


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……






汉语拼音:zǒng xiàn






  1. Each message contains it a list (or path) of destinations that the message should visit as it progresses through the bus.


  2. Foreign buses, however, are a resource to which access is not allowed by default within a secure bus.


  3. The concept of using more than one active ME per Bus Member is referred to as Partitioned Destinations (see figure above).


  4. The data bus must go into a high-impedance state at least one cycle before output of the latest data.


  5. For the sample application to be able to access the resources on the service integration bus, several steps must be performed.


  6. These operations take place in the context of a transaction on the front side bus.


  7. The doctor's observations travel over the service bus into a Web server hosting the portal of the insurance company that covers the patient.


  8. In the point-to-point article, we described how the JMS resources act as a level of indirection between the bus and the application.


  9. The AO line is usually tied to the least significant bit of the address bus.


  1. 总线防火墙

    bus firewall.

  2. 总线引出线

    bus lead

  3. 微程序总线

    microprogram bus.

  4. 包交换总线

    packet switched bus.

  5. 总线探询协议

    bus polling protocol

  6. 总线数据采集

    bus data acquisition

  7. 标准接口总线

    standard interface bus

  8. 总线互通系统

    bus intercommunication system

  9. 中间联接总线

    interconnect bus

  10. 侧向总线电缆

    lateral mains cable

  11. 通用串行总线

    universal serial bus

  12. 兆位总线结构

    megabus architecture

  13. 总线程序计数器

    bus program counter

  14. 总线或鼠标故障。

    System bus error or mouse error.

  15. 双极掩膜总线

    bipolar mask bus.

  16. 短距离无源总线

    short passive bus

  17. 双总线单遮断器

    double bus single breaker

  18. 中间总线结构的局限性

    Intermediate Bus Architecture Is it for Every One

  19. 存储接入总线记录设备

    SABRE Store Access Bus Recording Equipment

  20. 智能家居的控制总线技术

    Control Bus Technology of Smart Home

  21. 其中一个是双向总线端口。

    One of these ports is a bus port.

  22. 总线也和主存储器相连接。

    A bus also connects to main memory.

  23. 电气把持拔取总线通信把持方法。

    Electrical control using bus communication control mode.

  24. 通用串行总线与串行口相似。

    Universal Serial Bus is similar to a serial port.

  25. 新一代运载火箭控制系统总线

    The Newest Technology of Data Bus in Launch Vehicle Control System

  26. 发现了微通道总线超时错误。

    MicroChannel bus timeout error detected.

  27. 总线式多圈绝对值编码器

    Bus loopy absolute encoder

  28. 消费电子总线应用层的研究

    Research on Application Layer in Consumer Electronics Bus

  29. 其他设备也可以与总线47通信。

    Other devices may be in communication with the bus 47.

  30. 现场总线基金会的现场总线技术和发展

    The Field BUS Foundation and Its Technology and Development.


  1. 问:总线拼音怎么拼?总线的读音是什么?总线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线的读音是zǒngxiàn,总线翻译成英文是 bus conductor

  2. 问:总线网拼音怎么拼?总线网的读音是什么?总线网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线网的读音是zǒng xiàn wǎng,总线网翻译成英文是 bus network

  3. 问:总线交换拼音怎么拼?总线交换的读音是什么?总线交换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线交换的读音是zǒng xiàn jiāo huàn,总线交换翻译成英文是 bus exchange

  4. 问:总线仲裁拼音怎么拼?总线仲裁的读音是什么?总线仲裁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线仲裁的读音是zǒng xiàn zhòng cái,总线仲裁翻译成英文是 bus arbitration

  5. 问:总线保护拼音怎么拼?总线保护的读音是什么?总线保护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线保护的读音是zǒng xiàn bǎo hù,总线保护翻译成英文是 bus protection

  6. 问:总线允许拼音怎么拼?总线允许的读音是什么?总线允许翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线允许的读音是zǒng xiàn yǔn xǔ,总线允许翻译成英文是 bus grant

  7. 问:总线再试拼音怎么拼?总线再试的读音是什么?总线再试翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线再试的读音是zǒng xiàn zài shì,总线再试翻译成英文是 bus retry

  8. 问:总线分离拼音怎么拼?总线分离的读音是什么?总线分离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线分离的读音是zǒng xiàn fēn lí,总线分离翻译成英文是 bus separation

  9. 问:总线判优拼音怎么拼?总线判优的读音是什么?总线判优翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线判优的读音是zǒng xiàn pàn yōu,总线判优翻译成英文是 bus arbitration

  10. 问:总线同步拼音怎么拼?总线同步的读音是什么?总线同步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线同步的读音是zǒng xiàn tóng bù,总线同步翻译成英文是 bus synchronization

  11. 问:总线周期拼音怎么拼?总线周期的读音是什么?总线周期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线周期的读音是zǒng xiàn zhōu qī,总线周期翻译成英文是 bus cycle

  12. 问:总线命令拼音怎么拼?总线命令的读音是什么?总线命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线命令的读音是zǒng xiàn mìng lìng,总线命令翻译成英文是 bus command

  13. 问:总线地位拼音怎么拼?总线地位的读音是什么?总线地位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线地位的读音是zǒng xiàn dì wèi,总线地位翻译成英文是 bus status

  14. 问:总线型表拼音怎么拼?总线型表的读音是什么?总线型表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线型表的读音是zǒng xiàn xíng biǎo,总线型表翻译成英文是 bus type list

  15. 问:总线异常拼音怎么拼?总线异常的读音是什么?总线异常翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线异常的读音是zǒng xiàn yì cháng,总线异常翻译成英文是 bus exception

  16. 问:总线恢复拼音怎么拼?总线恢复的读音是什么?总线恢复翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线恢复的读音是zǒng xiàn huī fù,总线恢复翻译成英文是 bus restoration

  17. 问:总线拓扑拼音怎么拼?总线拓扑的读音是什么?总线拓扑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线拓扑的读音是zǒng xiàn tuò pū,总线拓扑翻译成英文是 bus topology

  18. 问:总线排列拼音怎么拼?总线排列的读音是什么?总线排列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线排列的读音是zǒng xiàn pái liè,总线排列翻译成英文是 bus arrangement

  19. 问:总线接口拼音怎么拼?总线接口的读音是什么?总线接口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线接口的读音是zǒng xiàn jiē kǒu,总线接口翻译成英文是 bus interface

  20. 问:总线控制拼音怎么拼?总线控制的读音是什么?总线控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总线控制的读音是zǒng xiàn kòng zhì,总线控制翻译成英文是 bus control