


1. 欠 [qiàn]欠 [qiàn]人在疲倦时张口出气:打哈~。身体稍稍向上移动:~身。短少,不够:~缺。~安。借别人的财物没有还或应当给人的事物还没有给:拖~。~账。……





汉语拼音:qiàn quē









  1. 缺少;不足。

    元 关汉卿 《单刀会》第四折:“且将军仁义礼智俱足,惜乎止少个信字,欠缺未完。”《儒林外史》第二五回:“只因衣食欠缺,留他在家,跟着饿死,不如放他一条生路!” 毛泽东 《反对本本主义》:“自然人多也有人多的坏处,指挥能力欠缺的人会无法使会场得到安静。”

  2. 缺点,不足之处。

    明 高攀龙 《讲义·君子所性仁义礼智根于心》:“本分之内,无纤毫欠缺。” 老舍 《赵子曰》第十九:“你叫我说 欧阳 的坏处,我反说了你的欠缺。”



  1. It is the topping up that the subject is called on to make at this missing place by a sign which we call on from his own castration.


  2. I never thought Mr. Darcy so deficient in the APPEARANCE of it as you used to do.


  3. My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood.


  4. The reason why the early abortion is often lacking, the performance corpus luteum thyroid performance beneath, chromosome special, etc.


  5. Don't worry about the (lack of) sense of what you write, for you can chose to keep or toss out these ideas when the activity is over.


  6. He may tell you how much he loves you, yet he is short on care or consideration towards you.


  7. He advised my attending certain places in London for the acquisition of such mere rudiments as I wanted.


  8. The skill gap between those that have experience and those that do not is likely to widen over the next several years.


  9. The government ought to see that the unjustified delay in the Rowse case may encourage officials to avoid taking responsibility.


  1. 行为能力欠缺

    short of civil capacity

  2. 民事行为能力欠缺

    The adult mental incompetent

  3. 行为能力欠缺宣告

    declaration of lack of capacity

  4. 欠缺行为能力成年人

    incapable adult

  5. 但欠缺什么野心。

    But it lacks nothing in ambition.

  6. 数学能力同样欠缺。

    Math skills are just as deficient.

  7. 他的论点有欠缺。

    There are holes in his argument.

  8. 欠缺的缺乏的或不足的

    Lacking or deficient.

  9. 礼貌欠缺显示出缺乏教育。

    Bad manners savor a bad education.

  10. 他们的授课能力有些欠缺。

    There's some weakness in their teaching ability.

  11. 我很讨厌欠缺公德的人。

    I very dislike defective social ethics person.

  12. 少想自己欠缺的,多想自己拥有的。

    Think not on what you lack as much as on what you have.

  13. 家庭生活欠缺稳定性及可靠性。

    Short of stability and dependability in domesticity.

  14. 国际贸易知识现阶段比较欠缺。

    Parallel international trade knowledge the present stage shortcoming.

  15. 你认为你现在的学校欠缺些什么?

    What is missing at your current school?

  16. 可惜对于地理的知识还很欠缺。

    In geography there is still much to be desired.

  17. 政府行动速度太快,却欠缺思考。

    The government moved with too much speed and too little thought.

  18. 但监督不力源于管理和治理欠缺。

    But poor oversight is a management and governance deficiency.

  19. 合同中有欠缺、遗漏、矛盾或歧义。

    Deficiencies, omissions, contradictions or ambiguities in the contract.

  20. 欠缺一份充份完整得结案报告会如何

    What happens in absence of a good, complete final report

  21. 欠缺一份充份完整的结案报告会如何

    What happens in absence of a good, complete final report

  22. 而铅欠缺对介电损耗影响很小。

    PbO deficiency only affected dielectric loss very weakly.

  23. 我觉得自己在工作上有严重的欠缺。

    I felt inadequate on a functional plane.

  24. 对于网页训练的主要障碍在于经费的欠缺。

    A major obstacle to Web training is the lack of funds.

  25. 语言能力严重欠缺的未受过教育的人。

    Untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient.

  26. 语言能力严重欠缺的未受过教育的人。

    Untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient.

  27. 骂得话虽然欠缺变化,骂得力气愈来愈足。

    While the cursing lacked variety, its force grew stronger and stronger.

  28. 信息技术教育师资队伍水平欠缺,流失严重。

    IT education teaching staff is relatively incompetent and drainage of qualified staff is alarmingly serious.

  29. 骂的话虽然欠缺变化, 骂的力气愈来愈足。

    While the cursing lacked variety, its force grew stronger and stronger.

  30. 但在井斜控制方面的研究还很欠缺。

    But the research on borehole deviation control is very few.


  1. 问:欠缺拼音怎么拼?欠缺的读音是什么?欠缺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠缺的读音是qiànquē,欠缺翻译成英文是 lack

  2. 问:欠缺地拼音怎么拼?欠缺地的读音是什么?欠缺地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠缺地的读音是,欠缺地翻译成英文是 defectively

  3. 问:欠缺的拼音怎么拼?欠缺的的读音是什么?欠缺的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠缺的的读音是,欠缺的翻译成英文是 wanting

  4. 问:欠缺假说拼音怎么拼?欠缺假说的读音是什么?欠缺假说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠缺假说的读音是qiàn quē jiǎ shuō,欠缺假说翻译成英文是 deficit theory

  5. 问:欠缺对价拼音怎么拼?欠缺对价的读音是什么?欠缺对价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠缺对价的读音是qiàn quē duì jià,欠缺对价翻译成英文是 want of consideration

  6. 问:欠缺约因拼音怎么拼?欠缺约因的读音是什么?欠缺约因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠缺约因的读音是qiàn quē yuē yīn,欠缺约因翻译成英文是 want of consideration

  7. 问:欠缺联合诉讼人拼音怎么拼?欠缺联合诉讼人的读音是什么?欠缺联合诉讼人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠缺联合诉讼人的读音是qiàn quē lián hé sù sòng rén,欠缺联合诉讼人翻译成英文是 nonjoinder



【拼音】:qiàn quē

【注音】:ㄑㄧㄢˋ ㄑㄩㄝ