







汉语拼音:xiān zǔ








  1. 祖先。

    《书·多士》:“乃命尔先祖 成汤 革 夏 ,俊民甸四方。”《礼记·祭统》:“夫鼎有铭,铭者,自名也。自名以称扬其先祖之美,而明著之后世者也。”《史记·田单列传》:“ 田单 乃令城中人食必祭其先祖於庭。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·止足》:“先祖 靖侯 戒子姪曰:‘汝家书生门户,世无富贵。’” 王利器 集解引 卢文弨 曰:“ 之推 九世祖名 含 。” 宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·冬至》:“备办饮食,享祀先祖。”

  2. 称已故的祖父。

    宋 曾巩 《寄欧阳舍人书》:“先祖之言行卓卓,幸遇而得铭。”《儒林外史》第十三回:“小弟因先君见背的早,在先祖膝下料理些家务,所以不曾致力於举业。”



  1. Our ancestors seem to have had a regular system of 26 symbols, which may have been the origins of written language.


  2. Legendary ancestors once found it relatively easy to balance their feral instincts against their human wisdom, but no longer.


  3. Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day.


  4. Do not keep in mind against us the sins of our fathers; let your mercy come to us quickly, for we have been made very low.


  5. Progenitor: The first Promethean of a Lineage. Frankenstein's monster was the Progenitor of the Frankenstein Lineage.


  6. And, behold, ye are risen up in your fathers' stead, an increase of sinful men, to augment yet the fierce anger of the LORD toward Israel.


  7. They say also that the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves return to live again in their own kin and to bear once more their ancient names.


  8. When these children are not taught to speak the language of their ancestors, a connection with their native culture is bound to be lost.


  9. What you read on these monuments of the Long Count are events that connected Maya rulers with ancestors and the divine.


  1. 先祖与先知

    The Story of Patriarchs and Prophets.

  2. 我的先祖的幽魂。

    The shades of my dead ancestors

  3. 我得先祖得幽魂。

    The shades of my dead ancestors.

  4. 我们向先祖的神哭喊。

    'and we cried out to the God of our fathers.

  5. 先祖在上,看它那尺寸!

    By our ancestors, look at the size of it!

  6. 其先祖为西伯利亚巫医。

    Their Progenitor was a Siberian shaman.

  7. 先祖觉醒激流爆击可以触发。

    Ancestral Awakening Now works on Riptide Critical Hits.

  8. 亚伯拉罕是犹太人的先祖。

    Abraham is the patriarch, forefather, from the Jews.

  9. 他的先祖可以上溯到700年前。

    He could trace his ancestors back seven hundred years.

  10. 那是远逝的家园,那是先祖的梦!

    Our home has been disappearing, gone with the dream of our ancestors.

  11. 你先祖所立的地界, 你不可挪移。

    Let not the old landmark be moved which your fathers have put in place.

  12. 先祖觉醒可以被激流的暴击触发。

    Ancestral Awakening Now works on Riptide Critical Hits.

  13. 先祖手泽怎能毁在后代手中呢

    How can the ancestor's handwriting and articles be ruined in the hand of their offspring

  14. 先祖手泽怎能毁在后代手中呢?

    How can the ancestor's handwriting and articles be ruined in the hand of their offspring?

  15. 由先祖制作的活尸则继承其世系。

    Any Prometheans the Progenitor then creates inherit his Lineage.

  16. 先祖觉醒和强化水盾对激流生效了。

    Ancestral Awakening and Improved Water Shield will now affect Riptide.

  17. 也别忘记,俄备得成为了耶稣的先祖。

    Remember too that Obed became an ancestor of Jesus.

  18. 先祖之灵使你的力量点逐渐恢复。

    Souls give power points over time.

  19. 由一个共同的先祖通过不同的途径传承下来的。

    descended from a common ancestor but through different lines.

  20. 所有的证据只表明她与她的先祖们葬在了一起。

    All the evidence is that she was buried with her ancestors.

  21. 由一个共同的先祖通过不同的支系传承下来的

    descended from a common ancestor but through different lines

  22. 造物主的作品就被称为先祖,也是该世系的原型。

    The result of a demiurge's act of creation is a Progenitor, the prototype Promethean of a Lineage.

  23. 国王以私人身份出访,以便能够祭拜先祖陵墓。

    The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors.

  24. 在旧约中, 希伯来人的第一个族长和先祖。

    A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.

  25. 始祖鸟,其实是鸟,一个鸟类的先祖 还有着先祖的手掌

    Archaeopteryx, which is a bird, a primitive bird, still has that very primitive hand.

  26. 根据家谱的记载,我的先祖是清末一名举人。

    According to my family record, my late grandfather was a second degree candidate in the provincial examination.

  27. 根据家谱的记载,我的先祖是清末一名举人。

    According to my family record, my late grandfather was a second degree candidate in the provincial examination.

  28. 他们转去效法他们的先祖、不肯听我的话、犯罪作孽。

    They have returned to the sins of their forefathers, who refused to listen to my words.

  29. 我们的开国先祖甚至把追求幸福写入了独立宣言。

    Our Founding Fathers even wrote the pursuit of happiness into The Declaration of Independence.

  30. 银波荡漾的河水并不只是水,而是我们先祖们的血液。

    This shining water that moves in streams and rivers is not just water but the blood of our ancestors.


  1. 问:先祖拼音怎么拼?先祖的读音是什么?先祖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:先祖的读音是xiānzǔ,先祖翻译成英文是 Ancestry, especially one's deceased grandfathe...



xiān zǔ