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1. 读 [dú]2. 读 [dòu]读 [dú]依照文字念:~数。~经。~书。宣~。朗~。范~。看书,阅览:阅~。速~。默~。~者。求学:走~。字的念法:~音。~破。读 [dòu]旧指文章里一句中间念起来要稍稍停顿的地方:句~。……
汉语拼音:xuān dú
《北史·王肃传》:“﹝ 王诵 ﹞宣读詔书,言制抑扬,风神竦秀,百僚倾属,莫不叹美。”《宋史·唐坰传》:“﹝ 唐坰 ﹞目 安石 曰:‘ 王安石 近御坐,听札子。’ 安石 迟迟, 坰 訶曰:‘陛下前犹敢如此,在外可知!’ 安石 悚然而进。 坰 大声宣读,凡六十条。” 清 陈康祺 《燕下乡脞录》卷七:“两次恩詔到 陕 ,并不宣读张掛。” 管桦 《将军河》第一部第四十章:“老头子有一把大胡子的脸上,那表情比大使宣读国书还要庄严,开始郑重其事地宣读手抄的八路军布告。”
Her mother also asked the girls to read a letter for her that she wrote to her daughter.
她的母亲还要求女孩宣读了这封信,她说,她写信给她的女儿。Cuban state television read a letter from Mr. Castro in which he said he is physically unable to fulfill the duties of president.
古巴国营电视台宣读了卡斯特罗致古巴人民的一封信。他在信中说他的身体状况使他不能胜任国务委员会主席的职务。Instead, he began the press conference by reading out a summary of the Fed's statement and its economic projections.
相反,记者会是在他宣读美联储声明和经济预测的摘要中开始。That portion of the courtroom record comprising the testimony of witnesses shall be read out in court or given to the witnesses to read.
法庭笔录中的证人证言部分,应当当庭宣读或者交给证人阅读。After sustaining a severe injury through a fall, she asked for her Bible and read a Gospel account of one of Jesus' healings.
经过持续严重损伤通过一个秋天,她问她的圣经,并宣读了一份福音帐户之一的耶稣的愈合。They had come from many parts of the country to prepare a statement that would be presented at a special mass meeting the following day.
她们来自全国各地,准备一份在第二天一次特殊的群众集会上宣读的宣言。It was funny because when we said our vows Keith had these green ears sprouting from the top of his head.
当我们宣读誓言时,他头上的两只耳朵一动一动的,太搞笑了。At least a dozen relatives with smiles on their faces came to hear the lawyer read the will.
至少有一打亲戚都满面笑容地前来听律师宣读遗嘱。He would not detain the House by reading any more of these documents, the publication of which preceded the change in our trade with China.