







汉语拼音:rù shì







  1. 投身于社会。

    汉 刘向 《九叹·惜贤》:“妄周容而入世兮,内距闭而不开。” 柳亚子 《自题磨剑室诗词后》诗:“但觉高歌动鬼神,不妨入世任妍媸。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·青年必读书》:“ 中国 书虽有劝人入世的话,也多是僵尸的乐观;外国书即使是颓唐和厌世的,但却是活人的颓唐和厌世。”



  1. Thailand was one of the first countries accessed to WTO and made commitments in educational services.


  2. China has so far taken a back seat in the WTO, insisting it had its hands full meeting its accession commitments.


  3. With the total entry of WTO in 2006, the practical ability of English now is prior to any other time.


  4. The state people have been seeking for several thousand years could either be that of "Renouncing and Naturalizing the World" or "Zen" .


  5. The issue was raised by the United States as part of the second transitional review of China's adherence to its WTO accession commitments.


  6. China will continue to open its financial sector in line with its WTO commitments and create a level playing field for foreign banks.


  7. Children born to learning to walk up to the present primary school, on the cezi record of her growing up.


  8. The general state of our economy and the impact of China' entry to WTO on our industry is the current issue that concerns me the most.


  9. Blink of an eye, "China" in the WTO train tracks along a few years, China's accession to the WTO transition period is also to a node.


  1. 入世议定书

    accession protocol.

  2. 入世与出世

    going into and leaving the society.

  3. 入世与打假

    Joining WTO and Cracking down Fake and Shoddy Products.

  4. 回首入世一年

    Look back the year of China access to WTO

  5. 第二, 是入世的。

    Secondly, involvement in society.

  6. 面对入世的房地产业

    Real Estate Industry in the Face of WTO

  7. 入世在即 国企如何创新

    Innovation How to Confront WTO in National Enterprise

  8. 入世与我国行政法

    On the World Trade Organization and Our Administrative Law

  9. 入世了, 电信立法何去何从?

    Where should Telecom legislation go after wto?

  10. 入世初期科研打假刻不容缓

    Punishment of Imitated Scientific Researches Badly Needed at the Initial Stage of WTO Accession

  11. 入世济世与神仙超越

    Follow with interest the life and believe the supernatural being of Taoism

  12. 入世, 律师业应早作准备

    Joining WTO, the Lawyer Trade should Prepare Early

  13. 入世后我国的标准化工作

    Standard Work of China After Entering Into WTO

  14. 完善企业形象 迎接入世挑战

    Improving the Image of Enterprises and Greeting the Challenges of WTO Entry

  15. 新华农场转换观念迎入世

    XinhuaFarm changes its idea to greet China joining WTO

  16. 入世给职业培训带来什么

    What is the entrance of WTO brings about to vocational training

  17. 冲破技术壁垒迎接入世挑战

    Break Down the Technology Barriers and Meet the Challenges of the WTO

  18. 论入世后我国的司法审查

    On china's judicial review after china's entry into wto

  19. 入世与我国的对外劳务合作

    WTO and Chinese Foreign Labor Service cooperation

  20. 上天突然抓我入掌, 抛我入世。

    Suddenly into this world, Heaven carries me and flings.

  21. 入世后我国的人才资源开发

    China's Talent Resources Exploitation after WTO Entry

  22. 入世后我国财税对策的选择

    Choice of Countermeasure of Fiscal Tax of Our Country After Entering the WTO

  23. 专利入世后的一个沉重话题

    the process is not at all like the ponderous business of doing Activity 1. 5.

  24. 入世与我国外资立法的完善

    China's Accession to the WTO and the Perfection of Our Legislation of Foreign Investments

  25. 入世后我国经济法的重新定位

    The reorientation of the economic law of our country after entering the WTO

  26. 入世后,山西煤炭营销战略之我见

    On My View on Shanxi Coal Marketing Strategies after WTO Entry

  27. 从实际出发切实提高入世应对能力

    From Practical Point of View Heighten Respondent Ability to Entry into WTO

  28. 浅论入世后我国政府形象建设

    On government visualize building after joining wto in our country

  29. 入世了,国内货运企业你准备好了吗?

    Are you ready for entry into the wto?

  30. 入世后我国招商引资的新策略

    New strategy for foreign investments attracting after China acceded to WTO


  1. 问:入世拼音怎么拼?入世的读音是什么?入世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入世的读音是rùshì,入世翻译成英文是 To enter the World Trade Organization.; St...


