


1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……





汉语拼音:tǐ xù







  1. 见“ 体恤 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 体卹 ”。设身处地为人着想,给以同情、照顾。

    清 戴名世 《左忠毅公传》:“陛下如天之度,宜无所不包涵;先帝在天之遗爱,宜无所不体恤。”《太平天囯资料·天王诏旨》:“朕格外体卹民艰,於尔民应徵钱漕正款,今(令)该地佐将酌减若干。” 冰心 《寄小读者》一:“这一层是要请你们体恤怜悯的。”



  1. Clearly, after years of political clashes, the two men do not care for each other, and they did not mince words.


  2. Oh, just some food, clothes and a time machine. Fiona wore a nice new sweater and sunglasses with a yellow T-Shirt and jeans.


  3. When my sister and I used to go on holiday in France, we'd sometimes pass the time by finding funny 'Frenglish' t-shirts.


  4. Organization of the mo sympathized with pain agreed to send her to yanan, spotted the carbuncle take her mo allow separate peiping.


  5. I wasn't expecting to see a young man in jeans and a summer shirt waiting for death, looking me in the eye.


  6. Depression seems to prepare the mind for a long-term habit of appreciating others' point of view.


  7. He often wore a straw hat with his uniform, looking more like an old farmer than a general.


  8. I stayed at home all day out of consideration for my sick wife.


  9. Who had grown accustomed to struggling for a day, more than a non-shirt affairs scholar-officials, with vulgar self-mei to the public good.


  1. 体恤安置计划

    compassionate rehousing scheme.

  2. 恩慈是体恤的爱。

    Kindness is love's consideration.

  3. 体恤阵亡将士的亲属

    show solicitude for the kinsfolk of the officers and soldiers falling in battle

  4. 一件蓝色棉体恤。

    A blue cotton shirt.

  5. 照顾, 关心, 体谅, 体恤

    compassion thoughtfulness sympathy benevolence kindheartedness forbearance attentiveness accommodation kindness respect concern kindliness

  6. 出于坦荡和体恤的姿态。

    As a gesture of openness and conciliation.

  7. 决策时, 果断无情。执行时, 体恤关照。

    Ruthless in decision, considerate in execution.

  8. 是你让人难受,一点不体恤人。

    You have been as miserable and inconsiderate as you can be.

  9. 我现在正要脱掉这件体恤。

    Now I'm getting rid of this tshirt.

  10. 我们有很多红色的体恤衫。

    We have many red Tshirts.

  11. 穿的是一件白色的体恤和一条牛仔裤。

    Puts on is a white showing solicitude for with jeans.

  12. 体恤生病的太太,我整天留在家中。

    I stayed at home all day out of consideration for my sick wife.

  13. 一名好导师,懂得体恤学生,关心学生的生活。

    A good tutor should about students.

  14. 我需要一件新的体恤衫过夏天。

    I need a newtshirt for summer.

  15. 空地联盟的体恤衫和慈善会的日程。

    Open spaces t's and here is the schedule for the benefit.

  16. 他穿著什么衣服?他穿著白长裤、蓝体恤。

    What's he wearing? He's wearing white pants and blue shirt.

  17. 我有一件绿色和白色混和的足球体恤。

    I've got a green and white football shirt.

  18. 因此,在别人面前抽烟是非常不体恤别人的。

    So it is very inconsiderate of people to smoke in front of others.

  19. 因我们的大祭司并非不能体恤我们的软弱。

    For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.

  20. 我回答道,就在我洗的那件体恤的口袋里。

    I replied, It was in the shirt pocket when I washed it.

  21. 单不知,你为什么不体恤我的周遭与创伤。

    Single I do not know, Why do not you sympathize with the trauma of my surroundings.

  22. 我们的理念品质源于体恤您的感受, 我们追求卓越。

    Our philosophy Quality comes from understand and sympathize with your feelings, we pursuit of excellence.

  23. 她丈夫并不懂得体恤人, 她觉得无人可依靠。

    Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to.

  24. 问题3。为什么我们的大祭司耶稣可以体恤我们的软弱?

    Q.3 Why is our high priest Jesus able to sympathize our weaknesses

  25. 问题3。为什么我们得大祭司耶稣可以体恤我们得软弱?

    Q. 1 Why is our high priest Jesus able to sympathize our weaknesses.

  26. 另一个矛头则直指部长不懂得体恤百姓。

    Another accusation levelled at the Minister is that he does not understand ordinary people.

  27. 一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感。

    A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other's feelings.

  28. 但同时也希望公司能体恤我的个人实际,批准我的申请。

    I hope that company can sympathize with my personal practice, and accept the applications.

  29. 你们为重新粉刷学校兜售包装纸,为购买新家具兜售体恤衫。

    You wrapping paper for paint, T shirts for new furniture.

  30. 南希撕开了丹尼斯的体恤并且左右开弓的拍打她的胸部。

    Nancy rips Denise's Tshirt off and slaps her in the breasts with her right hand and then again with her left.


  1. 问:体恤拼音怎么拼?体恤的读音是什么?体恤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:体恤的读音是tǐxù,体恤翻译成英文是 show sympathy for


