




1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……



汉语拼音:qīng kǔ








  1. 守贫刻苦。

    《东观汉记·鲍宣妻传》:“ 宣 尝就 少君 父学,父奇其清苦,以女妻之。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·安贫》:“昔 回 宪 以清苦称高, 陈平 以无金免危。” 明 唐顺之 《与吕通竹屿书》:“执事佐郡六年,清苦直方之节,众共知之。”

  2. 贫苦。

    元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷五:“﹝ 许国 ﹞敝衣糲食,环堵萧然,盖清苦之士也。”《儒林外史》第四七回:“他父亲太守公是个清官,当初在任上时,过些清苦日子。” 马少波 《一朵冬天开的花》:“诗人的生活很清苦。”

  3. 诗文清峻寒苦。

    宋 范仲淹 《唐异诗序》:“诗家者流,厥情非一,失志之人其辞苦,得意之人其辞逸……如 孟东野 之清苦, 薛许昌 之英逸。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·品藻》:“先是 李补闕 林宗 、 杜殿中 牧 ,与 白公 輦下较文,具言 元 白 体舛杂,而为清苦者见嗤,因兹恨也。” 清 顾嗣立 《寒厅诗话》:“四灵以清苦为诗,以洗 黄 陈 之恶气象、狞面目。”



  1. She sang so beautifully that even the poor fishermen who had plenty of other things to do lay still to listen to her.

  2. Those were the halcyon days of British industries. The banyan days have been with the miners since then, and seem likely to stay.

  3. His father was a bitter teachers union organizer and political agitator who spent his weekends hiking nude in the Anza Borrego desert.

  4. He lived a poor life in his childhood and developed interests in reading, calligraphy and seal cutting .

  5. His life was austere which, however, made his mind sound, tranquil and peaceful.

  6. Life in the remote mountain area is difficult, but there we saw the laughter of children.

  7. He was not unhappy although they were poor.

  8. the ascetic existence of monks and hermits.

  9. The first proof of charity in the priest, in the bishop especially, is poverty.


  1. 档案工作太清苦?

    Is Archival Work Too Cool and Hard?

  2. 僧侣隐士的清苦生活。

    the ascetic existence of monks and hermits

  3. 过着清苦生活得僧侣。

    monks leading simple, austere lives

  4. 过着清苦生活的僧侣。

    Monks leading simple, austere lives.

  5. 由富裕到清苦的变化。

    The change from affluence to austerity.

  6. 僧侣们过着清苦的生活。

    Monks are leading simple, austere lives.

  7. 在山里过清苦的生活。

    Lead a Spartan life in the mountains.

  8. 军队的生活还是相对清苦的。

    The life of the troops was still comparatively austere.

  9. 僧侣过着很清苦的生活。

    The monks lived a very ascetic life.

  10. 他们过着极端清苦的生活。

    They lived an austere life.

  11. 因此, 童年的孔子和母亲清苦度日。

    Thus, Confucius lived in poverty with his mother since childhood.

  12. 虽然生活清苦, 也比傍人门户要好。

    It is better to struggle on one's own than to rely on others.

  13. 虽然生活清苦,也比傍人门户要好。

    It is better to struggle on one's own than to rely on others.

  14. 他靠卖胡麻为生,日子过得很清苦。

    Living on selling benne, he led a hard and poor life.

  15. 他靠卖胡麻为生,日子过得很清苦。

    Living on selling benne, he led a hard and poor life.

  16. 别的人已经作好过清苦生活的准备了。

    Others have been prepared to follow a life of austerity.

  17. 他的生活总是过得十分清苦,很有节制。

    His way of life is remarkably austere and controlled.

  18. 他幼年时生活清苦,酷爱读书,喜欢书法篆刻。

    He lived a poor life in his childhood and developed interests in reading, calligraphy and seal cutting.

  19. 他是一个清苦的学人,受到很多人的尊重。

    As a scholar leading a simple and austere life, he was respected by a lot of people.

  20. 他是一个清苦的学人,受到很多人的尊重。

    As a scholar leading a simple and austere life, he was respected by a lot of people.

  21. 看似清苦,可是他甘之如饴,从不觉得还缺少什麽。

    It seems austere but he enjoys it very much, never feeling insufficient.

  22. 看似清苦,可是他甘之如饴,从不觉得还缺少什么。

    It seems austere but he enjoys it very much, never feeling insufficient.

  23. 修行的生活很清苦,即便是进餐,也是一种功课。

    The monastic life is poor and simple, even dinning is a practice of Buddhism.

  24. 我们过了几星期得豪华生活之后, 又恢复往日得清苦生活。

    For a few weeks we lived on the fat of the land and then went back to beans and potatoes.

  25. 我们过了几星期的豪华生活之后,又恢复往日的清苦生活。

    For a few weeks we lived on the fat of the land and then went back to beans and potatoes.

  26. 自从我丈夫失业后, 我们得生活很清苦, 但夫妻恩爱。

    Ours has been love in a cottage since my husband lost his job.

  27. 自从我丈夫失业后,我们的生活很清苦,但夫妻恩爱。

    Ours has been love in a cottage since my husband lost his job.

  28. 听说守墓人的生活不仅清苦寂寞,而且有一定的危险性。

    I heard that a grave-keeper's life is not only poor and lonely, but also a bit dangerous.


  1. 问:清苦拼音怎么拼?清苦的读音是什么?清苦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清苦的读音是qīngkǔ,清苦翻译成英文是 poor and honest



【拼音】qīng kǔ

【词性】形容词 1.守贫刻苦。《东观汉记·鲍宣妻传》:“ 宣 尝就 少君 父学,父奇其清苦,以女妻之。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·安贫》:“昔 回 宪 以清苦称高, 陈平 以无金免危。” 明 唐顺之 《与吕通竹屿书》:“执事佐郡六年,清苦直方之节,众共知之。” 2.贫苦。

元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷五:“﹝ 许国 ﹞敝衣粝食,环堵萧然,盖清苦之士也。”《儒林外史》第四七回:“他父亲太守公是个清官,当初在任上时,过些清苦日子。” 马少波 《一朵冬天开的花》:“诗人的生活很清苦。” 3.诗文清峻寒苦。

宋 范仲淹 《唐异诗序》:“诗家者流,厥情非一,失志之人其辞苦,得意之人其辞逸……如 孟东野 之清苦, 薛许昌 之英逸。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·品藻》:“先是 李补阙 林宗 、 杜殿中 牧 ,与 白公 辇下较文,具言 元 白 体舛杂,而为清苦者见嗤,因兹恨也。” 清 顾嗣立 《寒厅诗话》:“四灵以清苦为诗,以洗 黄 陈 之恶气象、狞面目。”

