






不,不曾,没有:~必。~曾(céng )。~来。~尝。~竟(没有完成的)。~及(a.没有来得及;b.没有达到)。地支的第八位,属羊。用于记时:~时(下午一点至三点)。放在句末,表示疑问:“君除吏尽~?吾亦欲除吏”。……





汉语拼音:xià zhì wèi zhì



  1. He has published many books, such as "Visionary" , " The Summer Still Doesn't Come" . . . These books are very touching.


  1. 因为我说过,佳境未至

    Because I told you.the best is yet to come.

  2. 政府对张悟本和悟本堂公司的处罚迟迟未至。

    The government has not yet announced the punishment of Zhang and his company.

  3. 那些敢于去人迹未至的海域航行的人成了新陆地的发现者。

    Those who dared to launch out beyond the unknown waters became the discoverers of new lands.

  4. 按钮定位至未在列表中出现的应用程序。

    Button to navigate to an application that does not appear in the list.

  5. 人类对想像力的运用,还未发展至登峰造极。

    He has not yet reached the apex of development in the use of his imaginative faculty.

  6. 保罗作使徒的权力未达至可以审判或纪律犯事的非信徒。

    Paul's authority as an apostle did not extend to judging and prescribing discipline on unbelievers for their sins.

  7. 夏至夏季的至点, 大约为6月21日

    The summer solstice, about June21.

  8. 后范遇赦归,未至家而陈卒。

    Fan Yu She later return, do not suggest home and Chen Zu.

  9. 转至下一个未读类别

    Go to the next unread category

  10. 转至下一个未读文件夹

    Go to the next unread folder

  11. 球击至洞边而未入把高尔夫球击到洞穴得边缘而未落入

    To hit a golf ball so that it touches the edge of without dropping in.

  12. 球击至洞边而未入把高尔夫球击到洞穴的边缘而未落入

    To hit a golf ball so that it touches the edge of without dropping in.

  13. 放大至3000倍后亦未见微缝隙存在。

    Under amplication of 2998, no microleakage was ob.

  14. 但时至今日, 我方仍未收到贵方有关信用证。

    But as of this date, we still have not received your covering letter of credit.

  15. 明天就交夏至了。

    Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice.

  16. 但未预料到的后果接踵而至。

    But there have also been unintended consequences.

  17. 至截稿时孙燕姿还未做任何回应。

    Stefanie Sun has yet to make the date when any response.

  18. 未表态的选民支持谁将是至关重要的。

    The allegiance of uncommitted voters will be crucial.

  19. 但至写此信时仍未接到任何消息。

    However, up to the time of writing, we have not heard from him as yet.

  20. 预支旅费的未清偿时间为7至24个月以上。

    The travel advances have been outstanding from7 to over24 months.

  21. 任何未使用的冷箔会卷回至备用材料。

    Any unused cold foil will roll back to an alternate materials.

  22. 即使至今日,他本人和他的事业都未放慢脚步。

    Even today, he and his career show no signs of slowing down.

  23. 大通未就这份至关重要的传真作出反应。

    Chase did not respond to this crucial fax.

  24. 其货币存量并未下降,但增长速度已放至缓慢。

    The money stock there did not fall but slowed down to a crawl.

  25. 来年又来年。却未曾等到一个破啼的夏至。终年不至的夏至。

    Year in year out, no specialties appeared in the Summer Solstice, the neverSolstice.

  26. 如未能做到,它需将船只清理至完全乾净为止。

    If not done so, one has the privilege to clean up the boat spotlessly.

  27. 术后所有患者获4个月至2年随访, 均未见胆道狭窄。

    There was no bile duct stenosis during followup of 4 months to 2 years.

  28. 会藉有效期为2007年9月至2008年7月。未兑换的门票不能兑换为现金。

    The validity of the Membership is from Sep 2007 to Jul 2008. Any unclaimed tickets cannot be redeemed at cash value.

  29. 凑集足够的钱未这项工程提供资金是至关重要的。

    It is vital that enough money be collected to fund the project.

  30. 这是已知未成年帝企鹅所至范围的最北端了。

    This is the northern edge of the known range of juvenile Emperor penguins.