







汉语拼音:chǎn xiāo






  1. 生产和销售。

    塞风 等《工业经济管理概论》第十七章第二节:“把物资管得过死,不能做到货畅其流,物尽其用,经济合理,也不利于产销衔接。”



  1. The company has more than professional and technical personnel, is the main thread of silicone rubber products and sales at home and abroad.


  2. For local governments such as San Francisco and Washington, D. C. , IBM is trying to reduce what's known as nonrevenue water.


  3. The establishment of the new company were to profitability, achieved produce and sale two flourishing good situation.


  4. The two basic tasks of any companies: new product development+ equilibrium between production and sales.


  5. Today, Chinese Baijiu still famous with its superb technology, a unique style and maximum volume of production and marketing.


  6. The rate of industrial production and marketing had some growth, whereas exports grew considerably.


  7. Clothing sales as a result of the economic, social and cultural sectors, been affected deeply.


  8. The production process in the food industry is characterized by high complexity, diversification, and difficulties in standardization.


  9. Jininglu coal-chemical Co. , Ltd It is to be Production and marketing of coal char integrated companies, Jining lu coal-chemical Co.


  1. 产销直接挂钩

    directly link production with marketing.

  2. 产销历史悠久

    have a long history of production and marketing.

  3. 世界椰子油产销近况

    Situation of world coconut oil

  4. 罐头食品的产销趋势

    Production and sales trends of canned food

  5. 要使产销直接挂钩。

    Establish direct contact between the production and marketing departments.

  6. 我国生猪产销持续低迷

    The production and sale of domestic live hog continue to low

  7. 产销皮革,鞋类用粘合剂。

    Marketing leather, footwear using adhesives.

  8. 瑞金生产基地产销两旺。

    Ruijin produces base produce and sale two flourishing.

  9. 五金齿轮,塑料制品,加工,产销。

    Hardware gear, plastics, processing and marketing.

  10. 玉柴集团首季产销攀新高

    New Record of Production and Sales of Yuchai Group in the First Quarter

  11. 块根和块茎作物产销现状和开发前景

    Production and Marketing Situation of Tuberous Root and Tuber Crops and Their Development Prospects

  12. 涤棉里料产销平衡, 价格保持不变。

    Production and sale of polyester material balance, price remains the same.

  13. 宝钢整体产销系统归档的技术设计

    Archiving Design Technology of Production and Marketing System at Baosteel

  14. 三是工业企业产销衔接情况较好。

    Thirdly, the production and marketing situation of industrial enterprises is fairly good.

  15. 世界鱼粉, 鱼油的产销最新发展现状

    Recent Development Status of Fish Meal and Fish Oil Production and Marketing in the World

  16. 工业生产快速增长, 产销衔接进一步改善。

    Fast growth was registered in industrial production with improved linkage between production and sales.

  17. 利润中心可以决定产销哪些产品和多少产品。

    A profit center may determine which of products and how many products should be produced and sold.

  18. 工业增速开始回升, 产销衔接逐月改善。

    Growth rate of industry began to rise again and the linkage between production and marketing has improved on a monthly basis.

  19. 我国合成橡胶2008年产销状况及其发展态势

    Production and marketing of synthetic rubber in2008 and its trend in China

  20. 专用汽车行业产销统计对本行业发展的影响

    Sales and Production Statistics for the Special Purpose Vehicles Industry

  21. 我国粮食产销中农民合作组织的培育

    Develop the Cooperative Organization of Farmers in the Process of Grain Producing and Marketing in China

  22. 亨利·福特建立了自己产销一条龙的公司。

    Henry Ford built his company using vertical production.

  23. 磁记录材料产品产销量位居国内第一。

    And magnetic recording products takes the lead in terms of sales volume nationwide.

  24. 中药资源可持续发展产销情况的宏观分析

    Macroscopic analysis on production and marketing of medicinal material resources for sustainable development.

  25. 国务院办公厅关于加强羊绒产销管理的通知

    Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Tightening Control on Producing and Marketing Cashmere

  26. 安溪铁观音的产销行为与可持续发展的研究

    Study on The Production, Marketing and Sustainable Development of Anxi Tie Guan Yin

  27. 前几次报告审查了安盟钻石的产销结构。

    Previous reports have examined UNITA diamond production and sales structures.

  28. 约束方法应用于产销一体化系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implement to Method of Constraints Applying in Production and Sales Unification System

  29. 国内外油料作物和食油产销现状及发展趋势

    Current status of production and sale of oil crops ans oils both inside and outside the country and its developmental tendency

  30. 创新全面质量管理体系在煤炭产销领域中的应用

    Application of innovating total quality management system in the field of coal production and marketing.


  1. 问:产销拼音怎么拼?产销的读音是什么?产销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产销的读音是chǎnxiāo,产销翻译成英文是 production and marketing; production and sal...

  2. 问:产销协调拼音怎么拼?产销协调的读音是什么?产销协调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产销协调的读音是chǎn xiāo xié tiáo,产销协调翻译成英文是 coordination of production and marketing...

  3. 问:产销合同拼音怎么拼?产销合同的读音是什么?产销合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产销合同的读音是chǎnxiāohétóng,产销合同翻译成英文是 manufacturing and marketing contracts

  4. 问:产销平衡拼音怎么拼?产销平衡的读音是什么?产销平衡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产销平衡的读音是chǎn xiāo píng héng,产销平衡翻译成英文是 coordination of production and marketing...

  5. 问:产销成本拼音怎么拼?产销成本的读音是什么?产销成本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产销成本的读音是chǎn xiāo chéng běn,产销成本翻译成英文是 operating cost

  6. 问:产销要素拼音怎么拼?产销要素的读音是什么?产销要素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产销要素的读音是chǎn xiāo yào sù,产销要素翻译成英文是 factors of production and marketing



chǎn xiāo ㄔㄢˇ ㄒㄧㄠ 产销 生产和销售。 塞风 等《工业经济管理概论》第十七章第二节:“把物资管得过死,不能做到货畅其流,物尽其用,经济合理,也不利于产销衔接。”