


1. 若 [ruò]2. 若 [rě]若 [ruò]如果,假如:~果。倘~。假~。天~有情天亦老。如,像:年相~。安之~素。旁~无人。置~罔闻。门庭~市。你,汝:~辈。“更~役,复~赋,则何如?”约计:~干(gān )。~许。此,如此:“以……




1. 旁 [páng]2. 旁 [bàng]旁 [páng]左右两侧:~边。~侧。~门。~出。~听。~若无人。其他,另外:~人。~的话。触类~通。责无~贷。~证。~白(戏剧角色背着台上其他剧中人对观众说的话)。~落。广,广泛:~征博引。邪、……





汉语拼音:ruò wú páng rén








若无旁人 [ruò wú páng rén]
  1. 若无旁人成语这个词是由旁若无人演化过来的,和旁若无人的词义一样。



  1. What other tricks can you do to live like no one is watching?


  1. 若无食物,没有人能活。

    No man could live without food.

  2. 若无花朵,芙蓉有何美丽?

    Without flowers, what is the beauty of lotus ?

  3. 若无绿叶, 树木有何美丽?

    Without green leaves, what is the beauty of tree?

  4. 生意若无起色, 公司非垮不可。

    The firm will go under unless business improves.

  5. 若无充足磷肥, 产量会大大下降。

    Without adequate P, yields were tremendously depressed.

  6. 若无改变,我星期五等著你。

    I'll expect you on Friday unless I hear to the contrary.

  7. 若无欢笑的浪, 海洋有何美丽?

    Without giggling waves, what is the beauty of sea ?

  8. 若无闪光的星, 天空有何美丽?

    Without shining stars, what is the beauty of sky?

  9. 若无宽广的心胸, 人类有何美丽?

    Without broad mind, what is the beauty of man?

  10. 若无知识, 整个世界将停滞不前,

    Without knowledge, the whole world would remain stagnant

  11. 若无紧急援助,图瓦卢将危在旦夕。

    Without urgent help, the country's days are numbered.

  12. 若无报酬他拒绝做任何额外工作。

    He refuses to do any extra work except for some consideration.

  13. 若无预先取得书面同意, 不予延期。

    There will be no extensions without prior, written, consent.

  14. 生意若无起色, 这家公司将会倒闭。

    The firm will go under unless business improves.

  15. 若无问题,我会给你我们的账号。

    If it's OK I'll let you know and I'll give you our courier account.

  16. 若无闲事挂心头, 便是人间好时节。

    Chip linked to the absence of mind, the world is a good time.

  17. 若无规则, 人们将在混乱状态中生活。

    Without rules, people would live in a state of chaos.

  18. 若无呼吸系统灵体及心灵无法跟随。

    Without breathing, the spiritual body and mind are not coming.

  19. 若无意外事件发生,我们将于中午到达。

    We shall arrive at noon barring accidents.

  20. 若无特殊说明,所有照片均出自该作者。

    All photographs are by the author unless otherwise stated.

  21. 若无外力的作用, 静止的物体则不会移动。

    A body at rest will not move till a force is exerted on it.

  22. 若无改革创新, 我们可能仍住在黑暗时代。

    Without innovation, we would still be living the Dark Ages.

  23. 若无什么事情发生的话,我将于星期天动身。

    I shall leave on Sunday if nothing intervenes.

  24. 胡波脸上闪过一丝若有若无得微笑。

    Mr. Hooper's smile glimmered faintly.

  25. 若无公众舆论支持, 法律是没有丝毫力量的。

    Every law has no atom of strength, as far as no public opinion supports in.

  26. 再无旁人可以在如此恶劣的条件下住下去了。

    No other person could live in conditions as bad as these.

  27. 若无了你,我便是你的梦,只有这样,这样已足够。

    Without you, I am your dream, only that and that is all.

  28. 被统治者得良好愿望, 若无统治者得善待, 亦会饿死。

    The goodwill of the governed will be starved, if not fed by the good deeds of the governors.

  29. 若无事可以抱怨, 你的生活岂不是过于平凡了吗

    Isnt your life extremely flat with nothing whatever to grumble at

  30. 被统治者的良好愿望,若无统治者的善待,亦会饿死。

    The goodwill of the governed will be starved, if not fed by the good deeds of the governors.

