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汉语拼音:gū dǎo
唐 王维 《送秘书晁监还日本国》诗:“乡树 扶桑 外,主人孤岛中。” 唐 赵冬曦 《陪张燕公登楼》诗:“孤岛轻雾里,行舟白波上。”
比喻周围被敌占区所包围的地方。多特指第二次世界大战中太平洋战争发生前的 上海 租界。
郭沫若 《洪波曲》第一章一:“ 上海 成了孤岛之后,在抗战初期的宣传工作上起过很大作用的《救亡日报》,首先被迫停刊。” 巴金 《<巴金文集>序》:“我居然在‘孤岛’上强为欢笑地度过了这些苦闷的日子。”原注:“指当时的 上海 租界。”
Living on an island, he has been trying to find a suitable shelter, run on shore for a whole day, in a rock to find a shelter.
流落孤岛,他为了找到合适的住所,在岸上跑了一整天,在一个山岩下找到了一个栖身之所。If you were to be stranded on a desert island with one particular rectangle, that's the one you'd go with.
假如你被困于一个有着一个特殊矩形的孤岛上,那就是你要与之伴随的。night, we walk along the beach around the island on the edge, "rhubarb" on the front foot after foot to Sahuan.
晚下,人们在孤岛上沿四周海边散步,“大黄”就脚前足后地撒欢。he said cheerfully. He was in a very good mood. Obviously he thought nobody stood a chance of reaching them here in a storm to deliver mail.
他兴奋地说,弗农姨父看上去心情好极了,很显然他认为没有人有可能在暴风雨中把信送到一个孤岛上来。You and I cannot demonstrate love or joy or peace or patience or kindness sitting all by ourselves on an island.
你和我不能够靠把我们封闭在一座孤岛上面,就可以证明我们拥有了爱,喜乐,和平,忍耐或者良善的品德。In the twenties and thirties a number of poets extracted themselves from what had been a dominant insular form of romanticism.
在二十年代和三十年代,一些诗人从曾经处于支配地位的浪漫主义的孤岛形式下摆脱出来。Crysis was a big technical achievement but in terms of design and gameplay it had a lot of flaws which I refuse to forgive myself for.
孤岛危机是一大技术成就,但在设计和游戏方面它有一个缺陷,我不肯原谅自己的很多。We were on an island unto ourselves in terms of location and communication, and naturally assumed another wave of attacks had begun.
无论是所处的位置还是与外界的沟通,我们都像在一座孤岛上,很自然地认为这是下一波袭击的开始。For it is not just Israel's high-tech industry around Tel Aviv that floats like an island of wealth in a sea of poverty.