







汉语拼音:mò xiě








  1. 凭记忆把读过的文字写出来或把观摹过的图画绘出来。

    《新唐书·蒋乂传》:“﹝ 蒋乂 ﹞口以诵补( 圣历 中侍臣图赞),不失一字。帝叹曰:‘虽 虞世南 默写《列女传》,不是过!’” 元 戴表元 《江行杂书》诗:“平生见画无此本,便欲默写悬高堂。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记(一)》:“期终考试,他总是叫我们默写,这一点非常令人厌恶。”



  1. Meant only trained eyes and hands, but they would not be able to listen to you and said.


  2. All the same I was convinced that I had written a good poem , so that evening I wrote it out again from memory .


  3. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, my mother taking it down to dictation.


  4. English and mathematics were the hardest subjects in this examination. There were dictation, sentence formation, and analysis for English.


  5. The main traditional method of teaching Chinese painting is to inherited painting from memory.


  6. My daughter learned five pictures of lesson 42 this evening. She is a little careless. I can find some wrong words in her written English.


  7. The key is to draw amount of sketch and write from memory while long-term practice.


  8. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. I'm looking forward to doing it!


  9. At the secondary level, the teacher will drill the pupils on forming sentences, grammar, spelling, dictation and essay writing.


  1. 跑动中默写

    running dictation.

  2. 写生与默写

    sketch and dvawing from memory.

  3. 检查性的默写

    dictation quiz.

  4. 默写出下列单词。

    Please write down the words without looking for them from the books.

  5. 你需要默写周期表。

    You will be asked to write down the periodic table.

  6. 默写重点单词与词组

    Write the key words or phrases from memory

  7. 如可能, 请默写圣经章节。

    Write the Bible passages, from memory if possible.

  8. 听写句子, 默写课文的能。

    A valid phrase can consist of multiple words , with or without punctuation between them.

  9. 默想默写乱七八糟,考试一塌糊涂。

    Meditation dictation mess, the examination a complete mess.

  10. 接着,她把内容默写了一遍。

    Then she wrote down the content from memory.

  11. 老师,默写必须每隔一行写吗?

    Sir, must we write the diction every other line.

  12. 论默写能力的培养与训练

    Developing and Training the Ability of Painting From the Memory

  13. 语音中介在阅读与默写中的作用

    The Role of Phonological Media in Reading and Memorial Writing

  14. 你必须为默写准备好笔和纸。

    You must prepare your pens and paper for having a dictation.

  15. 请大家拿出一张纸,默写化学元素周期表。

    Everybody please take out a piece of paper and write the periodic table from memory.

  16. 请大家拿出一张纸,默写化学元素周期表。

    Everybody please take out a piece of paper and write the periodic table from memory.

  17. 方法是, 老师口述某个词, 同学默写, 并加解释。

    The method is, the teacher is nuncupative a certain word, the classmate is written from memory, add an explanation.

  18. 老师今天给我们做了两次法文默写测验。

    The teacher gave us two French dictations today.

  19. 记忆力真是太好了, 默写的内容与原文毫分不差。

    He has an excellent memory, and can write the text from memory.

  20. 相关内容我试着用我此时落笔的情绪,默写着我爱你的一切。

    I tried I put pen to paper at this time of emotional, write I love everything about you.

  21. 他的记忆力真是太好了,默写的内容与原文毫分不差。

    He has an excellent memory, and can write the text from memory.

  22. 他的记忆力真是太好了,默写的内容与原文毫分不差。

    He has an excellent memory, and can write the text from memory.

  23. 比如记英语单词,低着头拼命默写就不是一个好办法。

    English words such as mind, head down hard dictation is not a good idea.

  24. 默写只是训练了眼睛和手,可是它们不能替你听和说。

    Meant only trained eyes and hands, but they would not be able to listen to you and said.

  25. 我四, 五岁时写了第一首诗, 我母亲把它默写记下来。

    I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, my mother taking it down to dictation.

  26. 近几年考试的形式基本是在静物写生与默写中交替进行。

    In recent years the test form basic is carries on alternately in the still life sketch with writing down from memory.


  1. 问:默写拼音怎么拼?默写的读音是什么?默写翻译成英文是什么?

    答:默写的读音是mòxiě,默写翻译成英文是 write … from memory




【读音】mò xiě


【出处】《新唐书·蒋乂传》:“[蒋乂]口以诵补( 圣历 中侍臣图赞),不失一字。帝叹曰:‘虽虞世南默写《列女传》,不是过!’” 元·戴表元《江行杂书》诗:“平生见画无此本,便欲默写悬高堂。”
