


满、足:~足。~实。~分(fèn )(a.足够;b.尽量)。~沛。~裕。填满,装满:填~。~满(a.填满,布满;b.充分具有)。~耳不闻。~电。汗牛~栋。当,担任:~当。~军。假装:冒~。~数(shù)。姓。……





汉语拼音:chōng yì








  1. 亦作“ 充益 ”。充满。

    《管子·心术上》:“嗜欲充益,目不见色,耳不闻声。”《史记·平準书》:“太仓之粟,陈陈相因,充溢露积於外,至腐败不可食。” 明 方孝孺 《送河南佥事汤侯序》:“未几,才能之士充溢四海。” 郭沫若 《文艺论集·论国内的评坛及我对于创作上的态度》:“我国的批评界中,有一种不好的习气充溢着。”

  2. 洋溢。

    唐 赵璘 《因话录》卷六:“相公奏何事称意,喜色充溢?” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·梅女》:“ 梅女 夜至,展谢已,喜气充溢,姿态嫣然。”

  3. 众多;富足。

    《魏书·恩倖传·寇猛》:“家渐富侈,宅宇高华,妾隶充溢。” 唐 陆龟蒙 《春寒赋》:“大王之宫,后庭女子充溢。” 梁启超 《变法通议》:“矿产充溢,积数千年未经开采;土地沃衍,百植并宜。”



  1. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, even as the Spirit gave to them to speak forth.


  2. For the next few days I blissfully clip Sofie's hair into a fountain on the top of her head.


  3. Enantiodromia is a principle introduced by psychiatrist Carl Jung that the superabundance of any force inevitably produces its opposite.


  4. The time was that dull interval in a woodlander's life which coincides with great activity in the life of the woodland itself.


  5. At the moment I met with the smiling eyes of the interviewer, I gained my confidence and began my interview smoothly.


  6. Now that had come to an end. And I was overpowered by a sense of deep and permanent loss.


  7. Greece is a love of country. Greece, known as the birthplace of ancient civilizations in Europe, is a country full of fairy tales.


  8. I too feel like I have so much inside of me that I need to express.


  9. n the television experience the eyes and ears are overwhelmed with the immediacy of sights and sounds.


  1. 充溢着蔑视, 傲慢等

    bristle with defiance, pride, etc

  2. 他的声音充溢着性感。

    His voice oozed with sex appeal.

  3. 祖国大地充溢着春意。

    There is spring in the air all over our country.

  4. 她的心充溢着真纯的爱情。

    A heart whose love is innocent!

  5. 这个灭火器里充溢了化学泡沫。

    The extinguisher is filled with chemical foam.

  6. 整首诗充溢着激情与热情。

    The whole poem is permeated with passion, fervor and enthusiasm.

  7. 孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容。

    The children's faces beamed with happy smiles.

  8. 充溢进入并且渗透, 尤指有害地

    To enter and permeate, especially harmfully.

  9. 她心里充溢着好奇, 甚至是反感。

    She was filled with wonder, and even repulsion.

  10. 当爱情与欢歌充溢、亮整个世界。

    When all the world is bright with love and song.

  11. 充溢过量, 如充血或充胀其它液体

    to fill to excess, as with blood or other fluid

  12. 他们的话语和声音充溢着天真烂漫的愉悦。

    in their words and voices there was a note of childlike joy.

  13. 使充血充溢过量, 如充血或充胀其它液体

    To fill to excess, as with blood or other fluid.

  14. 可充溢着从内到外的一种味道。

    Can exuberant a kind of taste from inside to outside.

  15. 黎明时分, 关于我们的回忆充溢着我的心。

    At dawn, I overflow with thoughts of us.

  16. 随着窗边的景色,车上的旅客充溢等待。

    As the window of the car passenger scenery, full of expect.

  17. 随着窗边得景色,车上得旅客充溢等待。

    As the window of the car passenger scenery, full of expect.

  18. 这是一个水蓝色小精灵再次充溢生机。

    This is an aqua blue again a dynamic elf.

  19. 一个充溢着勇气和英雄气概的史诗故事

    An epic tale of courage and heroism

  20. 果园和麦田到处都充溢着工作的声响。

    Orchards and cornfields ring with the hum of labors.

  21. 让这些香味充溢你家的最好办法是什么?

    What's the best way to bring these scents into your home?

  22. 让优秀,真理,希望,有价值的思想充溢大脑。

    Filling my mind with all that is excellent, truthful, full of hope, and worthy of thinking about again.

  23. 人们记得儿时旧事, 因为那是热情充溢的时期。

    Childhood is remembered because it is passionate.

  24. 他父亲撒迦利亚被圣灵充溢, 就申言说,

    And Zachariah his father was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying

  25. 爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。

    My heart is filled with love, which is a boundless wealth.

  26. 众多的想法充溢在他的脑海, 他一时不知如何决定。

    A multitude of thoughts filled his mind, and he was at a loss at the time.

  27. 在处处充溢着财富的世界上, 饥饿并非不可避免。

    In a world overflowing with riches, hunger is not inevitable.

  28. 你名字的甜蜜充溢着我的心,而我却忘却了自己的名字。

    Sweetness of thy name fills my heart when I forget mine.

  29. 这种混合咖啡圆润饱满, 充溢着卓绝的朱古力余味。

    This blend of coffee is round and full with an excellent chocolate aftertaste.

  30. 佛教以为一切身心皆苦, 人生在世处处充溢着痛苦。

    Buddhism believes that all bodies and mind are suffering, life is full of pain.


  1. 问:充溢拼音怎么拼?充溢的读音是什么?充溢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充溢的读音是chōngyì,充溢翻译成英文是 to flow or run over the top; to overflow




【注音】:chōng yì
