


1. 齐 [qí]2. 齐 [jì]3. 齐 [zī]4. 齐 [zhāi]齐 [qí]东西的一头平或排成一条直线:~整。参差不~。达到,跟什么一般平:见贤思~。河水~腰深。同时;同样;一起:~名。~声。~心协力。一~前进。全;完全:~全。……





汉语拼音:qí bèi








  1. 犹齐全。

    元 王晔 《桃花女》第三折:“我这娶亲的礼物,一应已都齐备了。”《红楼梦》第八三回:“轿车俱已齐备,在门外伺候着呢。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·遣试》:“要打发他上京取应,衣囊资斧,俱已齐备。”



  1. Innovation is only possible to a certain level, since everything was already done. But therefor no less important to always give it a try.


  2. 17At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready. '


  3. Besides did not bring my own eyes, and the rest in place of everything.


  4. And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.


  5. buyers also understand the hardship as a seller, you know, so many commodities sometimes really impossible to achieve each always available!


  6. Chinese spaghetti is easy to make. It's smooth, tasty, and nutritious as well. You won't want to leave a bite after trying the first one.


  7. you must be one of the storage, room ID card with my case complete, before being led out of the items are sent.


  8. And for a time, you may simply walk away. The ingredients are there; they just need to simmer and stew.


  9. There was the receipt of the Duke of Wellington to restore peace and security to British interests at Canton.


  1. 货色齐备。

    Goods of every description are available.

  2. 你一切齐备。

    You have got everything.

  3. 各种货物齐备

    all sorts of goods in stock.

  4. 物物齐备,井井有条。

    A place for Everything, and Everything in its place.

  5. 商店里货色齐备。

    The store carries a complete stock.

  6. 他们各种尺码齐备。

    They stock all sizes.

  7. 事未齐备, 切莫妄动

    Draw not your Bow till your arrow is fixed

  8. 从来没有万事齐备的事。

    You are never entirely ready.

  9. 礼器齐备, 典礼马上开始。

    The sacrificial vessels are ready and the ceremony will start soon.

  10. 礼器齐备,典礼马上开始。

    The sacrificial vessels are ready and the ceremony will start soon.

  11. 回字型设置,会议设施齐备!

    Back to the font settings, conference facilities available!

  12. 两样货色齐备, 各有各的用处。

    They keep both kinds of goods in stock and find a use for each.

  13. 手续齐备的合同受到法律保护。

    Valid contracts get legal protection.

  14. 手续齐备的合同受到法律保护。

    Valid contracts get legal protection.

  15. 实验所需的东西都已齐备。

    The things necessary for the experiment are all ready.

  16. 他们买了一栋家具齐备的房子。

    They bought a house complete with furniture.

  17. 他们各种尺码齐备。地毯现货尺寸齐全。

    They stock all sizes. The carpet is available in various widths.

  18. 从所有存货齐备的商店都可买到

    Available from all good stockists

  19. 我不能入境是因为我证明文件不齐备。

    I couldn't enter the country because I didn't have all the necessary documentation.

  20. 她有个人电脑, 彩色打印机, 扫描仪, 样样齐备。

    Shes got a PC, colour printer, scannerthe lot.

  21. 我们军需品齐备, 已做好了战斗准备。

    We have been munitioned and ready for the battle.

  22. 而设备方面, 硬件及必要软件都需齐备。

    In terms of equipments hardware and some related software are both needed.

  23. 公司人员齐备,拥有多名工程师及专业技术人员。

    The company persons are all readly and It has famous engineer and the specialized technical personnel.

  24. 月亮河庭院酒店, 布局幽静典雅, 配套设施齐备。

    Moon River Courtyard hotel, layout quiet elegance, and the supporting facilities are available.

  25. 我国立法齐备,缺乏的是可信的情报和证据。

    My country is not lacking in legislation, but in credible information and evidence.

  26. 可以说, 到了晋代五种书法形式已经齐备。

    By the Jin Dynasty, all five Chinese calligraphy types had taken on their distinctive initial shapes.

  27. 在漫长的冬季,我们的粮食和衣物齐备无缺。

    During the long winters, we are well provided with food and clothing.

  28. 犯罪既遂的标准应该是犯罪构成要件要素的齐备。

    The standard of accomplishment of crime should be crime constitution essential factors completion.

  29. 犯罪既遂得标准应该是犯罪构成要件要素得齐备。

    The standard of accomplishment of crime should be crime constitution essential factors completion.

  30. 不久,东家老爷姚思安出来了,看一切齐备了没有。

    Soon the master appeared to see that all was in order.


  1. 问:齐备拼音怎么拼?齐备的读音是什么?齐备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:齐备的读音是qíbèi,齐备翻译成英文是 ready


