







汉语拼音:guān lì








  1. 官员。亦为政府工作人员的总称。

    《墨子·号令》:“官吏豪杰与计坚守者,十人,及城上吏比五官者,皆赐公乘。”《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“於是 二世 乃遵用 赵高 ,申法令。乃阴与 赵高 谋曰:‘大臣不服,官吏尚彊,及诸公子必与我争,为之奈何?’” 宋 苏轼 《喜雨亭记》:“丁卯大雨三日乃止,官吏相与庆於庭。” 清 孙枝蔚 《咏物诗·蠹鱼》:“字汝曰蠹汝不耻,真同官吏剧贪侵。” 毛泽东 《<农村调查>的序言和跋·序》:“ 寻邬 调查找的是一部分中级干部,一部分下级干部,一个穷秀才,一个破产了的商会会长,一个在知县衙门管钱粮的已经失了业的小官吏。”



  1. He desired I would not take it ill, if he gave orders to certain proper officers to search me.


  2. And I said, Give ear, now, you heads of Jacob and rulers of the people of Israel: is it not for you to have knowledge of what is right?


  3. Most of the officials at different levels worked hard at it, so dramatic achievement was obtained through all-out efforts.


  4. The officer retired, and introduced, upon his return a tall, strapping wench of eighteen or twenty, dressed fantastically.


  5. elite ministers and court officials, is the monarch must be something with which to plan into account degree of people.


  6. Xie Lin then the size will be rounded up to the Sun Jiefu Twelve officials review all of them intended to kill.


  7. At times it feels as if almost everyone in a position of power or influence is on the take.


  8. The speech of a cultured Mandarin official is also a beautiful thing to hear.


  9. In Plato's Ideal State soldiers were justified in fooling the enemy, doctors in fooling their patients, and officials in fooling the people.


  1. 昏庸的官吏

    incompetent officials.

  2. 清廉的官吏

    an honest and incorruptible official.

  3. 秦地方官吏

    local government officers d the Qin Dynasty.

  4. 官吏无自由

    the government official does not have the freedom.

  5. 青徐兖籍官吏

    the Officials from Qingxuyan Region

  6. 在官吏的压迫下

    under official oppression

  7. 反动官吏鱼肉百姓。

    The reactionary officials savagely oppressed the people.

  8. 他是秦朝的官吏。

    He was a mandarin of the Qin dynasty.

  9. 押收无主家畜的官吏

    field driver

  10. 他们任命他做高级官吏。

    They appointed him to a high office.

  11. 官吏属于或有关于宫廷官吏的

    Of or relating to a palatine or palatinate.

  12. 他是一个玩忽职守的官吏。

    He is a negligent official.

  13. 唐代官吏退休制度述略

    The Retire System of Government Officials in the Tang Dynasty

  14. 有不奉行者, 罪其官吏。

    Wherever the decree is not carried out, the officials should be called to account.

  15. 宫庭官吏的办公室, 职权和领地

    The office, powers, or territory of a palatine.

  16. 汉代官吏的休假与退休制度

    On Holiday and Retirement System of Government Officials in Han Dynasty

  17. 当时,只有少数官吏或卜人使用。

    At that time, only a few officials or divination people.

  18. 冠盖是个古语,是官吏的意思。

    Guangai is an old phrase meaning officials.

  19. 解放前, 许多官吏通过贪污中饱私囊。

    Before liberation, many officials feathered their nests through corruption.

  20. 他能称君王为歹徒, 能称官吏为坏人。

    Who saith to the king Thou art an apostate who calleth rulers ungodly

  21. 汉律中的司法官吏渎职罪考评

    Study and Review on Crime of Malfeasance by Judicial Officer in Han Dynasty's Law

  22. 这钱都进了腐败官吏的腰包。

    The money was all pocketed by corrupt officials.

  23. 官吏受到惩治的原因直接影响惩治效果。

    The reasons directly affect the results.

  24. 官吏腐化是引起不满的又一原因。

    Corruption among officials was another cause for discontent.

  25. 试论唐代官吏管理制度及启示

    On the Enlightenment of the Regulatory Regime of the Feudal Officials of Tang dynasty

  26. 他们把矛头直接对准了腐败的官吏。

    They take a big shot at those corrupted officials.

  27. 对腐败官吏的容忍常鼓励贪污行为。

    Toleration of dishonest officials encourages corruption.

  28. 对官吏的惩治是整肃机制的重要内容。

    To punish the officials is the important contents of the whole dismissal system.

  29. 廉正清明的官吏肯定会受老百姓拥护的。

    Incorruptible, and just officials will surely be supported by the common people.

  30. 廉正清明的官吏肯定会受老百姓拥护的。

    Incorruptible, and just officials will surely be supported by the common people.


  1. 问:官吏拼音怎么拼?官吏的读音是什么?官吏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:官吏的读音是guānlì,官吏翻译成英文是 official



官吏(Officeholder;Government functionary),即官员。亦为政府工作人员的总称。可以指中国封建时代九品官中的任何一种官职,较低级的官吏由通过中国经典文学考试 (科举考试)及格的人来充当。