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汉语拼音:bìng chuáng
Brother was in bed, looking at me with the same familiar smile silently and mildly as I saw him at the first time.
大哥在病床上又望着我笑,就像我第一次看他那样地沉默温和。The father found the girl in bed with a heavily bandaged jaw and a swollen face, barely able to speak.
这位父亲发现躺在病床上,下巴绑着厚厚的绷带,脸肿肿的女儿几乎不能说话。Tamia's last sight before the ER doors closed on her was that of five men struggling to hold down her husband.
Tamia在急症室的门关上前,最后看到的景象是,5个人一起把他的丈夫按在病床上。On Sunday night we were taken to a Tripoli hospital. There, lying on a bed, was the unconscious form of a little girl.
周日夜,我们被带到一个的黎波里的医院。在那里的一张病床上,躺着一个失去知觉的小姑娘。I leaned on the bedrail looking down at her. She asked if I could help put on her socks.
我斜靠在病床栏杆那里俯下身子看了看她。老太太问我是否能帮住她穿上袜子。"It would hold full twenty beds, " said he, as though speaking to himself.
“此地足够容纳二十张病床!”他自言自语地说。I realised that his affirmation of me from his deathbed had filled a gaping hole of insecurity I had constantly carried around.
而我也意识到父亲在临终病床上给我的肯定让常年困扰着我的不安全感烟消云散。He spent much of his youth confined to bed, reading Russian novels and the works of Lu Xun, an influential Chinese writer from the 1920s.
少年时期,绝大多数时间是在病床上度过,读俄语小说和鲁迅的作品。鲁迅是自1920年代以来中国最有影响力的作家。She was always there by his bedside, taking care of him, until he passed away three months ago.