


1. 毒 [dú]2. 毒 [dài]毒 [dú]有害的性质或有害的东西:~气。~性。~饵。~药。~蛇。吸~。贩~。害,伤害:~害。~化。~杀。莫予~也(没有谁能危害我,即谁也不能把我怎么样)。凶狠,猛烈:~辣。~计。~刑。狠~。恶~。恨,……





汉语拼音:dú shǒu







  1. 凶狠的殴打。

    《晋书·石勒载记下》:“初, 勒 与 李阳 邻居,岁常争麻地,迭相殴击。至是…… 勒 与酣謔,引 阳 臂笑曰:‘孤往日厌卿老拳,卿亦饱孤毒手。’”《旧五代史·唐书·李袭吉传》:“毒手尊拳,交相於暮夜;金戈铁马,蹂践於明时。” 清 钱谦益 《张藐姑太仆许饷名酒》诗:“机心抱瓮虚施巧,毒手争麻实饱諳。”

  2. 杀人或伤害人的狠毒手段。

    《宋书·恩倖传·徐爰》:“今当使小戍制其始寇,大镇赴其入境,一被毒手,便自吹韲鸟逝矣。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·隐妒》:“我心中其实容不得,要下毒手摆怖他。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第十五章:“ 王老增 和 虎子 、 小马 他们不会遭到毒手吧。”



  1. If it wasn't an act of god, it could have been simple evolution. The virus could have occurred natural and people began to become exposed.


  2. He congratulated the poisonous hand who defeated him. He used his own hand and effort to help others to push the car.


  3. One of the masters of xiao yun smell to back wind by intrauterine quote -- and fate of the lad, baked into gentile mummies to potala palace.


  4. What happened yesterday was that he couldn't deal with the hot potato.


  5. As news spread rapidly via websites, bulletin boards and Twitter, many people expressed fears that Xu had been targeted for his writing.


  6. The God of our fathers hath raised up Jesus, whom you put to death, hanging him upon a tree.


  7. Your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill them.


  8. Not in Afghanistan, where the Taliban slaughtered aid convoys.


  9. Our customers survived a, but our SEO station also failed to escape by luck, many SEO masters of the station also "were poisonous" .


  1. 谁会对她下这种毒手?

    Who would do this to her?

  2. 谁会对她下这种毒手?

    Who would do this to her?

  3. 他被人暗下毒手。

    He was framed.

  4. 知道是谁下的毒手吗?

    So you got any idea who did this to my girl?

  5. 她逃脱了那个恶棍的毒手。

    She wrenched herself from the villain s clutches.

  6. 我知道就要遭她的毒手了。

    I knew she was going to kill me.

  7. 那你认为是谁下的毒手?

    Now, do you have any idea who might have done this terrible thing?

  8. 你怎能对一个人下此毒手?

    How could you do that to another human being with your own hands?

  9. 去鉴别那些惨遭毒手的遇难者的身份。

    Identifying victims of the death squads.

  10. 你以为那个怪胎突然出现下的毒手?

    You think the deformed kid suddenly appeared and did this?

  11. 他的敌人究竟能不能逃出他的毒手呢?

    Was his enemy to escape him after all?

  12. 尽管红唇失颜难免遭受时光的毒手

    Within his bending sickles compass come.

  13. 难道要赶我们, 便来下这样的毒手么?

    Was this part of Landlord Wu's wicked plot to drive her out of the valley ?

  14. 难道要赶我们,便来下这样得毒手么?

    Was this part of Landlord Wu's wicked plot to drive her out of the valley ?

  15. 令人震惊的是,人竟然能对同类下此毒手。

    It is shocking that humans can behave with such bestiality towards others.

  16. 没人能保护我免遭他毒手,连你也不行。

    No one can protect me from him, not even you.

  17. 而就在他带队比赛的当天,却惨遭毒手身亡。

    Which led the game in his day, was murdered in cold blood killed.

  18. 我那心地善良,穿着拖鞋的女婿先遭毒手然后

    My treehugging, sandalwearing soninlaw first, and then.

  19. 她以为他们当中必是有人对我下了毒手。

    She thought that some of them had been laying violent hands on me.

  20. 昨天产生的事便是他没能应付这个毒手的人。

    What happened yesterday was that he couldn't deal with the hot potato.

  21. 是什么不堪回首的往事让这个六号狠下如此毒手?

    What traumatic event in the past causes Six to lash out so murderously?

  22. 执迷不悔的人们都忘了曾经横施于动物身上的毒手。

    Being remorseless, we forgot how cruelly we have treated the animals.


  1. 问:毒手拼音怎么拼?毒手的读音是什么?毒手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒手的读音是dúshǒu,毒手翻译成英文是 treachery



基本信息 词目:毒手

拼音:dú shoǔ 基本解释 [violent treachery;murderous scheme] 用以杀害人的不仁道的、狠毒的方法、手段 遭毒手,下毒手