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汉语拼音:huáng qí
It had been proven that animal's airframe immunity capacity and disease resistance can be increased with astragalus polysaccharides.
众多研究结果表明,黄芪多糖能提高动物机体的免疫力,增强动物对疾病的防御作用。Results: Huan gui and its adulterants can be identified by physical-chemical process, TLC and U V spectrophotometry.
结果:黄芪及其伪品的种子的理化现象、层色谱及紫外光谱均有差异。Conclusion: The two species of Huangqi seeds can be correctly identified by electron microscopic scanning and UV spectrophotometry.
结论利用扫描电镜与紫外光谱法可准确鉴别两种黄芪种子。Astragalus membranaceus, alias yellow over sixty years of age, for plants and herbs collectively.
黄芪,又名黄耆,为植物和中药材的统称。Objective: To investigate the astragalus injection combined with azithromycin treatment of children with mycoplasma pneumonia treatment.
目的:探讨注射用阿奇霉素与黄芪注射液合用治疗儿童支原体肺炎的疗效。Results Radix Astragali had an exact pharmacological action and good efficacy in the treatment of multisystem diseases.
结果黄芪药理药理作用确切,对多种疾病均有较好的治疗作用。Results: Acupoint injection with astragalus injection had good clinical efficacy in supplementary treatment of aforementioned diseases.
结果:黄芪注射液穴位注射辅助治疗上述疾病疗效满意。Moreover, APS inhibited mitochondrial membrane potential collapse, protected mitochondrial morphology and stablized lysosomal membrane.
而且,黄芪多糖能够抑制线粒体膜电位崩解保护线粒体形态,保护溶酶体膜。Astragalus genuine, traits of identification to get flavor, and its gas micro, taste sweetened, chewing it beany flavor.