




1. 椅 [yǐ]2. 椅 [yī]椅 [yǐ]有靠背的坐具:~子。坐~。木~。躺~。椅 [yī]落叶乔木,木材可以制器物。亦称“山桐子”。……



汉语拼音:diàn yǐ






  1. On the day of the execution, he sat down on the electric chair, gave a thumbs-up and said: "I'm ready. "


  2. Many a man has controlled a murderous rage when he thought of the hot seat.


  3. Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being and the self-satisfied modernity of the electric chair is just as atrocious.


  4. Lincoln's eyes grow huge as he sees the prepped electric chair. He looks again to Bellick, insisting "I've got a month left! "


  5. The electric chair is no longer used in this country as the primary method of execution.


  6. Get you some Demerol, some X. . . You know, make you forget about that big, bad chair.


  7. My uncle's dying wish was to have me sitting on his lap. He was in the electric chair.


  8. When a Tennessee man chose the chair in 2007, it was the state's first electrocution in almost half a century.


  9. Only minutes before Lincoln Burrows' execution, Bellick and Pope stand off to the side as two C. O. s strap Lincoln into the chair.


  1. 1888年,电椅取代了绞刑。

    The electric chair replaced hanging in 1888.

  2. 他被送上电椅处决。

    He was sent to the electric chair.

  3. 电刑在电椅上受极刑。

    To undergo execution in an electric chair.

  4. 我只想看你做电椅。

    What I want to see is you fry.

  5. 电椅是一个牙医发明的。

    A dentist invented the electric chair.

  6. 老头,我不会坐电椅的。

    I ain't gonna get no chair, daddy.

  7. 我会自己按下电椅的按钮。

    I'd push that button on you myself.

  8. 电椅是由一位牙医发明得。

    The electric chair was invented by dentist.

  9. 电椅是由一位牙医发明的。

    The electric chair was invented by dentist.

  10. 上帝,他们会把你推上电椅。

    My god, they'd put you in the electric chair.

  11. 死刑电椅是一位牙医发明得。

    The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

  12. 死刑电椅是一位牙医发明的。

    The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

  13. 黑鬼应该有黑人专用的电椅。

    Niggers ought to have their own electric chair.

  14. 那个歹徒最后被送上电椅处死。

    The gangster ended up in the electric chair.

  15. 于是,我给她买了一把电椅。

    So I bought her an electric chair.

  16. 他两年前就座电椅了,弗兰克。

    He went to the chair two years ago, frank.

  17. 那个歹徒最后被送上了电椅处死。

    The gangster ended up in the electric chair.

  18. 我在坐电椅的时候见到他了。

    I think I saw him, when I was in the chair.

  19. 我抓到你,你就会求我让你上电椅。

    When I get through with you, you'll be begging for the electric chair!

  20. 就象上电椅一样。这就是我的感受。

    It was like walking to the electric chair.

  21. 一个杀人犯坐在电椅上, 即将行刑。

    A murderer sitting in the electric chair was about to be executed.

  22. 操,这傻瓜上了三次电椅,还没死。

    Damn, this fool got the chair three times, ain't died yet.

  23. 那个歹徒最后是在电椅上被杀死得。

    The gangster ended up in the electric chair.

  24. 那个歹徒最后是在电椅上被杀死的。

    The gangster ended up in the electric chair.

  25. 有些人建议恢复使用电椅来减低犯罪率。

    Some people suggest bringing back the electric chair to reduce the crime rate.

  26. 俺们热爱用电椅和注射剂来处死犯人。

    We give compassionate electrocution and compassionate lethal injection.

  27. 因为一些我根本没有做过的事送我上电椅。

    Sent me to the chair for something I didn't do.

  28. 他在上电椅前就会死的你知道对不对?

    Hell never sit in Old Sparky. You know that, dont you

  29. 她已经在努力的想让我去坐死刑电椅了。

    She trying to get me the electric chair already.

  30. 许多人一想到电椅就压住了想杀人得怒火。

    Many a man has controlled a murderous rage when he thought of the hot seat.


  1. 问:电椅拼音怎么拼?电椅的读音是什么?电椅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电椅的读音是diànyǐ,电椅翻译成英文是 electric chair; the chair


