


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……


1. 似 [sì]2. 似 [shì]似 [sì]相类,像:相(xiāng )~。类~。~是而非。好像,表示不确定:~乎。~应如此。表示比较,有超过的意思:一个高~一个。似 [shì]〔~的〕跟某种情况或事物相似,如“他乐得什么~~”。亦作……



汉语拼音:hǎo sì








  1. 胜过。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二:“凭他怎么,毕竟还好似为娼。”《儒林外史》第四八回:“料想做官自然好似坐馆。”《红楼梦》第二五回:“ 凤姐 、 宝玉 果一日好似一日,渐渐醒来,知道饿了。”

  2. 好像;犹如。

    宋 吴琚 《酹江月》词:“忽觉天风吹海立,好似春霆初发。”《警世通言·玉堂春落难逢夫》:“如同久旱逢甘雨,好似他乡遇故知。” 叶圣陶 《火灾·晓行》:“我望那方秧田,柔细而嫩绿的秧生得非常整齐,好似一方绿绒。”



  1. "What an exciting day, Captain" he said. "Look at those people! I feel like an important man! "


  2. No cop for bouse, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. '


  3. Some analysts said the slowing rise in prices reported Thursday may delay what looked like an imminent tightening action by the RBI.


  4. He seems to be looking at a brick wall, where the words "True Love" are scrawled, as newspapers flying past him like tumbleweed (pictured).


  5. Talking, then Leiya head over the side, with the cheek close to my face, like, and I had a resonance.


  6. There were little hollows where you felt as if you were bathing in a pool of liquid gold.


  7. Advances have been so encouraging that Dr. Thrun sounds like an evangelist when he speaks of robot cars.


  8. He, poor wretch, has no other means of livelihood; and reform would leave him as a workman is now left when he is superseded by a machine.


  9. The cricket's chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark, like the rustle of dreams from my past youth.


  1. 好似秋风扫落叶

    like the autumn wind scuttling fallen leaves

  2. 作战作战或好似作战

    To engage in or as if in battle.

  3. 青草的摩挲好似

    And grass that rustled like

  4. 好似起伏的雷鸣

    And rolling like thunder now

  5. 好似灼烈的阳光

    Just like the sun glows and burns

  6. 漆黑大地好似灵魂悲鸣。

    Dark earth as if the soul lament.

  7. 敌人好似依然节节败退。

    The enemy still seemed to be fading away.

  8. 好似你的话如同金科玉律。

    Life like you're the law.

  9. 有种好似某事的感觉

    to have the feel of sth

  10. 有种好似某事的感觉

    to have the feel of something

  11. 也好似那橡树和柏树

    And the oak tree and the cypress

  12. 可是,爱好似上膛的枪?

    But love is a loaded pistol.

  13. 那洞穴好似精灵的坟。

    What well might seem an elfin's grave.

  14. 他的狡猾好似你的聪明。

    He is as cunning as you are clever.

  15. 有时沉默好似震天惊雷。

    Sometimes silence can seem so loud.

  16. 好似他已经有了主意。

    It seems likely that he had mentally fixed on the idea.

  17. 好似他已经有了主意。

    It seems likely that he had mentally fixed on the idea.

  18. 好似汽车轮子,又挤又热。

    It was like the black hole of Calcutta on wheels.

  19. 好似拉着一条狗绳。

    It's like hauling at a dog's leash.

  20. 好似拉着一条狗绳。

    It's like hauling at a dog's leash.

  21. 疾病感染好似沉睡的恶魔

    Infections are like sleeping monsters.

  22. 用头或好似用头的抵或撞

    a butt with or as if with the head

  23. 抵, 撞用头或好似用头的抵或撞

    A butt with or as if with the head.

  24. 用浮标指示用浮标标明或好似用浮标标明

    To mark with or as if with a buoy.

  25. 好似在说,那是什麽概念?

    as if to say, what does that mean?

  26. 而海水好似女巫的毒油。

    The water, like a witch's oils.

  27. 他死亡的消息好似晴天霹雳。

    The news of his death come as a bolt from the blue.

  28. 你好似含住个衣架瞓觉啖。

    You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.

  29. 神情好似情人间的耳鬓厮磨。

    Facial expression agreeable sweetheart of quite intimate.

  30. 他看起来好似见了鬼一样。

    He looked like he had seen a ghost.


  1. 问:好似拼音怎么拼?好似的读音是什么?好似翻译成英文是什么?

    答:好似的读音是hǎosì,好似翻译成英文是 seem; be like



hǎosì 好似 1.胜过。《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二:“凭他怎么,毕竟还好似为娼。”《儒林外史》第四八回:“料想做官自然好似坐馆。”《红楼梦》第二五回:“ 凤姐 、 宝玉 果一日好似一日,渐渐醒来,知道饿了。” 2. 宋 吴琚 《酹江月》词:“忽觉天风吹海立,好似春霆初发。”《警世通言·玉堂春落难逢夫》:“如同久旱逢甘雨,好似他乡遇故知。” 叶圣陶 《火灾·晓行》:“我望那方秧田,柔细而嫩绿的秧生得非常整齐,好似一方绿绒。” 与好像,酷似,仿佛,像,比如,如,似,同义起比喻词的作用。好似前放比体(本体),后放喻体。1990年《商丘地区建筑志》:“袁家山(袁可立别业),……土山为人工堆土而成。三面环水,好似一页小舟在水中荡漾。”

近义词: 好像,就像,好比。