







汉语拼音:jǐ nǎi



用手或机械装置挤[牛、羊等] 乳房以取出奶。



挤奶 [jǐ nǎi]
  1. 挤奶是发挥母牛生产潜力的重要一环,没有熟练的技术挤奶方法和耐心就很难挤到应有的奶,挤奶方法不外手工挤奶和机器挤奶两种。



  1. Each girl sat on her three-legged stool as she milked, her right cheek resting on the cow's body, watching Tess arrive.


  2. Then they drove the animals back to the barton, or sat down to milk them on the spot, as the case might require.


  3. He had allowed her to free herself; and in a minute or two the milking of each was resumed.


  4. The men milked with their hats low over their eyes and did not see her.


  5. it had been spoken by a milker behind the animal, whom she had not hitherto perceived.


  6. Still, "It's just a fact of life that we can only milk a cow for so long, " analyst David Cappuccio told a recent conference.


  7. The remaining maids and the dairyman usually gave themselves another turn on the pillow, and did not appear till a quarter of an hour later.


  8. Each morning Peter and I connected the tubes to the buckets, wheeled them over to the milking shed, and herded the goats into a waiting pen.


  9. For a while there was no more talk among the milkers.


  1. 机械化挤奶

    mechanized milking.

  2. 给奶牛挤奶

    milking the cows.

  3. 野外挤奶装置

    field bail

  4. 管道挤奶系统

    pipeline milking system.

  5. 机械化挤奶站

    mechanization milking station.

  6. 挤奶状紧握

    Milking grip.

  7. 每日挤奶次数

    tiwce of milking.

  8. 最高挤奶速度

    maximum milking rate

  9. 奶桶挤奶设备

    bucket milking unit.

  10. 鱼刺形挤奶装置

    herringbone milking bail

  11. 她正给奶牛挤奶。

    She is milking the cows.

  12. 单轨吊车式挤奶装置

    overhead rall milker

  13. 挤奶后乳头是否药浴

    Milked out completely Yes No

  14. 挤奶前卫生消毒清洗

    Before Milking Sanitize Rinse Cycle

  15. 我必须安装挤奶设备。

    I had to install milking equipment.

  16. 那头母牛正在挤奶。

    The cow was milking.

  17. 挤奶工人得手是否干净?

    Do milkers keep their hands clean?

  18. 机械化挤奶系统的设计

    Design of the Mechanized Milking System

  19. 我们每天给乳牛挤奶。

    We milk the cows daily.

  20. 挤奶从雌性哺乳动物身上挤奶

    To draw milk from a female mammal.

  21. 那个正在挤奶的男孩。

    The boy who was doing the milking.

  22. 挤奶工人的手是否干净?

    Do milkers keep their hands clean?

  23. 是一个挤奶女工得力量。

    A milkmaids.

  24. 是一个挤奶女工的力量。

    A milkmaids.

  25. 水牛机器挤奶的初步研究

    Preliminary study on machine milking of water buffaloes

  26. 约翰一大早就要给奶牛挤奶。

    John has to milk the cow early in the morning.

  27. 约翰一大早就要给奶牛挤奶。

    John has to milk the cow early in the morning.

  28. 母牛需要每天早晨挤奶。

    Cows need to be milked every morning.

  29. 挤奶女工一天两次为奶牛挤奶。

    The milkmaid milks the cows twice a day.

  30. 机械的为牛挤奶的吸力装置。

    A suction apparatus for milking cows mechanically.


  1. 问:挤奶拼音怎么拼?挤奶的读音是什么?挤奶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶的读音是jǐnǎi,挤奶翻译成英文是 milk; to milk

  2. 问:挤奶人拼音怎么拼?挤奶人的读音是什么?挤奶人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶人的读音是,挤奶人翻译成英文是 milker

  3. 问:挤奶台拼音怎么拼?挤奶台的读音是什么?挤奶台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶台的读音是jǐ nǎi tái,挤奶台翻译成英文是 milking stall

  4. 问:挤奶器拼音怎么拼?挤奶器的读音是什么?挤奶器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶器的读音是jǐ nǎi qì,挤奶器翻译成英文是 mechanical milker

  5. 问:挤奶率拼音怎么拼?挤奶率的读音是什么?挤奶率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶率的读音是jǐnǎilǜ,挤奶率翻译成英文是 rate of milking

  6. 问:挤奶间拼音怎么拼?挤奶间的读音是什么?挤奶间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶间的读音是jǐnǎijiān,挤奶间翻译成英文是 lactorium

  7. 问:挤奶女工拼音怎么拼?挤奶女工的读音是什么?挤奶女工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶女工的读音是jǐ nǎi nǚ gōng,挤奶女工翻译成英文是 dairymaid

  8. 问:挤奶操作拼音怎么拼?挤奶操作的读音是什么?挤奶操作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶操作的读音是jǐ nǎi cāo zuò,挤奶操作翻译成英文是 milking operation

  9. 问:挤奶用具拼音怎么拼?挤奶用具的读音是什么?挤奶用具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶用具的读音是jǐ nǎi yòng jù,挤奶用具翻译成英文是 milking equipment

  10. 问:挤奶杯外套拼音怎么拼?挤奶杯外套的读音是什么?挤奶杯外套翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶杯外套的读音是jǐ nǎi bēi wài tào,挤奶杯外套翻译成英文是 teat shell

  11. 问:挤奶者结节病拼音怎么拼?挤奶者结节病的读音是什么?挤奶者结节病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挤奶者结节病的读音是jǐ nǎi zhě jié jié bìng,挤奶者结节病翻译成英文是 milkers' nodule, milkers' node