


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……




1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……


把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……



汉语拼音:zì zhǎo kǔ chī



  1. but I wish he would not so wear himself out now he is getting old, and would leave such pigs to their wallowing.


  2. Some looked at him quizzically, perhaps wondering why he had inflicted such suffering on himself.


  3. It was too late for him to regret as he had burned his fingers.


  4. But if you're on Gmail every time your boss walks up to your desk, you're asking for trouble.


  5. Eg. Can not be competent to do their own thing, no doubt .


  6. But you touch my staff and you are walking into a world of hurt.


  7. Capital costs to build roads and more and more time driving, the "time is money" well-minded European and American economy, and really?


  1. 还有什么苦可以吃,还有什么罪可以受。

    What hardships have to eat, what else can be affected by the crime.

  2. 我觉得目前的苦是吃不完的。

    I dont think adversity is behind us yet.

  3. 你那种行为是自找苦吃。

    You are asking for trouble when you behave in that way.

  4. 我为什么要如此自找苦吃啊?

    Why was I putting myself through all this misery?

  5. 我从小受困, 什么样的苦都吃过。

    I was in difficulties as a child, and have suffered all kinds of misfortune.

  6. 我从小受困,什么样的苦都吃过。

    I was in difficulties as a child, and have suffered all kinds of misfortune.

  7. 他因管闲事而自找苦吃, 真是后悔莫及。

    It was too late for him to regret as he had burned his fingers.

  8. 我自找苦吃的把你送到哈佛, 最后你回来看起来象一个恶魔。

    I kill myself to get you to Harvard and you come back looking like a zombie.

  9. 他们也吃过苦。

    They have also eaten bitterness.

  10. 她一生受口吃之苦。

    She was cursed with stammer all her life.

  11. 没有吃过苦, 不知何谓甜。

    He who has not tasted bitter doesn't know what sweet is.

  12. 他们聊到了过去吃的苦。

    They talked over the bitterness of the past.

  13. 你要来住可能得吃点苦。

    You may have to rough it a bit if you come to stay.

  14. 那段时间嘴里没味或苦我就吃点水果糖。

    During that time mouth did not taste or bitter fruit I eat sugar.

  15. 这一点我是吃了苦之后才知道得。

    I know it to my cost.

  16. 这一点我是吃了苦之后才知道的。

    I know it to my cost.

  17. 约翰寻衅和杰克打架, 结果大吃其苦。

    John picked a fight with Jack and came off worst.

  18. 吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人毋屈服于恶

    If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of

  19. 象他那样吃过苦的人,谁能不得肺病?

    Who wouldn't be tubercular from the punishment he received ?

  20. 我们不惜为国献身, 更不必说吃点苦了。

    We do not hesitate to give our lives for our country, let alone suffer some hardships.

  21. 他在尽力使长期援助生效,并且为此吃了苦。

    He is trying to put long term aid into effect, and suffers for it.

  22. 我们能不惜为国献身, 更不必说吃点苦了。

    We do not hesitate to give our lives for our country, let alone suffer some hardships.

  23. 每天吃点苦的东西,这样你才不会忘记吃苦的滋味。

    Try to eat something bitter every day, just so, you don't lose your taste for it.

  24. 人生苦短,先吃甜点!

    Life short, eat dessert first!

  25. 如果吃点苦能赢得这么大的幸福, 那又算得了什么呢

    What is a little toil, if it conquers so much happiness

  26. 咱们不要给特克斯添新的麻烦, 他吃的苦已经够多了。

    We dont want Tex exposed to anything. He has all the troubles he can handle.

  27. 希望下次他不自讨苦吃。

    Let's hope he gets it right next time.

  28. 最后,柯林听说安徒生所吃的苦,便安排一个私人家教来教他。

    Finally Collin heard of Andersen's suffering and arranged for him to study with a private tutor.

  29. 那时他们吃了不少苦。

    They suffered a great deal in those days.

  30. 他小时候吃了不少苦。

    He suffered a great deal in his childhood.

