







汉语拼音:kāi xué








  1. 古代指开设学校。

    《东观汉记·张酺传》:“ 永平 九年,詔为四姓小侯开学,置五经师。” 唐 元稹 《献荥阳公诗五十韵》:“ 郑 驛骑翩翩, 丘 门子弟贤。 文翁 开学日, 正礼 骋途年。” 宋 王禹偁 《酬种放徵君》诗:“侧闻 种先生 , 终南 卧云壑。 长沮 既躬耕, 元礼 仍开学。”

  2. 启作学者。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·宗经》:“义既挻乎性情,辞亦匠於文理;故能开学养正,昭明有融。”

  3. 学期开始。

    丁玲 《小火轮上》:“她不愿被人太扰乱了,整个寒假都没下 武陵 来,只想快点开学。” 丁玲 《母亲》三:“自从这天开学之后,学堂里就热闹了。”



  1. Schools will reopen in a few days. The railway station shall face the peak passenger flow of large returning student population.


  2. But I have wanted the beginning of the term immediately , have been unable to get on the Internet often, you can write a mail to me.


  3. School, she would like to conclude a good tidy up around the house, he knew, his father always did not like dirty.


  4. After class a few minutes, the body began to tired up until the second week of school, I unknowingly have such feelings.


  5. Really relaxing day at home, was long a lot of meat, let me a great deal. Opening soon.


  6. Though you fail the final exam , don't get down on yourself . because you can take the exam again at the beginning of the next term.


  7. So Mr. Flowers did his best to be in or close by his glasshouse at the beginning and end of the school day.


  8. It was the first day of school. When l asked a classmate about her, he told me to forget it. She has a boyfriend, he said.


  9. At the time, do not know what my mother would like, the day before school in the Pro and suddenly I transfer the.


  1. 开学第一天

    Black Monday.

  2. 什么时候开学?

    When does the school open again ?

  3. 我的开学日

    My way getting to school

  4. 已经开学了吗

    Has the school begun yet

  5. 学校9月1日开学。

    B. School starts on September 1.

  6. 学校在秋季开学。

    School begins in the fall.

  7. 开学第一天顺利

    You guys have a great first day!

  8. 新学年开学在即。

    The new school year is about to begin.

  9. 学校下周一开学。

    School starts next Monday.

  10. 新学期何时开学

    When does the new semester starts.

  11. 开学前我无所事事。

    I'm just kicking my heels until the beginning of the term.

  12. 开学典礼是哪天?

    When was the opening ceremony?

  13. 男孩子们星期一开学。

    Boys start schooling on Monday.

  14. 而且马上就要开学了

    And school's almost here.

  15. 他们为什麽延期开学

    Why have they delayed opening the school

  16. 在孩子们开学第一天

    I love that we take pictures of the kids.

  17. 开学才过了三周

    It's only been like three weeks.

  18. 都是九月才开学。

    No openings until september.

  19. 我们学校9月中旬开学。

    Our school term starts in mid-September.

  20. 是的, 我们要开学了。

    Yes! We will start school.

  21. 好像是开学第二周。

    Like second week or something.

  22. 是的,我们要开学了。

    Yes! We will start school.

  23. 学校九月又开学了。

    School begins again in September.

  24. 三周之后才开学迎新

    Orientation is in three weeks.

  25. 一开学压力就这么大

    It's awfully early in the school year.

  26. 今天是开学的第一天。

    Today's the first day of classes.

  27. 台湾的学校九月开学。

    Schools in Taiwan begin in September.

  28. 昨天是开学的第一天。

    Yesterday was the first day of school.

  29. 学校从6月开学到4月结束。

    Schools open in June and close in April.

  30. 秋季学期将在下周开学。

    The autumn semester will begin next week.


  1. 问:开学拼音怎么拼?开学的读音是什么?开学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开学的读音是kāixué,开学翻译成英文是 new term begins; school opens

  2. 问:开学日拼音怎么拼?开学日的读音是什么?开学日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开学日的读音是,开学日翻译成英文是 First day of school