


满、足:~足。~实。~分(fèn )(a.足够;b.尽量)。~沛。~裕。填满,装满:填~。~满(a.填满,布满;b.充分具有)。~耳不闻。~电。汗牛~栋。当,担任:~当。~军。假装:冒~。~数(shù)。姓。……


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……



汉语拼音:chōng fèn









  1. 亦作“ 充份 ”。足够。

    巴金 《里昂》:“我错就错在我想写我自己不熟悉的生活,而自己并没有充分的时间和适当的条件使不熟悉的变为熟悉。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第三章:“ 金树旺 原来只感到区长有点太平观念,他没有充分根据批评他。”

  2. 尽量。

    郭沫若 《羽书集·武装民众之必要》:“国家处到最严重的关头了,我们应该充份地发挥我们的力量,保卫 广东 ,保卫 中国 。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十五:“她要充分的享受新婚的快乐。”



  1. Things like this are always hard to prove, but we have it on good authority that beer was among the provisions Noah loaded onto the ark.


  2. The "great complexity" of a global economy in rapid transformation would be "exploited best by the rich and educated" of our time.


  3. But she says the United States is ready to devote the time to build understanding and act to bring justice to all.


  4. In another exchange, the two candidates sparred over who would be the most ready to assume the position of commander in chief.


  5. Translators should be fully aware of the commercial terms of the context dependency, do not be confused with the general vocabulary.


  6. She said that the more you know about an organization, its leaders and what's important to them, the more prepared you'll be.


  7. And if it makes people and employers think a bit harder about organizing a better work-life balance, so much the better.


  8. Consider all the technology limitations of a legacy system before jumping ahead into a legacy modernization effort.


  9. He said that he was bound for ever by his word, but he did not want to bind Natasha and would leave her perfect freedom.


  1. 充分理论。

    reading Malthus in October of 1836.

  2. 充分体会到

    be fully alive to.

  3. 充分发挥出

    give full play of.

  4. 装备充分的

    to be well equipped

  5. 充分统计量

    sufficient statistic.

  6. 充分条件集

    A set of sufficient conditions.

  7. 发挥充分威力

    in full force.

  8. 充分成长风浪

    fully developed sea

  9. 经过充分讨论

    after due discussion

  10. 充分披露原则

    full disclosure principle

  11. 充分反映民意

    fully reflect public opinion

  12. 必要充分条件

    necessary sufficient condition

  13. 充分利用资源

    to optimize the use of resources.

  14. 充分交流沟通。

    that they don't ordinarily talk about.

  15. 理由够充分了。

    Fair enough.

  16. 充分发展层流

    fully developed laminar flow

  17. 充分利用某物

    to make the most of something

  18. 一阶充分条件

    first order sufficient conditions

  19. 我充分意识到…

    I am fully/ well aware that...

  20. 未充分成长风浪

    not fully developed sea

  21. 充分领略的趣味。

    enjoy the full gusto of

  22. 需要充分的睡眠。

    I need a good night sleep

  23. 必要充分统计量

    necessary and sufficient statistic

  24. 充分利用新学年

    Making the Most of the New School Year

  25. 充分利用, 尽情享用

    make the best of sth.

  26. 给予某人充分自由

    to give somebody free rein

  27. 充分利用自然资源

    to optimize natural resources

  28. 充分地做某事

    to do something to the full

  29. 充分发挥想像力。

    Visualize it.

  30. 做好充分的准备

    make ample preparations


  1. 问:充分拼音怎么拼?充分的读音是什么?充分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分的读音是chōngfèn,充分翻译成英文是 ample; fully

  2. 问:充分地拼音怎么拼?充分地的读音是什么?充分地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分地的读音是chōng fēn dì,充分地翻译成英文是 Sufficiently

  3. 问:充分性拼音怎么拼?充分性的读音是什么?充分性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分性的读音是chōng fèn xìng,充分性翻译成英文是 adequacy

  4. 问:充分的拼音怎么拼?充分的的读音是什么?充分的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分的的读音是chōng fèn de,充分的翻译成英文是 sufficient, abundant, plenitudinous, plenary...

  5. 问:充分集拼音怎么拼?充分集的读音是什么?充分集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分集的读音是chōng fèn jí,充分集翻译成英文是 sufficient set

  6. 问:充分保护拼音怎么拼?充分保护的读音是什么?充分保护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分保护的读音是chōngfènbǎohù,充分保护翻译成英文是 adequate protection

  7. 问:充分保险拼音怎么拼?充分保险的读音是什么?充分保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分保险的读音是chōngfènbǎoxiǎn,充分保险翻译成英文是 adequate insurance

  8. 问:充分光滑拼音怎么拼?充分光滑的读音是什么?充分光滑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分光滑的读音是chōng fèn guāng huá,充分光滑翻译成英文是 sufficiently smooth

  9. 问:充分利用拼音怎么拼?充分利用的读音是什么?充分利用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分利用的读音是,充分利用翻译成英文是 leverage

  10. 问:充分协商拼音怎么拼?充分协商的读音是什么?充分协商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分协商的读音是chōngfènxiéshāng,充分协商翻译成英文是 full consultation

  11. 问:充分听证拼音怎么拼?充分听证的读音是什么?充分听证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分听证的读音是chōng fèn tīng zhèng,充分听证翻译成英文是 full hearing

  12. 问:充分均衡拼音怎么拼?充分均衡的读音是什么?充分均衡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分均衡的读音是chōng fēn jūn héng,充分均衡翻译成英文是 full equilibrium

  13. 问:充分审理拼音怎么拼?充分审理的读音是什么?充分审理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分审理的读音是chōng fèn shěn lǐ,充分审理翻译成英文是 full hearing

  14. 问:充分序列拼音怎么拼?充分序列的读音是什么?充分序列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分序列的读音是chōng fèn xù liè,充分序列翻译成英文是 sufficient sequence

  15. 问:充分必要拼音怎么拼?充分必要的读音是什么?充分必要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分必要的读音是chōng fēn bì yào,充分必要翻译成英文是 necessary and sufficient condition

  16. 问:充分承诺拼音怎么拼?充分承诺的读音是什么?充分承诺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分承诺的读音是chōng fēn chéng nuò,充分承诺翻译成英文是 sufficient acceptance

  17. 问:充分条件拼音怎么拼?充分条件的读音是什么?充分条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分条件的读音是chōngfèntiáojiàn,充分条件翻译成英文是 sufficient condition

  18. 问:充分查证拼音怎么拼?充分查证的读音是什么?充分查证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分查证的读音是chōngfèncházhèng,充分查证翻译成英文是 adequate verification

  19. 问:充分核查拼音怎么拼?充分核查的读音是什么?充分核查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分核查的读音是chōng fèn hé chá,充分核查翻译成英文是 Adequate Verification

  20. 问:充分理由拼音怎么拼?充分理由的读音是什么?充分理由翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分理由的读音是chōngfènlǐyóu,充分理由翻译成英文是 sufficient reason




【拼音】chōng fèn

