







汉语拼音:měi mǎn








  1. 美好;美好圆满。

    唐 杜牧 《池州送孟迟先辈》诗:“千帆美满风,晓日殷鲜血。” 明 刘基 《吴歌》:“明月比心花比面,花容美满月团圆。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·却奁》:“儿女浓情如花酿,美满无他想。”



  1. With the perversity of a Desdemona she had not affected a proposed match that was clearly suitable and according to nature.


  2. marriage was only the beginning. the lines of our loving weave an ever more closely patterned fabric a tapestry of a shared life.


  3. Rose, sweet and fragrant , send to you to say , may each hour be a happy one on this special day. Have a happy birthday!


  4. Yet their basic philosophy is the same, and though it may never have been a passionate romance, the marriage has worked well over the years.


  5. Marriage was only the beginning. The lines of our living tapestry weave are ever more closely patterned fabric a tapestry of a shared life.


  6. I noticed on that occasion how much selfishness there is even in a love like Mr Linton's, when he so regretted Catherine's blessed release!


  7. At least once a day sincerely Kwajalein family, and thank them with your co-operation of a happy family.


  8. I have come to see that communication between partners is always the most crucial tool for a good partnership.


  9. All my possessions are a baby horse and a few ginsengs and of course a harmonious family.


  1. 非常美满。

    Life was pretty good.

  2. 美满地结婚

    to be happily married.

  3. 美满良缘宴

    Happy Life Wedding Set Menu.

  4. 美满的婚姻

    a happy marriage conjugal happiness.

  5. 幸福美满,好吧

    as any other family. Okay.

  6. 长久美满的婚姻

    a long and happy marriage

  7. 美满幸福的一生

    a lifetime of perfect felicity

  8. 孩子可人,事业美满。

    You have the kids.You have the career.

  9. 孩子可人,事业美满。

    You have the kids. You have the career.

  10. 美满婚姻, 骇人收场。

    Perfect Marriage Ends in Shocker.

  11. 美满婚姻,骇人收场。

    Perfect Marriage Ends in Shocker.

  12. 好事成双, 和谐美满。

    Good things go in pairs with peace.

  13. 好事成双,和谐美满。

    Good things go in pairs with peace.

  14. 他们的婚姻非常美满。

    Their marriage has been a very happy one.

  15. 最后,祝家美满幸福!

    In conclusion, please accept my best wishes for your family.

  16. 愿你们新婚美满如意。

    May every happiness be yours in your marriage.

  17. 预祝你们将来幸福美满。

    Every good wish for your future happiness together.

  18. 我们有个美满的家庭。

    We have a rich,full life together.

  19. 温馨美满的家里抢走

    from the only family that you ever knew.

  20. 我们有个美满的家庭。

    We have a rich, full life together.

  21. 我们的婚姻,前所未有的美满。

    Our marriage is the best it's ever been.

  22. 你祖父的生活美满吗?

    Did your grandnother have a contented life?

  23. 我们都希望婚礼要美满

    We agreed we want it to be nice.

  24. 有个美满的结局;有个圆满的结局

    to have a happy ending

  25. 他们的结合是美满的姻缘

    Their wedlock is happy marriage

  26. 你们俩会无比幸福美满

    You guys are gonna be insanely happy.

  27. 你们俩会无比幸福美满。

    You guys are gonna be insanely happy.

  28. 我们的结合是美满的姻缘。

    Our wedlock is a happy marriage.

  29. 爱情草率结婚, 鲜少美满。

    Love Hasty marriage seldom proves well.

  30. 祝愿你俩生活美满幸福。

    I wish you both all the luck and happiness life can offer.


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    答:美满的读音是měimǎn,美满翻译成英文是 perfectly satisfactory

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    答:美满结局的读音是Měimǎn jiéjú,美满结局翻译成英文是 a happy ending

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    答:美满地的读音是,美满地翻译成英文是 creditably

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    答:美满电子科技公司的读音是,美满电子科技公司翻译成英文是 Marvell Technology Group