




1. 摩 [mó]2. 摩 [mā]摩 [mó]擦,蹭,接触:~擦。~天。~崖(山崖上刻的文字、佛像等)。~肩接踵。~顶放踵。摸,抚:~弄。~挲(suō)研究,切磋:观~。揣~(a.研究,仔细琢磨;b.估量,推测)。古同“磨”,磨擦。摩 [……


教人的人:老~。导~。~傅。~生。~徒。~德。良~益友。好(hào )为人~。擅长某种技术的人:工程~。医~。技~。效法:~法古人。榜样:~范。指由师徒或师生关系产生的:~母。~兄。~弟。~妹。对和尚或道士的尊称:法~。禅~。军队:会~。出……



汉语拼音:àn mó shī



  1. Usually it has no real words or tune , it 's just relaxing music. People who give massages usually use new age music to relax their clients.


  2. Austin ricochets around the Ritz-Carlton hotel room, bouncing from bed to chair and leaping high to lick the face of his personal masseuse.


  3. The model was started partly due to a desire among massage therapy teachers for a more intricate picture of muscles and bones.


  4. If your spine is merely out of alignment, manipulation by a chiropractor may help ease your pain. This may also ease your muscle strain.


  5. Is there anything I can do? I'm a masseuse so I might be able to ease the pain.


  6. Massage therapists and fitness trainers work fewer hours per week than any other professionals.


  7. Auto repair shops, chiropractors, beauty salons, massage therapists, fast food restaurants can all take advantage of this tactic.


  8. Jack protested the' masseur was an unnecessary extravagance.


  9. The masseuse was let in by a housekeeper, who then knocked on the door of Ledger's bedroom.


  1. 我需要女按摩师。

    I need a masseuse.

  2. 这里有男按摩师吗

    Do you have a masseur here.

  3. 按摩师替我推拿背。

    The masseur kneaded my back.

  4. 按摩师揉捏我得背。

    The masseur kneaded my back.

  5. 按摩师揉捏我的背。

    The masseur kneaded my back.

  6. 您需要女按摩师还是男按摩师。

    Do you need a masseuse or masseur

  7. 我不知道,你是按摩师吗

    I don't know. Are you a masseur

  8. 那个按摩师给我推拿了背。

    The masseur kneaded my back.

  9. 在任何时候都需求女按摩师。

    A masseuse can be requested at any time.

  10. 我们聘请专业按摩师和修甲师。

    We are looking for massage and nails specialists.

  11. 而且这有违女按摩师得誓言。

    And its against my oath as a masseuse.

  12. 而且这有违女按摩师的誓言。

    And its against my oath as a masseuse.

  13. 女按摩师施行按摩和疗理的女人

    A woman who gives massages professionally

  14. 蛇是出色的按摩师但你敢尝试么

    Dare you try an excellent snake massage.

  15. 说,这也违反了我的按摩师誓言。

    And it's against my oath as a masseuse.

  16. 按摩师不是用手, 而是用脚给你按摩。

    The masseuse massages you with her feet, not her hands.

  17. 如果两位按摩师同时按摩,效果更出色。

    If two massagist are massaged at the same time, the effect is more outstanding.

  18. 不是。医学职称系列中没有保健按摩师。

    Either. Medicine does not have sanitarian massagist in title series.

  19. 几年以后, 他成为著名的盲人按摩师。

    A few years later, he a famous master of blind massage.

  20. 先后培训合格各级保健按摩师2000余名。

    Over 2000 practitioners of health care massage have been certificated.

  21. 我定期去见营养学家,美容师和按摩师。

    I went regularly to a nutritionist, a barber, and a masseuse.

  22. 接着成了一名女按摩师。接着我成了一名庭园美化师。

    And then I was a masseuse. And then I was a landscape gardener.

  23. 按摩师魔法式的手指在你的背上游走。

    The magic of a sensous massage lies in the hands of a masseur.

  24. 还有专门的按摩师为他们进行放松,治疗。

    Also has the special chiropractor to carry on the relaxation, the treatment for them.

  25. 我们供应回按摩, 足部按摩器和其他按摩师!

    We supply back massager, foot massager and other massagers!

  26. 这位指压按摩师神奇地治癒我的背痛。

    The chiropractor healed my backache miraculously.

  27. 我看不出按摩师能够使伤势加剧的可能。

    I don't see how it's possible the masseur could have made it worse.

  28. 与按摩师有同样的速度使背脊舒展的机能。

    With massage Teacher contain same speed make spine unfolded Of function.

  29. 杰克断言男按摩师是一种不必要得奢侈。

    Jack protested the'masseur was an unnecessary extravagance.

  30. 杰克断言男按摩师是一种不必要的奢侈。

    Jack protested the 'masseur was an unnecessary extravagance.


  1. 问:按摩师拼音怎么拼?按摩师的读音是什么?按摩师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:按摩师的读音是,按摩师翻译成英文是 massagist



泰国著名惊悚片导演塔韦华·温泰(Taweewat Wantha)执导的国产悬疑惊悚电影《按摩师》由北京瑞盛太合文化传媒有限公司荣誉出品。电影《按摩师》是依托泰国优质的惊悚电影品质为中国市场量身定制的一部独具异域色彩但也不乏中国文化的影视佳作,是中国电影首次与泰国专业惊悚片团队深入合作的代表。影片中汇集大陆、香港、台湾以及泰国的众位明星联袂出演。