiliaries and modal content elements, the speakers'characters can be reflected.


  6. The auxiliary verb is a group of words belonging to verb, and it has its own particular grammatical feature.


  7. It's typical in informal conversations to drop the auxiliary verbs off of questions. You can also drop the pronouns as well.


  8. "Neng" is an auxiliary verb which means to have the ability to or possibility of doing something.


  9. helping verb is a verb functioning to give further semantic or syntactic information about the main or full verb following it.


  1. 情态助动词

    modal auxiliary.

  2. 方式助动词

    model auxiliary.

  3. 助动词研究综述

    The Auxiliary Verb Research Overview

  4. 是一个助动词,

    It is an auxiliary verb

  5. 助动词的, 辅助的。

    Auxiliary a. Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary verb.

  6. 助动词的,辅助的。

    Auxiliary a. Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary verb.

  7. 用反身代词, 助动词

    Auxiliary verb door emphatic it

  8. 论语助动词研究

    Research on the Auxiliary Verbs in the Analects of Confucius

  9. 表动词语态的助动词

    modal auxiliary verb

  10. 怎样更好的运用助动词?

    How to use auxiliary verb better?

  11. 助动词的属于, 关于或作为助动词的

    Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary verb.

  12. 在本标准中助动词。

    In this International Standard the auxiliary verb.

  13. 实意动词, 联系动词, 情态动词和助动词

    Notional verb, link verb, modal verb and auxiliary verb

  14. 助动词好意思及其否定形式初探

    On the Auxiliary Verb Hao Yi Si and Its Negative Form

  15. 英语情态助动词的句法、语义特征

    Syntactic and Semantic Features of English Modal Auxiliary Verbs

  16. 英语情态助动词时态形式的有无

    On English Model Verbs with No Tense Form

  17. 论英语情态助动词使用中的不确定性

    Indeterminacy in the Use of English Modal Auxiliary Verbs

  18. 助动词内部是一个动态的有机系统

    The auxiliary verb is an organic system of trends.

  19. 最后讨论了唐代萌芽的助动词用。

    Finally, the issue of semantic direction of the adverbs is discussed.

  20. 在英语中,未来式常用助动词来表现。

    In English the future tense is often rendered by means of auxiliary.

  21. 在英语中,将来时常用助动词来表现。

    In English the future tense is often rendered by means of auxiliaries.

  22. 双音节助动词连用的使用数量不同。

    so are the using quantity of the double syllable auxiliary verbs connection.

  23. 英语情态助动词的语用分析与教学初探

    On Pragmatic Analysis of English Modal Verb in Language Teaching

  24. 现代哈萨克语言中的某些助动词的使用特点

    Characteristics in the Use of Some Auxilary Verbs in the Kazak Language.

  25. 现代藏语带助动词的谓语组块及其识别

    The predicate chunks with the auxiliary verbs and the recognition strategy in the modern Tibetan.

  26. 中学生英语写作中助动词的偏误分析

    Error Analysis on Auxiliary Verbs in Middle School Students'English Writing.

  27. 现代汉语助动词的词类归属问题及其认知解释

    The Ownership of Parts of Speech of Auxiliary Verb and Explanation to Its Recognition

  28. 现在你看到这个助动词表了,你知道什么是助动词了?

    Now that you've seen this list, do you understand what a helping verb is

  29. 仅用于进行时态,常置于助动词与主要动词之间

    with continuous tenses only,often between the auxil.v. and the main v.

  30. 汉语助动词是值得关注和研究的一个词类。

    The Chinese auxiliary verb is one of the very important Lexical categories deserve to be pay much attention to.


  1. 问:助动词拼音怎么拼?助动词的读音是什么?助动词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:助动词的读音是zhùdòngcí,助动词翻译成英文是 auxiliary verb