


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……




本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:zì gāo zì dà








  • 【解释】:自以为了不起。
  • 【出自】:北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·勉学》:“见人读数十卷书,便自高大,凌忽长者,轻慢同列。”
  • 【示例】:人要是~,瞧不起别人,就不能进步。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作主语、谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. But I will come to you soon, if the Lord wills , and I shall find out, not the words of those who are arrogant but their power.


  2. Anyone he had ever injured by his conceit might now feel revenged to see how ravaged he looked.


  3. It is more difficult to deal with the self-esteem of man as man, because we cannot argue out the matter with some non-human mind.


  4. But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills, and I will ascertain not the speech of those who are puffed up but the power.


  5. We all think he is big headed, and get away with him. But he seems never to have sensed about that.


  6. He's nothing but a self-serving, egotistical maniac.


  7. Mr. Samuel talked to the musician about his early acquaintance with Pendennis and described him as a confounded conceited blackguard.


  8. That's the kind of God you people talk about-a country bumpkin, a clumsy, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed.


  9. And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.


  1. 我们决不能自高自大。

    In no case should we get conceited.

  2. 他辛酸, 失望, 同时又自高自大。

    He was a sour, disappointed fellow, and a conceited one.

  3. 他既不自高自大,也不腐化堕落。

    He was neither arrogant nor corrupt.

  4. 你不要因为成功而变得自高自大。

    Don't grow conceited over your successes.

  5. 有些人自高自大,以为我不到你们那里去。

    Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come to you.

  6. 我认为她自高自大、软弱无能,而且还挺蠢。

    I thought she was stuck up, a sissy, and soft in the head.

  7. 他心里自高自大, 在人坦然安定的时候, 毁灭多人

    And he will magnify himself in his heartAnd he will destroy many who are complacently secure.

  8. 迦勒底人自高自大,心不正直。惟义人因信得生。

    As for the man of pride, my soul has no pleasure in him; but the upright man will have life through his good faith.

  9. 她把这一切全归咎于会吏长的偏见与自高自大。

    All this she attributed to the prejudice and conceit of the archdeacon.

  10. 看他们自高自大,心不正直然而义人必因信实得生。

    Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith.

  11. 是指自高自大,装腔作势的作风。

    means an air of haughtiness or conceit.

  12. 有人担心又一选举大胜会令他愈发膨胀自大。

    Many worry that another big electoral win may swell his head further.

  13. 她不能阻止自已大叫。

    She could not stop herself shouting.

  14. 自经济大萧条后, 糟糕的经济衰退只是问题的一部分。

    The worst downturn since the Great Depression is only part of the problem.

  15. 知识分子知识分子, 自以为有大学问的人

    An intellectuala highbrow.

  16. 选自一部较大作品的一个章节。

    a passage selected from a larger work.

  17. 这一类型得电影自以来最大得失败。

    One of the biggest misfires in its genre since Godzilla.

  18. 这一类型的电影自以来最大的失败。

    One of the biggest misfires in its genre since Godzilla.

  19. 这对当时读者的感官自有很大的影响。

    It exercised a powerful influence upon the sensibility of the age.

  20. 这对当时读者得感官自有很大得影响。

    It exercised a powerful influence upon the sensibility of the age.

  21. 汉普夏羊产自英格兰的大个绵羊。

    A large sheep of a breed originating in england.

  22. 在过去的日子里, 你觉得自已最大的成就是什么

    What was your greatest accomplishment in the past

  23. 赵薇在接受采访时称这也是她自小到大第一次当官。

    Zhao revealed in an interview it was the first official post she had ever gained.

  24. 岛上大部分的收入得自鳕鱼,大比目鱼和旗鱼等三种鱼类。

    Most of the income of the island is from three fishes cod, halibut, and swordfish.

  25. 但模糊控制本身存在稳态误差大,自适应能力有限等缺点。

    But fuzzy control strategy owns some disadvantages, such as large stable state error and adaptive ability.

  26. 自负, 自大膨胀的自负感自大

    An inflated sense of ones own importanceconceit.

  27. 台湾石油自产能力不大,且不稳定。

    Taiwan has very limited and unstable oil production capacity.

  28. 我的题目是摘自大财政家

    My title is taken from the philosophy of the great financier , Bernie Corhfeld.

  29. 你自认自己最大的优劣势分别为何?

    What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

  30. 自15世纪起大教堂成为丹麦皇家陵寝。

    It has been the mausoleum of the Danish royal family since the15 th century.


  1. 问:自高自大拼音怎么拼?自高自大的读音是什么?自高自大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自高自大的读音是zìgāozìdà,自高自大翻译成英文是 self-important

  2. 问:自高自大地拼音怎么拼?自高自大地的读音是什么?自高自大地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自高自大地的读音是,自高自大地翻译成英文是 cockily


