


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……





汉语拼音:zǒng shǔ






  1. 清 总理各国事务衙门的别称。

    郑观应 《盛世危言·游历》:“方今朝廷创办一事,聚讼盈庭,非无深达时务之臣,而每建一言,輒多格於羣议,诚如总署所谓同心少、异议多者。”



  1. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is the subject of a rant, as are the growing powers of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.


  2. A spokesman for GAC said the increase was "an important turning point" for the country.


  3. NASA's WISE explorer is going to be searching the sky for infrared objects over the next 9 months.


  4. Du was purged for his reformist positions as the head of the General Administration of Press and Publication after the 1989 protests.


  5. "I'm going to call NASA, " I said firmly.


  6. Man cannot live on bread alone, says the space agency, so a bit of sun-dried tomato and soya rice pudding wouldn't go amiss.


  7. These materials are provided by Lands Department as a service to the public and may be used for informational purposes only .


  8. The classified management of other enterprises shall be separately prescribed by the General Administration of Customs.


  9. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has just opened a station in California to track Asian dust as it passes over the U.


  1. 出版总署发言人拒绝置评。

    Gapp spokesman declined to comment.

  2. 海关总署负责边境措施。

    The General Customs Administration was responsible for border measures.

  3. 寮屋管制职务移交地政总署

    Squatter control and clearance functions transferred to Lands Department

  4. 报海关总署批准后实行。

    The implementation rules shall be put into effect after its approval by the General Customs Administration.

  5. 欧洲太空总署策划了该实验。

    And the European Space Agency planed the trial.

  6. 然而总署的想法发生了变化。

    Now the administration has had a change of heart.

  7. 地政总署测绘处公司化计划

    Corporatization of the survey and mapping office of the lands department

  8. 此研究由海洋暨大气总署资助。

    The scientists acknowledge funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

  9. 具体监管办法由海关总署制定。

    Specific measures for such control shall be formulated by the General Customs Administration.

  10. 联系指导总署物资装备供应中心。

    To liaise with and guide the Goods and Equipment Supply Center of the Customs Office.

  11. 夫人,我们是美国移民和海关总署。

    Ma'am, we're from U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

  12. 关于类似问题,我向出版总署投诉。

    I have a complaint in with the publishing department regarding a similar issue.

  13. 更换地政总署电脑化土地信息系统

    Replacement of computerised land information system for the lands department

  14. 海关行政处罚听证办法由海关总署制定。

    Measures for hearings on Customs administrative penalty shall be formulated by the General Administration of Customs.

  15. 不过海关总署的数据仍不够乐观。

    However, the Administration of Customs data is far from optimistic.

  16. 海关总署关于废止部分海关规章的决定

    Decision of the General Administration of Customs on Abolishing Some Customs Rules and Regulations

  17. 地政总署署长须担任土地测量监督。

    The director of lands shall be the land survey authority.

  18. 警察总署也采取措施处理这一现象。

    The Police Service is also adopting measures to address this phenomenon.

  19. 涉及海关业务的,由海关总署负责解释。

    Where any customs operations are involved, the General Administration of Customs shall be responsible for the interpretation.

  20. 具体办法由财政部会同海关总署制定。

    The Ministry of Finance shall formulate the specific measures therefor together with the General Administration of Customs.

  21. 第十六条本办法由海关总署负责解释。

    Article 16 These Regulations shall be explained by the Customs General Administration.

  22. 重大, 复杂的案件, 可以由海关总署指定管辖。

    For grave and complex cases, the General Administration of Customs shall designate jurisdiction.

  23. 第三十条本办法由海关总署负责解释。

    Article 30 The right to interpret these Measures resides in the General Customs Administration..

  24. 与民政事务总署携手推广廉洁有效楼宇管理

    Joining hands with the Home Affairs Department to promote clean and effective building management

  25. 地政总署产业测量师协会屋宇署本地屋宇测量师协会

    Lands Department Estate Surveyors Association, The

  26. 新闻出版总署署长柳斌杰就此进行了解读。

    Press and publication Administration Director Liu binjie has conducted in this respect.

  27. 其他企业的分类管理,由海关总署另行规定。

    The classified management of other enterprises shall be separately prescribed by the General Administration of Customs.

  28. 特殊情况下,经海关总署决定,可以进行调整。

    Under special conditions and at the discretion the General Administration of Customs thearrangement can be changed.

  29. 民政总署大楼是澳门最典型的葡式建筑物。

    The building as the most outstanding example of Portuguese architecture in the territory.

  30. 民政总署大楼是澳门最典型得葡式建筑物。

    The building as the most outstanding example of Portuguese architecture in the territory.


  1. 问:总署拼音怎么拼?总署的读音是什么?总署翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总署的读音是zǒng shǔ,总署翻译成英文是 general administration