


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……





汉语拼音:wài ěr







  1. 耳朵最外面的一部分,由耳郭、外听道和鼓膜组成。



  1. This determination is based entirely on response to initial treatment, especially how much the external ear canals have opened.


  2. Mainly composed of skin and cartilage, it has lots of dips, each with its own name, such as the scaphoid fossa, triangular fossa and concha.


  3. You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal. But you can use a swab or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear.


  4. Congenital acoustic atresia is not a rare disease. It is also one of the main reasons which result in conductive deaf.


  5. He knew a waterproof earplug would also help prevent the painful outer ear infections known as "swimmer's ear" .


  6. Suspect the diagnosis of SCC in a patient with history of radiation therapy and a mass in the external auditory canal.


  7. middle ear, with an eardrum and a few little bones.


  8. I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears, if they could be gotten.


  9. Patients in control group were treated with a small amount of Pevisone cream uniformly smearing in the external auditory canal, twice a day.


  1. 外耳变态反应

    allergy of external ear

  2. 外耳冷冻疗法

    Cryotherapy of external ear

  3. 外耳手术操作

    Surgical procedure on external ear

  4. 先天性外耳缺失

    Congenital absence of external ear

  5. 外耳炎, 外耳道炎

    otitis externa

  6. 外耳横突畸形

    outstanding ear

  7. 外耳炎,外耳道炎。

    Otitis externa.

  8. 外耳蜂窝织炎

    Cellulitis of external ear

  9. 急性外耳炎

    Acute otitis externa.

  10. 外耳修复术

    Repair of external ear.

  11. 慢性外耳炎

    Chronic otitis externa.

  12. 外耳霉菌病

    otitis externa mycotica.

  13. 外耳成形术

    Otoplasty of external ear.

  14. 外耳切断术

    Amputation of external ear.

  15. 外耳烧灼术

    Cauterization of external ear.

  16. 外耳部分切除术

    Partial excision of external ear

  17. 外耳完全切除术

    Complete excision of external ear

  18. 外耳诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on external ear

  19. 外耳毁坏性操作

    Destructive procedure of external ear

  20. 外耳去顶部术

    Unroofing of external ear

  21. 外耳皮下组织

    Subcutaneous tissue of external ear

  22. 外耳道切骨

    auricular notch.

  23. 外耳切开术

    Incision of external ear.

  24. 外耳刮除术

    Curettage of external ear.

  25. 外耳胆脂瘤

    Cholesteatoma of external ear.

  26. 外耳道萎陷

    Collapse of external ear canal.

  27. 航空性外耳炎

    aerotitis externa

  28. 眼角外耳孔线

    canthomeatal line.

  29. 外耳孔眼眦连线

    orbitomeatal line

  30. 疱疹性外耳炎

    otitis externa herpetica


  1. 问:外耳拼音怎么拼?外耳的读音是什么?外耳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳的读音是wài'ěr,外耳翻译成英文是 external ear; outer ear

  2. 问:外耳孔拼音怎么拼?外耳孔的读音是什么?外耳孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳孔的读音是wài ěr kǒng,外耳孔翻译成英文是 porus acusticus externus

  3. 问:外耳柱拼音怎么拼?外耳柱的读音是什么?外耳柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳柱的读音是wài ěr zhù,外耳柱翻译成英文是 extracolumella

  4. 问:外耳炎拼音怎么拼?外耳炎的读音是什么?外耳炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳炎的读音是,外耳炎翻译成英文是 Otitis externa

  5. 问:外耳突拼音怎么拼?外耳突的读音是什么?外耳突翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳突的读音是wài ěr tū,外耳突翻译成英文是 processus acousticus externus

  6. 问:外耳线拼音怎么拼?外耳线的读音是什么?外耳线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳线的读音是wài ěr xiàn,外耳线翻译成英文是 Outer Bight Line

  7. 问:外耳肌拼音怎么拼?外耳肌的读音是什么?外耳肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳肌的读音是wài ěr jī,外耳肌翻译成英文是 musculus auricularis externus

  8. 问:外耳道拼音怎么拼?外耳道的读音是什么?外耳道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道的读音是wài ěr dào,外耳道翻译成英文是 acoustic duct

  9. 问:外耳门拼音怎么拼?外耳门的读音是什么?外耳门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳门的读音是wài ěr mén,外耳门翻译成英文是 external acoustic pore

  10. 问:外耳道栓拼音怎么拼?外耳道栓的读音是什么?外耳道栓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道栓的读音是wài ěr dào shuān,外耳道栓翻译成英文是 meatal plug

  11. 问:外耳间肌拼音怎么拼?外耳间肌的读音是什么?外耳间肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳间肌的读音是wài ěr jiān jī,外耳间肌翻译成英文是 musculus intermedius scutulorum

  12. 问:外耳基底层拼音怎么拼?外耳基底层的读音是什么?外耳基底层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳基底层的读音是wài ěr jī dǐ céng,外耳基底层翻译成英文是 Weil's basal zone

  13. 问:外耳道反射拼音怎么拼?外耳道反射的读音是什么?外耳道反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道反射的读音是wài ěr dào fǎn shè,外耳道反射翻译成英文是 external auditory meatus reflex

  14. 问:外耳道神经拼音怎么拼?外耳道神经的读音是什么?外耳道神经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道神经的读音是wài ěr dào shén jīng,外耳道神经翻译成英文是 nerve to external acoustic meatus

  15. 问:外耳道软骨拼音怎么拼?外耳道软骨的读音是什么?外耳道软骨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道软骨的读音是wài ěr dào ruǎn gǔ,外耳道软骨翻译成英文是 cartilage of external acoustic meatus, externa...

  16. 问:外耳道闭锁拼音怎么拼?外耳道闭锁的读音是什么?外耳道闭锁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道闭锁的读音是wài ěr dào bì suǒ,外耳道闭锁翻译成英文是 atresia of external acoustic meatus

  17. 问:外耳道上三角拼音怎么拼?外耳道上三角的读音是什么?外耳道上三角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道上三角的读音是wài ěr dào shàng sān jiǎo,外耳道上三角翻译成英文是 suprameatal triangle

  18. 问:外耳道共振效应拼音怎么拼?外耳道共振效应的读音是什么?外耳道共振效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道共振效应的读音是wài ěr dào gòng zhèn xiào yìng,外耳道共振效应翻译成英文是 resonance effect of meatus

  19. 问:外耳道软骨切迹拼音怎么拼?外耳道软骨切迹的读音是什么?外耳道软骨切迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道软骨切迹的读音是wài ěr dào ruǎn gǔ qiē jì,外耳道软骨切迹翻译成英文是 notches in cartilage of external acoustic meat...

  20. 问:外耳道中耵聍嵌塞拼音怎么拼?外耳道中耵聍嵌塞的读音是什么?外耳道中耵聍嵌塞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外耳道中耵聍嵌塞的读音是wài ěr dào zhōng dīng níng qiàn sāi,外耳道中耵聍嵌塞翻译成英文是 ceruminal impaction



外耳包括耳廓、外耳道和鼓膜。耳廓的形状有利于声波能量的聚集、收集声音,还可以判断声源的位置。外耳道是声波传导的通道,一端开口于耳廓中心,一端终止于鼓膜,长约25 mm,同时它也是一个有效的共鸣腔,能使较弱的声波振动得到加强,并引起鼓膜振动。