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宋 徐铉 《稽神录·蔡彦卿》:“﹝ 彦卿 ﹞復掘地,获银数千两,遂致富裕云。” 柔石 《二月》:“家境稍富裕,就不愿做冒险的事业,虽则有志,也从别的方面去发展了。” 邓友梅 《在悬崖上》:“她要求替我管账,从此我不仅每月过的都很富裕,而且能按月积蓄一点钱。”
Mr Hirst is as famous for being rich and famous as he is for his art, which may be part of his appeal.
赫斯特先生因为富裕而闻名,也因为其艺术而被世人尊崇,这也许就是他的魅力所在。Some worry that this marks a first step in the secession of the county's rich, mostly white north from its poorer, mostly black south.
有些人担心这标志着富尔顿县富大多数相对贫穷的北部白人聚集区域和大多数黑人聚集的南部富裕退步的第一步。Wu, 68, said he made up of his mind to buy his wife a piano long ago, even though their life was poor.
68岁的吴政说,尽管家境并不富裕,但他很久以前就下定决心要为老伴买架钢琴。Affluence is not measured by how much you have; it is measured by how much you give.
衡量富裕的标准不是看你拥有多少,而是看你给予多少。The reason is simple. How rich you are depends on two things: how much money you have, and how much the goods you buy cost.
原因很简单。你的富裕程度取决于两个因素:一是你有多少钱,一是你购买物品的价格是多少。A busy street of Shanghai displays the riches and splendors of the city. Carried by the wind, opera music drifts in and out.
一条上海的繁荣街道展现出这座城市的富裕繁华。京剧声随风飘荡。There was no mechanism to allow richer provinces downstream to help poorer, polluting neighbours clean up, he added.
而且没有一种机制,促使下游较富裕的省份帮助贫穷的邻近省份搞清洁。FEARS of a general deflation may be receding but in the rich world's housing markets at least, falling prices are still the norm.
对于通货紧缩的恐惧正在减退,但是至少在富裕国家的房地产市场上,房价的下跌仍然是普遍现象。Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune.