


1. 宛 [wǎn]2. 宛 [yuān]宛 [wǎn]曲折:委~。~妙(声音婉转动听)。~转(zhuǎn )(a.辗转;b.同“婉转”)。仿佛:~然。~如。~若(仿佛,好像)。姓。宛 [yuān]〔大~〕古代西域国名,在中亚西亚。……


1. 若 [ruò]2. 若 [rě]若 [ruò]如果,假如:~果。倘~。假~。天~有情天亦老。如,像:年相~。安之~素。旁~无人。置~罔闻。门庭~市。你,汝:~辈。“更~役,复~赋,则何如?”约计:~干(gān )。~许。此,如此:“以……



汉语拼音:wǎn ruò








  1. 仿佛;好象。

    晋 无名氏 《晋白紵舞歌诗》:“轻躯徐起何洋洋,高举两手白鵠翔。宛若龙转乍低昂,凝停善睞容仪光。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·赏誉》:“ 长和 兄弟五人,幼孤。 祜 来哭,见 长和 哀容举止,宛若成人。” 五代 王仁裕 《开元天宝遗事·枯松再生》:“ 明皇 遭 禄山 之乱,鑾舆西幸。禁中枯松復生,枝叶葱蒨,宛若新植者。” 清 徐士銮 《宋艳·奇异》:“公命取经令读,一閲如流,宛若素习。” 陶尔夫 《伐木者的旅行》三:“只见一片葱绿色的密松林,它随着山坡起伏,宛若大海中的巨浪,一直伸向远方。”

  2. 汉 代女子名。

    《史记·孝武本纪》:“神君者, 长陵 女子,以子死悲哀,故见神於先后 宛若 。 宛若 祠之其室,民多往祠。” 裴駰 集解引 孟康 曰:“兄弟妻相谓‘先后’。 宛若 ,字。” 司马贞 索隐:“﹝先后﹞即今妯娌也……宛音冤。”

  3. 后世用为妯娌的代称。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·霍女》:“妾家虽贫,无作贱媵者,无怪诸宛若鄙不齿数矣!” 清 方苞 《七思·伯姊》:“幸有妹兮为宛若,谓餘生兮将有託。” 王闿运 《帅芳哀词》:“和于宛若,勤于缶甔。”



  1. Fleeting blond head, veiled in black! It was like the portrait of a dream in the fugitive frame of the train window.


  2. And then, within minutes, the isolated, verdant mountains above China's most famous panda reserve exploded as if hit by a megaton bomb.


  3. of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her.


  4. Each type of glaze color flows naturally with many levels as if it was made by nature, revealing an irresistible beauty!


  5. Behavioural economists point out cases in which our decisions don't match neoclassical theory, and thus the "as if" defence fails.


  6. The whole group of buildings towering rigorous, magnificent, distance, clouds shrouded, magnificent, just like the sky palace.


  7. The spirit of neoclassical economics would say that people act "as if" swiftly calculating the parabolic arc of the ball.


  8. Nothing but the sickness and death he felt surrounded by . . . And yet, at the very moment that the world was crumbling, he was alive.


  9. Spring air seems to sparkle, somehow, with a gold and bubbly light, scented with those wonderful smells that only occur in spring.


  1. 宛若置身伊甸园

    The Garden of Eden.

  2. 有时,月亮看上去宛若圆盘。

    Sometimes the moon looks as round as a plate.

  3. 宛若你的心,再也得不到。

    Out of my reach like your heart.

  4. 让我的胸膛燃烧宛若明亮的火炬。

    Let my breast burn as a bright torch.

  5. 它们曾宛若巨人控制着整个地球。

    They bestrode the earth like giants.

  6. 它们曾宛若巨人控制着整个地球。

    They bestrode the earth like giants.

  7. 今天他将死去,宛若那玫瑰凋零。

    Today he will die, as roses die.

  8. 宛若我最喜爱的拿波里冰淇淋。

    Like my favorate Neapolitan ice cream.

  9. 惊艳美丽宛若数年才能绽放的花朵

    Like flowers that blossom just on cein years.

  10. 桃花依旧盛开吧,年年岁岁,宛若不变。

    Flowers bloom every year asthey never change.

  11. 风景断断续续,时有时无,宛若梦境一般。

    The landscape is divided and unsteady which makes it like a dream.

  12. 爱, 开始时汹涌如潮, 结束时宛若水花。

    Love begins from the bottom of the sea, ends at the top of water.

  13. 宛若披在刚被唤醒的山峦上的斗篷,

    like drapery of awakened mountains

  14. 终成虚负, 经年一梦, 宛若走马。

    End into a false negative, as in a dream, like cursory.

  15. 成熟后外表光亮, 红中透黑, 宛若红宝石。

    Mature appearance of bright red through black, a ruby.

  16. 剧情恍如隔世,舞美宛若诗画,舞蹈张力十足

    Plot Seems from The Previous Generation, Dancing As Beautiful As Poems With Power

  17. 连大地都震动了,宛若万马齐喑,千夫怒吼。

    The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men.

  18. 你的眼睛蹦烁着,宛若夜空里闪亮的星辰。

    Your eyes twinkle like the stars shine in the sky.

  19. 如果你不知道,那是用来宛若曲棍球网。

    In case you're not sure, that is supposed to look like a hockey net.

  20. 肯定自己得人生,宛若你己经是自己渴望得面貌。

    Affirm your life as though you already are all that you want to be.

  21. 肯定自己的人生,宛若你己经是自己渴望的面貌。

    Affirm your life as though you already are all that you want to be.

  22. 还有横卧水上得小桥, 宛若一道五彩得虹。

    There are recumbent water bridge, just like a colorful rainbow.

  23. 儿童公园亭台曲桥,碧波泛舟,宛若水上世界。

    Quqiao children's park pavilions, boating blue, like water in the world.

  24. 还有横卧水上的小桥,宛若一道五彩的虹。

    There are recumbent water bridge, just like a colorful rainbow.

  25. 天空蓝得宛若出自画中湛蓝,纯净,明澈如水晶。

    The sky is so blue artificial.Blue. Pure. Crystal clear.

  26. 远观栈道,宛若凌空廊阁,故又有云阁之称。

    Too along the cliff, like a volley Gallery Pavilion, it has brought into sharper focus known.

  27. 它的涟漪深深波及心弦,总会留下反响,宛若拥抱。

    Its riffle touched my heartstrings deeply. and leave echo, just like hugs.

  28. 对那事件的始末我仍然记忆犹新, 宛若昨天的事一样。

    I still remember the whole incident like it was yesterday.

  29. 去过黄山的人都知道,莲花峰奇景宛若仙境!

    Those who have been to Huangshan Mountain know that the marvelous scene on the Lotus Peak is like paradise!

  30. 去过黄山的人都知道,莲花峰奇景宛若仙境!

    Those who have been to Huangshan Mountain know that the marvelous scene on the Lotus Peak is like paradise!


  1. 问:宛若拼音怎么拼?宛若的读音是什么?宛若翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宛若的读音是wǎnruò,宛若翻译成英文是 To be like.



宛若:wǎn ruò 仿佛;好像