







汉语拼音:zōng fǎ






  1. 古代以家族为中心,按血统、嫡庶来组织、统治社会的法则。

    清 凤韶 《凤氏经说·宗法》:“先王为大夫士立有宗法,义取尊祖收族也。《大传》曰:‘别子为祖,继别为宗,继禰者为小宗’……宗法皆然。继祖,继曾高祖,亦统谓之小宗。大宗惟一,小宗无数。” 清 李慈铭 《越缦堂读书记·程侍郎遗集》:“其《答祁淳甫论承重孙妇:“姑在当何服”书》:‘谓今封建废已久,惟世袭者尚可言宗法,言承重。’” 清 冯桂芬 《复宗法议》:“宗法者,佐国家养民教民之原本也。” 梁启超 《中国学术思想变迁之大势》第三章第二节:“封建与宗法皆族长政治之圆满者也。”

  2. 效法。

    宋 胡仔 《苕溪渔隐丛话前集·杜少陵四》:“ 老杜 於诗学,世以谓前无古人,后无来者;然观其诗大率宗法《文选》。摭其华髓,旁罗曲探,咀嚼为我语。” 清 沉德潜 《明诗别裁集·李梦阳》:“ 空同 五言古宗法 陈思 、 康乐 ,然过於雕刻,未极自然。”

  3. 指学术文艺上某一宗派递相传授的法度规矩。

    清 恽敬 《答秦抚军书》:“古名人画,无不古穆深厚,精能奇迈,即逸品亦无率尔之作,故一望可知。且纸绢必精,丹墨必得法,再以各家宗法求之,可千不失一。” 况周颐 《蕙风词话续编》卷一:“按 宋 诗人 徐照 、 徐璣 、 翁卷 、 赵紫芝 ,传 唐 贤宗法,号称‘四灵’。”



  1. Cutting against the grain of a staunchly patriarchal society, Mr. Soong expected big things from his daughters as well as from his sons.


  2. China has always been a patriarchal society with blood ties to the country, the impact of the family to people is very large.


  3. Since the Reform and Opening, the concept of patriarchism and moral ethics has weakened, but never changed radically.


  4. Since the foundation of the new China, the Mongolian marriage went through a complex and long evolvement.


  5. Feminist critics have paid attention to its fantasy of the total corrosion of patriarchal order.


  6. As a product of the ancient patriarchal clan system, seniority terms well reflect the ethical morality of respect for seniority.


  7. From Patriarchal Clan System Culture to Poetry Quality Culture--Revisiting CHEN Yan's Study of "Value Neutrality"


  8. The clan field is a inevitable product for the patriarchal society, and it has a great impact on the traditional rural society.


  9. China is a very strong patriarchal society, FOCUS importantly linking to relation by blood, also distinct from close and distant.


  1. 封建宗法主义

    feudal patriarchism.

  2. 宗法制遗风

    customs of clan system.

  3. 古羌宗法文化论

    On the Patriarchal Clan Institution of the Qiangs

  4. 匈奴宗法文化论

    On the Patriarchal Clan Culture of the Xiongnu People

  5. 管仲改革与宗法制度

    Guan Zhong's Reform and the Patriarch System in China

  6. 鲜卑族宗法文化论略

    A Brief Discussion on the Patriarchal Clan Culture of the Xianbei Ethnic Group

  7. 呈坎罗族宗法建设初探。

    A Preliminary study on the Patriarchal clan system Building of the Lo Family in Cheng Kan Village.

  8. 封建思想与宗法制度的禁锢作用。

    Feudal ideology and patriarchal clan system.

  9. 工于山水,宗法四王,雄浑苍秀。

    Works in the landscape, the patriarchal Four Wangs, forceful cubeba show.

  10. 蒙古族婚姻形态的宗法性初探

    On Patriarchal System Analysis of Mongolian Marriage Form

  11. 故宜以宗法地主专制社会称之。

    It's better to call the period patriarchal landlord autocratic society.

  12. 沉默的妇德与宗法家庭婚姻伦理

    Silent Woman's Behavior and Ancient Clan System Family Marriage Ethics

  13. 西双版纳傣族传统宗法文化研究

    A Study on the Traditional Patriarchal Culture of the Dai Nationality in Xishangbanna

  14. 可见宗法观念的余毒决不能轻视。

    It is thus clear that the residual influences of clannishness must not be underestimated.

  15. 三代宗法文化向西北少数民族传播论

    On the Spreading of Threegeneration Patriarchal Clan Culture Among Minority Ethnic Groups in Northwest China.

  16. 从西周民族史诗看宗法制的形成

    Discussing the Formation of Religion System from Western Zhou National Epics

  17. 清朝满族的皇家宗法与其皇位继承制度

    The Imperial Patriarchal Clan and the Inheritance System in the Qing Dynasty

  18. 匈奴社会实质上是游牧宗法奴隶制社会。

    The Huns society is a nomadic patriarchal slave society in essence.

  19. 试论近代少数民族婚姻形态的宗法性

    Discussion on Patriarchal Clan System Character of Forms in Modern Minority Marriage.

  20. 宗法秩序回潮下基层行政体制的现实困境

    Actual Dilemma of Basic Administration System Under the Circumstances of Patriarchal Order Revival

  21. 儒教的危机, 首先是其宗法封建性礼教伦理的危机。

    Confucianism crisis, the first of its patriarchal feudal ethical code ethical crisis.

  22. 漫谈西周宗法伦理下的社会格局及其法律影响

    Free Discussion about the Social Pattern under the Patriarchal Ethics of Xizhou Dynasty and Its Influence of Law

  23. 宗法文化, 是儒家文化的核心, 也是一代唐诗的创作灵魂。

    Patriarchal culture was both thecore of Confucian culture and thesoul of Tang poetrys creation.

  24. 宗法父权政治关系下的女性丑怪身体的群像。

    The ugly and strange images of female groups under the feudal patriarchal and masculine political relationship.

  25. 曲沃篡晋与古典宗法制政治功能的消亡

    The Jin Kingdom Usurped by Quwo and the Withering of the Function of the Classical Patriarchal Political System

  26. 改土归流后土家族婚俗中的宗法性因素

    On the Religious Elements of the Marriage Customs of Tujia Nationality after Being Reformed and Conformed

  27. 宗法制的社会结构是造成这一现象的社会根源。

    The social and cultural origins, which produced the phenomenon, just rested with the patriarchal clan system.

  28. 家族散之四方,给根深蒂固的宗法制度以有力的冲击。

    Kins disperse to different places, which has a great impact on the patriarchal clan system.

  29. 是封建礼教和宗法道德筑就了她们的悲剧命运。

    It was the feudal rules and patriarch moral that led to their tragical fates.

  30. 尤二姐和贾琏的婚姻是封建宗法制度下的畸形的婚姻。

    Erjie and Jia Lians marriage under the feudal patriarchal clan system malformations marriage.


  1. 问:宗法拼音怎么拼?宗法的读音是什么?宗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宗法的读音是zōngfǎ,宗法翻译成英文是 patriarchal; a clan system based on patriarchy...

  2. 问:宗法制度拼音怎么拼?宗法制度的读音是什么?宗法制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宗法制度的读音是zōng fǎ zhì dù,宗法制度翻译成英文是 patriarchal system

  3. 问:宗法社会拼音怎么拼?宗法社会的读音是什么?宗法社会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宗法社会的读音是zōng fǎ shè huì,宗法社会翻译成英文是 patriarchal society