











汉语拼音:wán wán quán quán






  1. "She is so lovely, " he said, He had fallen completely in love with her. "How can I wake her? "


  2. george , jr . , flourished about as if he were a man entirely and must needs have private matters.


  3. Yet as I said, the only way to actually believe the modern G. O. P. catechism is to be completely clueless.


  4. You bring to mind the yielding fullness of his lower lip as you kissed him on the beach.


  5. He said he had since been given medical opinion that it was "absolutely" the wrong form of treatment.


  6. While there may be a few complete frauds out there, many of these companies might have real, profitable businesses that have real value.


  7. This was most blessedly perfect long before we had the slightest knowledge of him.


  8. The stories in the news the next day were filed from Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur, not Dili. It was all secondhand news.


  9. He did not realize that she was obeying his orders exactly, although it was breaking her heart.


  1. 完完全全的第一次

    For the first time ever.

  2. 这完完全全是欺诈

    this is fraud, pure and simple

  3. 完完全全的着迷了。

    and going totally and completely nuts with it.

  4. 那完完全全是弥天大谎。

    That was a flat out lie.

  5. 我完完全全地明白了!

    I hear ya loud and clear!

  6. 我一直完完全全地相信

    I believe with my whole self.

  7. 我完完全全的崇拜你。

    I absolutely and totally and utterly adore you.

  8. 他完完全全上当受骗了。

    He was victimized six ways to Sunday.

  9. 农业部完完全全无动于衷。

    The pluterperfect imperturbability of the department of agriculture

  10. 完完全全人工制造的颜色。

    It's such an extraordinarily artificial color.

  11. 我完完全全地 在玩儿。

    and I was totally and completely at play.

  12. 到处都是生命,完完全全到处都是。

    Life is everywhere, absolutely everywhere.

  13. 完完全全与某事不相称

    to be out of all proportion to something

  14. 我完完全全是个电脑盲。

    I am completely computer illiterate.

  15. 这完完全全是一个骗局。

    It is nothing more or less than a swindle.

  16. 你完完全全掌控着一切。

    You're a director, you've done it for years.

  17. 你有完完全全的绝对的信念。

    And you had complete and utter faith.

  18. 她完完全全配做他的配偶。

    She was worthy to be his partner in every sense of the term.

  19. 一个完完全全的否定错误的体系。

    It's a complete denial of mistakes.

  20. 要么就一点也不相信我,要么就完完全全相信我。

    Do not trust me at all, or trust me in everything.

  21. 我发誓说出真相, 整个真相, 完完全全的真相。

    I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

  22. 看我的发型,完完全全像是刚下船的!

    Take a look of my hair, man, I looked totally FOB!

  23. 她的冲动的激情则完完全全是个缺点。

    Her impulsive passion was a positive defect.

  24. 我爱你。真真正正。完完全全。全身心的爱你。

    I loved you with my heart.really and truly.

  25. 那么这完完全全没有道理。你肯定这样想

    So, completely irrational, you would think.

  26. 你要保证他的脸被完完全全遮盖住

    You will make sure to drape every inch of his face.

  27. 因此,这是完完全全的 最好的个体化医疗。

    So this is absolutely personalized medicine at its best really.

  28. 要想完完全全地控制他,显然是无知妄为。

    It would patently be a nonsense to put him in complete control.

  29. 杰克完完全全就是这种脾气,想怎么干就怎么干。

    Thats Jack all over, hes got to have things his own way.

  30. 令人兴奋的色彩与织物,完完全全的异国情调。

    Exciting colours and faBrics, an exotic atmosphere.


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    答:完完全全的的读音是,完完全全的翻译成英文是 unmitigated