如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 刷 [shuā]2. 刷 [shuà]刷 [shuā]用成束的毛棕等制成的清除或涂抹的用具:~子。毛~。板~。擦拭,涂抹,清洗:~牙。~墙。~洗。印~。~耻(洗雪耻辱)。剔除,淘汰:~选(剔除)。~掉。刷 [shuà]〔~白〕色白而略……
汉语拼音:yìn shuā
宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·技艺》:“﹝ 毕昇 ﹞常作二铁板,一板印刷,一板已自布字。” 茅盾 《我走过的道路·复杂而紧张的生活学习与战斗》:“其时 陈独秀 尚在 广州 ,主张﹝《新青年》﹞移 粤 印刷。”
Have at least 5 years of experience as a Production Manager with reputed Printing & Packaging unit.
印刷行业五年以上生产管理经验。能够管理500人以上的工厂。This early ad was the work of William Caxton, England's first printer, who used it to advertise religious books from his own studio.
这张早期广告是英国第一个印刷商威廉·卡克斯顿的作品,他利用广告来兜售他自己的工场制作出来的宗教书籍。The surface strength, brightness, opacity, glossiness, and absorbency are influenced by the amount of binder in the coating.
涂料中胶粘剂的用量直接影响纸张的印刷表面强度、白度、不透明度、光泽度和吸收性。Think of a reference book as a printed memory, organized for your use when your memory does not contain the information you seek.
想想参考书的印刷记忆体,为您的组织时使用的记忆不包含的信息寻求。Six weeks before the book was to be printed, the publisher called to tell me he was afraid he was going to have to cancel its publication.
书准备开始印刷的前六个星期,出版商打电话告知我说恐怕书的出版要取消了。In real-life typography , the point size of a font is not so precisely related to the actual size of the font characters.
在现实生活的印刷中,字体的点大小不是如此正好和字体字符的实际大小相关的。Potential plans include travelling photographic exhibitions, and printing fine art copies of her work, he said.
他表示,可能的商业计划包括巡回展出莱博维茨的摄影作品,以及将其摄影作品制成精美的印刷品。Cut-off The maximum length of sheet that can be printed on a web press and equivalent dto the circumference of its impression cylinder .
卷筒纸印刷机所印最长纸度,亦步亦趋是压力圆筒的周长。What you see here are four of these paintings, they were all done from prints of famous installations.