







汉语拼音:yóu lún






  1. 借指出游的车辆。

    清 李调元 《冬日》诗:“残冬无復事游轮,为近暄窗启户频。”



  1. Overtaken by a huge iceberg, the luxurious ship, Titanic, sank to the bottom of the sea once and for all on its maiden voyage.


  2. "It was as if they were in a sinking ship, " Williams recalls, "and we were a lifeboat passing by. "


  3. None of the tourists were taken hostage, but the ship was seized along with its seven-member crew.


  4. If you've never been on a cruise, it is only a matter of taking your first one and you'll be hooked for life.


  5. no longer what people believe me to be, a middle-aged journalist taking a holiday on an ocean-going liner, ?


  6. If it's the sea that attracts you, then there is no one stopping you from cruising aboard some of the popular New Year Cruises in England.


  7. The ship was designed to be the last word in comfort and luxury and was the largest ship afloat at the time of her maiden voyage.


  8. Now, what if you could combine all of that with a discount of up to 75% off?


  9. The Coast Guard is still searching for a carnival cruise ship worker who fell overboard off the coast of Florida.


  1. 游轮旅行?

    A cruise?

  2. 港观光游轮

    Sightseeing Vessel of Yokohama Port.

  3. 新加坡游轮中心

    Singapore Cruise Centre

  4. 定轮与游轮

    tight and loose pulley.

  5. 游轮的轮机长

    the chief engineer on a cruise liner

  6. 啊!游轮的乐趣。

    Ahh! The joy of a cruise.

  7. 载客长途航行的游轮

    cruise ship

  8. 神奇的游轮命名法

    The magic of cruise ship naming

  9. 一天有多少班游轮?

    How many cruises are there in a day?

  10. 那艘游轮因大风翻沉。

    The passenger ship capsized because of strong wind.

  11. 那艘游轮因大风翻沉。

    The passenger ship capsized because of strong wind.

  12. 一魔术师在游轮上卖艺。

    A magician worked on a cruise ship.

  13. 还有定期客轮和游轮。

    There are also passenger liners and excursion steamers.

  14. 我一直想坐游轮旅游。

    I've always wanted to go on a cruise.

  15. 这艘游轮缓缓驶向港口。

    This cruise ship is slowly heading for the harbor.

  16. 问题这个游轮的船长几岁

    Question How old is the captain of the cruise.

  17. 坐游轮是昂贵的旅行方法。

    Passenger ships are a costly way to travel.

  18. 假日里他们总是乘游轮出游。

    They always go cruising in their holidays.

  19. 莫蒂和我打算去游轮旅行。

    Morty and I are about to take a cruise.

  20. 莫蒂和我打算去游轮旅行。

    Morty and I are about to take a cruise.

  21. 这艘游轮正驶往澳门本岛。

    This yacht is heading to the main island of Macao.

  22. 这艘游轮正驶往澳门本岛。

    This yacht is heading to the main island of Macao.

  23. 他们今年更要推出12艘大游轮。

    They will launch a further12 vessels this year.

  24. 尤其是坐在游轮上面赏风景,

    Especially when you sit in a cruise ship to enjoy the scenery

  25. 我们去年搭游轮到阿拉斯加。

    We cruised to Alaska last year.

  26. 从塞班码头乘游轮航行15分钟到达。

    Warship Island looked exactly like a ship.

  27. 不,你不是在标准的商业游轮上。

    No, you are not on a standard commercial cruise ship.

  28. 那些海鸥总是在我们的游轮周围翻飞。

    The seagulls always fly to and fro around our passenger ship.

  29. 那些海鸥总是在我们的游轮周围翻飞。

    The seagulls always fly to and fro around our passenger ship.

  30. 圣诞节期间,有国际游轮在该领土停靠。

    Around Christmas time international cruise ships stopped in the Territory.


  1. 问:游轮拼音怎么拼?游轮的读音是什么?游轮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游轮的读音是yóulún,游轮翻译成英文是 A steamboat carrying tourists for sight-seeing...