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1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……
汉语拼音:nèi ěr
Your brain keeps your sense of balance with inputs from your eyes and inner ears and sensations from your feet and legs.
你的大脑根据眼睛、内耳传输的信息以及脚和腿的感觉,保持身体的平衡感。Results: 1. To obtain a complete set of images which had been enlarged of the guinea pig inner ear tissue. 2.
结果:1。获得了一套完整的豚鼠内耳组织连续切片放大后的图像资料。Researchers have shown that bone marrow stem cells injected into a damaged inner ear can speed hearing recovery after partial hearing loss.
研究显示将骨骼干细胞注入到部分听力受损的内耳后可以加速听力恢复。In age-related hearing loss (presbycusis), changes in the inner ear that occur as you grow older cause a gradual but steady hearing loss.
对于年龄引起的听觉损耗(老年性耳聋)来说,随着年龄增长,内耳逐渐发生异变从而逐渐引起听觉一点一点下降。Recovery is usually quick unless there is pus formation, which can destroy the inner-ear structures, causing permanent deafness in that ear.
若无化脓则常于数天后恢复,若已化脓则内耳结构全部破坏,以致该耳听力永久丧失。Getting older is only part of the problem. Inner-ear disturbances are the primary cause.
其实,年龄的增长只是产生头晕问题的一个方面,内耳障碍才是主要原因。between external data from the eyes and Internal cues from the balance centre In the Inner ear.
从眼睛传入的讯息和内耳平衡器官传入的讯息不一致而导致的疾病。which could be as simple as an application of ear drops - and stem cell transplantation into the inner ear to remedy hearing loss.
他着重于两步:药物疗法—可以简单如一个滴耳液的应用—干细胞移植入内耳矫正听力下降。ossicle Small bone; often referring to any of the three small bones in the inner ear of vertebrates , e. g Weberian ossicles.