


满、足:~足。~实。~分(fèn )(a.足够;b.尽量)。~沛。~裕。填满,装满:填~。~满(a.填满,布满;b.充分具有)。~耳不闻。~电。汗牛~栋。当,担任:~当。~军。假装:冒~。~数(shù)。姓。……





汉语拼音:chōng yíng









  1. 充满。

    《荀子·赋》:“充盈大宇而不窕。”《汉书·刘向传》:“今 王氏 一姓乘朱轮华轂者二十三人,青紫貂蝉充盈幄内。” 宋 苏轼 《徐州祈雨青词》:“飢寒顿仆於沟坑,盗贼充盈於犴狱。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·织成》:“生微醒,闻兰麝充盈。” 续范亭 《中山图书馆落成纪念》诗:“伟大同情,充盈八极。”

  2. 充足;众多。

    《管子·八观》:“国虽充盈,金玉虽多,宫室必有度。”《尸子》卷下:“是故万物莫不任兴,蕃殖充盈,乐之至也。” 宋 秦观 《财用上》:“俯仰如意,豪气浸生,货贿充盈,侈心自动。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·技艺》:“ 泰西 通商,所以致富者,在材贷之充盈耳。”

  3. 自得;骄傲。

    《荀子·子道》:“今女衣服既盛,颜色充盈,天下且孰肯諫女矣。”《吕氏春秋·重言》:“臣闻君子有三色……艴然充盈,手足矜者,兵革之色也。” 汉 刘向 《新序·杂事五》:“去国居 卫 ,容貌充盈,颜色发扬。”

  4. 丰满;肥胖。

    《孔子家语·礼运》:“四体既正,肤革充盈,人之肥也。” 清 袁枚 《随园随笔·不符》:“独 司马光 《纪闻》言 德昭 好啖肥肉,体太充盈,一夕啖肉过多,痰涌而卒。”



  1. You know how to fill me with sweet joy and wipe away all my worries.


  2. And as through the fulness of his love his heart did break, the Soul found an entrance and entered in, and was one with him even as before.


  3. With her brown bobbed hair, luminous gray eyes and pale skin, she looked perfectly charming.


  4. In the West, such a remembrance is spoken of as "The Garden of Eden" , a time when life was filled with wonder, magic and play.


  5. The enormous amount of liquidity sloshing around the system was directed at acquiring existing properties rather than building new ones.


  6. Even the creators in great excitement long for something, and call the dreams of ongoing change in an attempt to fill themselves.


  7. And in the wake of the financial crisis, some of that was necessary to keep credit flowing, save jobs, and put money in people's pockets.


  8. May your holidays be filled with joy, and carry you forth into the next phase of your own awakening and transcendence.


  9. Under no circumstance should Chinese teaching be separated from affection, with which Chinese is just like Chinese.


  1. 仓廪充盈。

    The granaries are full.

  2. 颈静脉充盈

    Engorgement of the neck veins

  3. 无蒂充盈缺损

    sessile filling defect.

  4. 河流变得充盈

    The river begin to swell

  5. 浅静脉充盈度

    Superficial vein turgidity

  6. 左室充盈类型

    left ventricular filling type

  7. 满,充盈满到边沿。

    To be full to the brim.

  8. 满, 充盈满到边沿

    To be full to the brim.

  9. 虫蚀状充盈缺损

    vermiform filling defect

  10. 左室舒张充盈类型

    Left ventricular filling pattern

  11. 小肠充盈缺损23例分析

    Analysis of 23 cases of small intestine filling defect

  12. 那充盈着眼眶的泪水阿

    Tears filled with the pool of eye sockets

  13. 此时充盈的泪水使我盲目

    And now the tears in my eyes are ever blinding

  14. 俺的祖国资源充盈, 物产富饶!

    Resources of my country, filling, bountiful!

  15. 颗粒状腺细胞内充盈分泌颗粒。

    Granular gland cells contain a large number of secretory granules.

  16. 即肝, 脾, 淋巴结肿大, 胆囊充盈。

    The inaculation was done in the obdominal cavity.

  17. 在寂寞的时, 泪水将充盈你。

    In lonely hours, the tears devour you.

  18. 你在充盈之前就安置了空洞。

    You put emptiness before fullness.

  19. 你被大海丰饶泡沫的细语充盈。

    You fill with sea foam's whispers plenty.

  20. 富足充盈于你的四周以及你的内心。

    Abundance is all around you, and all within.

  21. 让禅定的宁静充盈你的生活。

    Allow a period of some minutes for the peace of the practice of meditation to infiltrate your life.

  22. 看起来体力充盈, 很有威仪但很面善。

    He looked lively and powerful, yet virtuous.

  23. 你的内心将 充盈着爱慕之情。

    Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you.

  24. 采用患者自行排尿方法充盈尿道。

    The patients were asked to micturate to distend the urethra.

  25. 他眼中已经充盈着激动的泪水。

    His eyes are full of tears due to excitement.

  26. 他眼中已经充盈着激动的泪水。

    His eyes are full of tears due to excitement.

  27. 我对充盈勃发, 无声无息的美顶礼膜拜。

    I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty.

  28. 她希望戏的情节更加充盈丰满起来。

    She wished the plot to thicken.

  29. 而慢充盈分数, 心房充盈分数却相应增加。

    R ratio to total posterior wall excursion was also decreased, while the slow filling fraction and arterial filly fration were increased correspondingly.

  30. 细胞死亡伴随出现大量充盈得囊泡。

    Cell death is associated with the presence of numerous engorged vacuoles.


  1. 问:充盈拼音怎么拼?充盈的读音是什么?充盈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充盈的读音是chōngyíng,充盈翻译成英文是 To be filled with.; Full.

  2. 问:充盈期拼音怎么拼?充盈期的读音是什么?充盈期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充盈期的读音是chōng yíng qī,充盈期翻译成英文是 filling period

  3. 问:充盈的拼音怎么拼?充盈的的读音是什么?充盈的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充盈的的读音是chōng yíng de,充盈的翻译成英文是 engorged

  4. 问:充盈缺损拼音怎么拼?充盈缺损的读音是什么?充盈缺损翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充盈缺损的读音是chōng yíng quē sǔn,充盈缺损翻译成英文是 filling defect


