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1. 汾 [fén]汾 [fén]〔~河〕水名,在中国山西省。……
汉语拼音:fén jiǔ
白酒名。我国名酒之一。产于 山西省 汾阳县 杏花村 。
李六如 《六十年的变迁》第一卷第三章:“﹝ 狐狸精 ﹞随手将 茶花 手里拿的一瓶汾酒、 海棠 手里拿的一包皮蛋和花生递给 凌翥翔 。” 凌力 《星星草》第四章四:“两个人把里面的东西一样一样拿出来给 晚妹 看: 山西 杏花村 的汾酒,是 鲁王 叫人送来的;红糖是 遵王 给的。”
Fen Liquor of the same liquor age and different alcoholicity and storage period was studied.
对贮存时间不同、酒龄相同、酒度不同的汾酒进行了分析研究。Therefore, Fen Chiew Group falls behind in competition.
因此在竞争中,汾酒集团落在了后面。Recruitment of full-Sheng Wine Co. , Ltd. Yantai Wuliangye flagship store salesperson, 2; fen plant salesman, 3. . .
烟台全晟酒业有限公司招聘五粮液旗舰店营业员,2人;汾酒厂业务员,3人。Fenjiu Group of the family hope liquor wine together with the Envoys will build a harmonious society in China.
汾酒集团金家酒与驻华使节共建和谐社会。Yes. We have eight famous wines in China. I say you try a cup of Fen Wine from Shanxi?
我们中国有八大名酒。我说您来一杯我们的山西汾酒吧。Name of the history of the vertical thousands of shanxi fenjiu, with the clear bowel glycol bowls village god;
名垂千史的山西汾酒,用的则是杏花村清激甘醇的神井水;Analysis of the Relationship between High Quality Ratio and Total Ester-standardizing Ratio of Fenjiu Liquor Newly Produced
新产汾酒优质率与总酯达标率的相关分析Introduction to Improving Fen Liquor with Economic Mathematics Method
应用经济数学方法提高汾酒品质的综述Investigation of industrial water-saving at Shanxi Fenjiu Group Corporation
Fenjiu Group of the family hope liquor wine together with the envoys will build a harmonious society in china.
Research on Historical Data of Fenjiu Recorded in Files of Officially Approved Zouzhe that Banned Collecting Mouldy Bran to Make Liquor in the First Year of Qianlong