




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……







汉语拼音:mù zhōng wú rén








  • 【解释】:眼里没有别人。形容骄傲自大,看不起人。
  • 【出自】:明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第九十六回:“赵奢子赵括,自少喜谈兵法,家传《六韬》、《三略》之书,一览而尽;尝与父奢论兵,指天画地,目中无人,虽奢亦不能难也。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. I mean he is a highly self-regarded guy, even sort of supercilious. No other player in this team has such a "star style" like him.


  2. There have been moments of British hubris, notably around the time of the Iraq invasion.


  3. Once again, it seems an Assad is trying to make an example of the defiant, religiously conservative Syrian city of Hama.


  4. Since she won a prize at school she's been going about with her nose in the air and refusing to talk to the other girls.


  5. Gates and company were defiant, to the point of stonewalling regulators and refusing to take the charges seriously.


  6. What he said showed he was really defiant.


  7. Images of defiant "broom armies" , gathering spontaneously to clear up the debris, helped lift an initially despairing mood.


  8. His own defiant dictum, that he changed his mind when the facts changed, has been on the lips of current policy-makers.


  9. Mr Kan remained defiant, saying: "Japan has never before faced a crisis like this. . . We are doing our utmost. "


  1. 你这个目中无人的小子!

    You insolent young puppy!

  2. 但是他太目中无人了, 太傲慢了!

    But he is too defiant too cavalier!

  3. 哇!你以为你是谁那么目中无人

    Walao, you think who you are So hao lian ah

  4. 有时唱歌到了目中无人的地步!

    Sometimes Ioverweening to sing!

  5. 他总是以目中无人的口吻讲话。

    He always speaks in an arrogant tone.

  6. 他们就目中无人地站着盯着看。

    They just stand and stare, with their nose in the air.

  7. 他们就目中无人地站着盯着看。

    They just stand and stare, with their nose in the air.

  8. 她过去总是目中无人地走来走去。

    She used to walk around with her nose in the air.

  9. 你表面谦虚,骨子里目中无人。她说道。

    Your modesty is a cover for your overweening conceit,'she said.

  10. 他所说的话显示出他真是目中无人。

    What he said showed he was really defiant.

  11. 你看她的神气,简直是目中无人。

    Just look at the airs she's giving herself, looking down her nose at everybody.

  12. 我讨厌你这种目中无人的傲慢态度。

    I resent your supercilious and arrogant attitude.

  13. 他那副目中无人的样子激怒了她。

    His snubbing way had irritated her.

  14. 这对情人目中无人, 忘了世上得一切。

    The couple and forget the entire world.

  15. 这对情人目中无人,忘了世上的一切。

    The couple and forget the entire world.

  16. 她一当上班长,马上就目中无人了。

    When she was made monitor, she soon got too big for her breeches.

  17. 他们当中的一些人放肆无礼,目中无人。

    Some of them were impudent and insulting.

  18. 他少年得志,目中无人,不过没有表露出来。

    He thought too much of himself and was getting too big for his boots, though he kept his thoughts to himself.

  19. 大型主权借贷者就应该目中无人且无所畏惧。

    Large sovereign borrowers should be as defiant and intrepid.

  20. 我们不能对敌人目中无人的行动坐视不理。

    We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the hysteric moves of the enemies.

  21. 大部分人认为,他张嘴说话时,太目中无人。

    Most people thought he was too big for his boots only after he opened his mouth.

  22. 目中无人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。

    For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him.

  23. 目中无人得女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。

    For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him.

  24. 我们试过让你觉得自在些, 但你选择目中无人!

    We tried to make you feel comfortable, but you chose to be snotty!

  25. 有人给他撑腰打气,他自然趾高气扬,目中无人了。

    With a lot of people backing him up, he would naturally be giving himself airs and looking down his nose at everybody.

  26. 永远令人痛苦地挂着一副目中无人的时髦相?

    Painfully stylish with a permanent snooty look on their face

  27. 它使这部小说有了一种目中无人的狂妄味道。

    It imparts a hectic, swaggering quality to the book.

  28. 他带着几个家丁在路上横冲直撞,简直目中无人。

    He led his retainers to dash around madly on the road, regardless of others.

  29. 在中东, 目中无人的伊朗正在支持伊拉克的暴乱分子。

    In the Middle East, a defiant Iran is stoking the insurgency in Iraq.

  30. 陈先生自从得到医师学位后,就目中无人,神气巴拉。

    Ever since Mr. Chen earned MD, he has been holding his nose in the air.


  1. 问:目中无人拼音怎么拼?目中无人的读音是什么?目中无人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:目中无人的读音是mùzhōngwúrén,目中无人翻译成英文是 be condescending

  2. 问:目中无人的拼音怎么拼?目中无人的的读音是什么?目中无人的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:目中无人的的读音是,目中无人的翻译成英文是 defiant



片名:目中无人 主演:吴镇宇 任达华 高飞 张国强导演:高飞国家/地区:港台上映日期: 1989年10月4日 香港人物新热血英豪风流的回忆助手一月、墓中无人