


1. 宛 [wǎn]2. 宛 [yuān]宛 [wǎn]曲折:委~。~妙(声音婉转动听)。~转(zhuǎn )(a.辗转;b.同“婉转”)。仿佛:~然。~如。~若(仿佛,好像)。姓。宛 [yuān]〔大~〕古代西域国名,在中亚西亚。……





汉语拼音:wǎn rú








  1. 委曲顺从貌。

    《说文·人部》“僻”字下引《诗》:“宛如左僻。”今本《诗·魏风·葛屦》如作“然”,僻作“辟”。 毛 传:“宛,辟貌。” 陈奂 传疏:“宛,有委曲顺从之义,故云辟貌。” 马瑞辰 通释:“按《説文》‘僻,辟也’,引《诗》‘宛如左僻’。如,犹然也。僻,即辟也。”

  2. 好象;仿佛。

    唐 元稹 《青云驿》诗:“纔及 青云驛 ,忽遇蓬蒿妻;延我开蓽户,凿竇宛如圭。” 宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·瓦缶冰花》:“既覆缶出水,而有餘水留缶,凝结成冰,视之,桃花一枝也,众人观,异之,以为偶然。明日用之,则又成开双头牡丹一枝。次日又成寒林满缶。水村竹屋,断鸿翘鷺,宛如图画远近景者。”《武王伐纣平话》卷上:“有 妲己 ,面无粉饰,宛如月里 嫦娥 ;头不梳粧,一似 蓬莱 仙子。”《醒世恒言·黄秀才徼灵玉马坠》:“ 玉娥 道:‘妾除夜曾得一梦,次日岁朝遇一胡僧,宛如梦中所见。’”《清史稿·灾异志五》:“五年冬至时, 高淳 羣花齐放,宛如春色。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第三章:“那窗户上的冰花雪纹,宛如一块用银丝刺绣成的碎花巾帕,显得格外好看。”



  1. a light flapped over the scene , as if reflected from phosphorescent wings crossing the sky , and a rumble filled the air.


  2. They stood upon a bleak and desert moor, whose monstrous masses of stone were cost about, as though it were the burial-place of giants.


  3. I could feel the pulse of the universe. It was as if I had unlocked some sort of secret world; it was as if I'd found heaven.


  4. Just like the winter auspicious snow, has no time pure white, glad omen good harvest year.


  5. Flowers frozen in liquid air can be broken with a hammer as though they were made of glass.


  6. The emperor's long beard streamed in the wind like the tail of a flaming red comet.


  7. A home without books is like a windowless room. No one is entitled to leave the kids in the environment without books to read.


  8. All of a sudden, a piece of tea on the rolling up and down, like a lovely child kept jumping in the cup.


  9. there was no undergrowth , only the smooth grass , very green and fresh , and the big gray trees well spaced as though it were a park.


  1. 宛如时光倒转。

    This is just like old times.

  2. 生命宛如恶疾

    Life As a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease.

  3. 温顺得宛如羔羊。

    be as meek as a lamb

  4. 宛如夏日般可爱

    My Cherie Amour Lovely as the summer day

  5. 卖掉它就宛如

    and selling it is gonna be like.

  6. 他的声音宛如洪钟。

    His voice fairly rang.

  7. 他宛如是个书呆子。

    He is, as it were, a bookworm.

  8. 美丽的风景宛如仙境。

    The beautiful scenery is just like paradise.

  9. 美丽的风景宛如仙境。

    The beautiful scenery is just like paradise.

  10. 宛如夏日一般的可爱

    My Cherie Amour My Cherie Amour Lovely as the summer day

  11. 眼睛, 宛如清晨的大锅

    Eye, the cauldron of morning.

  12. 眼睛,宛如清晨的大锅

    Eye, the cauldron of morning.

  13. 宛如飘落的花濯去悲伤

    As it were falling flowers eliminating the sorrow

  14. 她的面庞宛如娇艳的花朵

    Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower

  15. 宛如无数密集拥挤的蠕虫。

    Serried, swarming, like a million maggots.

  16. 宛如一个血殷的伤痕。

    And a bloody wound it looked like.

  17. 嗡嗡音响宛如知了一样欢快。

    Humming sound emits jolly melodies like cicadas.

  18. 宛如魔方星星点点散布在河床

    In shapes like bits of puzzle strew the bottom

  19. 她宛如善良和高贵的化身。

    She seemed to personify goodness and nobility.

  20. 宛如她袖中的毒药, 天使坠落。

    Like the poison in her arm.

  21. 人生宛如攀登,但是风景很美!

    Life a climb, but the view is great!

  22. 无知无觉宛如一块大石头

    as unperceptive as a boulder

  23. 牧歌宛如情歌,无不极尽婉转。

    Eclogue is just like madrigal, full of sadness and love.

  24. 那握紧的臂膀,宛如攀爬的藤

    Clasping my arms like a climbing plant

  25. 那握紧得臂膀,宛如攀爬得藤

    Clasping my arms like a climbing plant

  26. 它们甜美的声音宛如温和的微风。

    Their voices so sweet like a soft breath of wind.

  27. 宛如小丑穿着一身豪华的紫袍

    Is like a clown in regal purple dressed

  28. 然而, 宛如抹去了无足轻重的悲伤

    Yet, as if grieving to efface

  29. 她红扑扑的脸蛋宛如黎明的红霞。

    Her complexion has a flush, just like that of the dawn.

  30. 即使办了保险,合同又宛如天书。

    Although did insurance, contract just like a book from heaven.


  1. 问:宛如拼音怎么拼?宛如的读音是什么?宛如翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宛如的读音是wǎnrú,宛如翻译成英文是 be just like

  2. 问:宛如做梦拼音怎么拼?宛如做梦的读音是什么?宛如做梦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宛如做梦的读音是,宛如做梦翻译成英文是 dream



“宛如”是个多义词,它可以指宛如(汉语词语), 宛如(小说《小时代》人物), 宛如(电视剧《孝庄秘史》人物)。