







汉语拼音:bǎo shāng






  1. 保持土壤的一定水分,以利农作物生长发育。保墒的主要方法是耙地、中耕或增加地面覆盖物。如:积雪保墒。



  1. Plastic film mulch preserves soil moisture, increases soil temperature, and reduces the consumption of irrigation water and N losses.


  2. The effect of soil moisture preservation of these three patterns was behaved before the elongating stage.


  3. This tillage practice was done by farmers to control weeds and conserve moisture during the fallow period before the wheat crop.


  4. So full of water, improving the work of the moisture in the soil and soil moisture before sowing.


  5. The utility model relates to a bag for preserving water content for tree roots.


  6. the software make the design of the ditcher more convenient , more efficient , higher quality.


  7. More use of conservation tillage can assure that available water reaches the plants in drought-prone, rainfed areas.


  8. Study of Lily Flower Live Through the Winter Mantle Keep Moisture Increase Output Mechanism in East of Gansu


  9. Experimental Study of Mechanism to Deeply Vibrating-loosen and Storage and Preservation of Soil Moisture


  1. 有利于保墒

    Help the soil hold water.

  2. 积雪可以保温保墒。

    A layer of snow can preserve soil moisture and prevent it from freezing.

  3. 不同保墒措施的综合评价

    Evaluation of Different Measures on Soil Moisture Conservation

  4. 水稻覆草保墒旱作技术研究

    Study on the Technique of Rice Dry Farming for Soil Moisture Conservation by Straw Mulch

  5. 蓄水保墒抗旱造林技术的研究进展

    Research progress on the silvicultural technique with storing water, preservation of soil moisture and dought resistant

  6. 旱地春玉米田微集水保墒技术研究

    Micro water Collecting Technology of Spring Maize in Dryland Field.

  7. 袁庄麦田秸秆覆盖保墒措施的研究

    The Study of Soil Moisture Preservation by Straw Coverage of Yuan Zhuang Wheat Paddock

  8. 秸秆覆盖保墒的农田生态效应及保墒灌溉技术

    Agricultural Effect of Straw Mulch Soil Moisture Conserving Irrigation

  9. 我国保墒灌溉技术的潜力及其效益分析

    Analysis on potentiality and benefits of soil moisture conservative irrigation technique in China

  10. 旱地麦田蓄水保墒耕作措施的研究

    A Study on Tillage Measure for Soil Water Storage and Conservation in Rainfed Wheat Fields.

  11. 陇东黄花菜越冬覆盖保墒增收机理研究

    Study of Lily Flower Live Through the Winter Mantle Keep Moisture Increase Output Mechanism in East of Gansu

  12. 进入春季,要做好农田的保墒保苗工作。

    In the coming spring, it is extremely important to keep the moisture content in farmland up to a certain level, to ensure the growth of crops.

  13. 进入春季,要做好农田的保墒保苗工作。

    In the coming spring, it is extremely important to keep the moisture content in farmland up to a certain level, to ensure the growth of crops.

  14. 旱地耕作蓄水保墒技术的应用及效益分析

    The Application and Profit Analysis about Technology of Dry Land Husbandry and Storage for Water Preserving Humidity.

  15. 本实用新型涉及一种树木用保墒袋。

    The utility model relates to a bag for preserving water content for tree roots.

  16. 北方干旱与防旱保墒技术 对灌溉农业的反思

    North drought and agricultural drought prevention techniques

  17. 黄土高原拦流蓄水保墒的有效途径和措施

    A study on the Effective Ways and Measures of blocking river, storing water and preserving soil moisture in Loess Plateau.

  18. 地膜和秸秆覆盖对夏玉米的调温保墒效应

    Effect of Temperature Adjusting and Moisture Serving on Summer Maize for Polythene Mulch and Straw Mulch

  19. 该技术的应用有利于保墒和根系的恢复与再生。

    It is suitable preservation of soil moisture and poplar root recover and renew.

  20. 东北垄作蓄水保墒耕作体系与配套机具

    Application of Systematic Farming Technique and Its Implement for Soil Water Storage and Preservation of Ridge Tilling Area in Northeast China

  21. 书认为土壤管理,保墒和保肥是相互联系的。

    The Book pointed out that there existed relation among soil management, preservation of soil moisture and preservation of soil fertility.

  22. 粘质土旱作深松保墒试验研究养生在田土

    Experimental Study on Soil Moisture Conservation with Chiseling in Clay Soil Under Rainfed Farming Life Depending On Earth

  23. 地膜覆盖保墒灌溉的土壤水、热以及作物效应研究

    Study on the Effect of Irrigation under Plastic Preservation of Soil Moisture on Soil and Crop.

  24. 地膜覆盖可增温保墒, 节约用水和减少氮肥损失。

    Plastic film mulch preserves soil moisture, increases soil temperature, and reduces the consumption of irrigation water and N losses.

  25. 直播是一种以改善土壤和土壤保墒为目的的耕作办法。

    Direct seeding is a cropping system that aims to improve soil and soil moisture conservation.

  26. 因此要充分挖掘水源,做好播种前的造墒和保墒工作。

    So full of water, improving the work of the moisture in the soil and soil moisture before sowing.

  27. 不同保墒措施对夏玉米生理指标日变化及产量的影响

    Effect of Different Treatment of Soil Moisture Conserving on Daily Change of Physiological Index and Yield of Maize

  28. 陕北黄绵土水分、水分转化率和抗旱保墒问题的探讨

    A study on water content, the rate of water transformation of yellow cotton soil and some measures of drought resistance and preservation of moisture in Northern Shaanxi.

  29. 结果表明,在不同的措施处理下均能达到保水保墒作用。

    Results show that under the different treatment measures in all can reach moisture retention.

  30. 农民用这种耕作措施除草并在种麦前的休闲期保墒。

    This tillage practice was done by farmers to control weeds and conserve moisture during the fallow period before the wheat crop.


  1. 问:保墒拼音怎么拼?保墒的读音是什么?保墒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:保墒的读音是bǎoshāng,保墒翻译成英文是 To make sure there is enough moisture 好像用wat...


