







汉语拼音:rán bào







  1. Prevention measures include purging nitrogen, installing static eliminator and setting a Counter-blower system.


  2. It also undertakes the delivery of explosives from the depots to blasting sites and issues shot firer certificates.


  3. and later, everyone stands under a dark sky to admire the fireworks that explode over their heads.


  4. Several effective measures proved by practices are proposed in this article.


  5. Fire and explosion hazards: This product is flammable.


  6. Installing EUH system to preventing hydrogen burning; 3.


  7. The compressed air is converted into expansion force, to not only replace partial fuel but also reduce the burning and explosion noise.


  8. Cause analysis of a burning explosion accident associated with a nitrogen compressor


  9. Theoretical and Experimental Research of the Explosive Properties about Alternative Mixtures


  1. 一起高压充氮车燃爆事故

    One Accident of Explosion for a High Pressure Nitrogenfilling Trailer

  2. 空气钻井井下燃爆监测系统

    The borehole burst monitor system for air drilling

  3. 金属粉尘燃爆泄放特性研究

    Study on the Explosion Venting Characters of Metal Dusts

  4. 热效应下瓦斯燃爆的突变分析

    The Catastrophe Analysis of the Combusting and Explosion of the Methane Ignited by the Thermal Effect

  5. 热效应引起瓦斯燃爆的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of the Combusting and Explosion of the Methane Ignited by the Thermal Effective

  6. 空分设备液氧泵的燃爆与维护

    Explosion and maintenance of liquid oxygen pump in air separation unit

  7. 燃爆消减剂的理论与应用基础研究

    Theoretical and Applied Fundamental Study on Flame and Explosion Suppression Agents

  8. 严重事故氢气燃爆缓解措施的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Hydrogen Deflagration Mitigation Measures during Severe Accident

  9. 替代混合物燃爆特性的理论及实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Research of the Explosive Properties about Alternative Mixtures.

  10. 对一起氮压机燃爆事故的原因分析

    Cause analysis of a burning explosion accident associated with a nitrogen compressor

  11. 气体燃爆泄放过程中燃烧速率的评价

    Estimation of burning velocity during vented gaseous deflagrations

  12. 球形容器内可燃气燃爆泄放实验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Explosion Venting of Flammable Gas in Spherical Vessels

  13. 燃爆烧伤并吸入性损伤的急救护理措施

    Nursing Work for Patients Burned by Explosion and Complicated by Inhalation Injury

  14. 空气钻井工艺可燃介质燃爆危险性的研究

    Study on Explosion Risk of Combustible Gas Mixtures in Air Drilling

  15. 管状容器气体燃爆泄放过程的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of gas deflagration and discharge in cylindrical vessel

  16. 对一起氧气调压站燃爆事故原因的认定

    Reason Validation for One Explosion in the Oxygen Pressure Regulating Station

  17. 燃爆强加载条件下油井破裂压力试验研究

    Test study of oil well breakdown pressure under blasting loading

  18. 维护使用中的燃爆危险源简化定量评估法

    Simplified Quantitative Assessment Method for Dangerous Sources of Combustion Explosion in Maintenance and Usage

  19. 容器内烃类气体燃爆温度与压力的数值解

    Numerical solution of burning temperature and explosive pressure of hydrocarbon gases in closed vessel

  20. 在瓶检中增加可燃气体检测仪防止燃爆事故

    Adding an inflammable gas detector in cylinder inspection to prevent burning and explosion accidents.

  21. 选煤厂瓦斯燃爆事故的原因分析和防治措施

    Analysis for the Reasons of Accident of Gas Burning Explosion in Preparation Plant and Preventive Measures

  22. 错误释放燃爆式安全部件会产生受伤的危险!

    Danger of injury from false releases of pyrotechnical safety components!

  23. 基于火焰加速和燃爆转变准则的氢气点火安全性研究

    Study on Hydrogen Ignition Safety Based on Flame Acceleration and Deflagration to Detonation Transition Criteria

  24. 燃爆诱导及酸处理新技术在川西须家河气藏的应用

    Application of propagated blast and acid treatment technology in Chuanxi Xujiahe gas reservoir

  25. 立式煤磨系统的防燃爆直接关系到全线的安全稳定生产。

    Deflagating prevention in vertical coal mill system directly relates to safe and stable production of the whole line.


  1. 问:燃爆拼音怎么拼?燃爆的读音是什么?燃爆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:燃爆的读音是ránbào,燃爆翻译成英文是 To ignite so as to make explode.



燃爆 ránbào [fire] 点火使爆炸