


相似,如同:~如。过~不及。尚且:~且。~自。困兽~斗(喻濒于失败的人,虽走投无路还要顽强抵抗)。〔~豫〕迟疑不决。〔~疑〕迟疑。仍然,还(hái ):~然。记忆~新。……





汉语拼音:yóu rú








  1. 如同。

    《关尹子·二柱》:“盖风雨雷电皆缘气而生,而气缘心生,犹如内想大火,久之觉热。”《史记·滑稽列传》:“动发举事,犹如运之掌中。” 宋 黄庭坚 《听崇德君鼓琴》诗:“犹如优曇花,时一出世间。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“词人墨客得了此笺,犹如拱璧。” 巴金 《灭亡》第八章:“我在那里住了两个月就完全习惯了,犹如在自己家里一般。”



  1. which may condition his return to earth, such a monk gives up the here and the beyond, just as a serpent sheds its worn-out skin.

  2. Like a key to open all days missed. Blessing of the clouds, being careful to talk about our expectations, I wish you a New Year's wishful!

  3. I could feel it now flowing from me to you and back to me again, joined everywhere, complete, like a harbor against all tempests.

  4. Particularly that of the eight-shaped black eye, as if wearing a pair of dark glasses, which are very popular.

  5. Yet Mr Godley said he had a lonely childhood, involving a violent maiden aunt and the "chamber of horrors of a British prep school" .

  6. Ibsen said: " the community is like a ship, everyone should be prepared to take the helm" .

  7. Logo design from the point of view like the image of a family of three hugged and music, the performance of family harmony.

  8. "Ode to Joy" filled the auditorium with its sweet sound as if it rose all the way to the angels in heaven.

  9. His teeth are gleaming like a lighthouse and his laugh is coming up out of him like the beginning of an earthquake.


  1. 犹如晴天霹雳

    Like a bolt from the blue

  2. 生活犹如梭子

    Life is a shuttle.

  3. 健康犹如珠宝。

    Health is a jewel.

  4. 礼貌犹如鲜花。

    A courtesy is a flower.

  5. 敌人犹如惊弓之鸟。

    The enemy was like a frightened bird.

  6. 起义犹如暴风骤雨。

    The uprising is just like a mighty storm.

  7. 漆黑得犹如黑夜,

    Black as a dark night

  8. 节俭犹如点金石。

    Thrift is philosopher's stone.

  9. 爱邻居犹如爱自己。

    Love your neighbours as yourself.

  10. 犹如风暴翻滚大海

    I am the storm and lash the sea

  11. 灯火辉煌,犹如白昼。

    The place was lit up as bright as day.

  12. 那消息犹如晴天霹雳。

    The news came as a big blow.

  13. 美貌犹如一夕花。

    Beauty is but a blossom.

  14. 我犹如钢铁般坚强

    I am hard as steel

  15. 这个消息犹如晴天霹雳

    The news came as a bombshell

  16. 这犹如大海捞针一般。

    It was like fishing for a needle in the ocean.

  17. 你犹如游龙戏水

    You slew dragons, You walked on water. You.

  18. 犹如爱情细解罗裳。

    Like careful undressing of love.

  19. 这消息犹如晴天霹雳。

    The news was like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky.

  20. 人心各异, 犹如其面

    Several men, several minds

  21. 犹如季节更迭已消逝。

    The season has all gone.

  22. 几许车辆犹如米粒

    Where there are some vehicles like grains of rice

  23. 犹如春天绽放的曲线

    As if contour bursts in spring

  24. 湖水清澈,犹如明镜。

    The lake is like a clear bright mirror.

  25. 窗户不关犹如开门揖盗。

    Leaving the windows open is inviting thieves to enter.

  26. 绿色犹如浩瀚的海洋

    And green can be big like an ocean

  27. 她为人质朴, 犹如慈母。

    She is homely and motherly.

  28. 那犹如天河决口一般。

    It was like a deluge from heaven.

  29. 生活犹如万花筒,五彩缤纷。

    Living like a kaleidoscope, colorful.

  30. 那对他犹如晴天霹雳。

    That was like a thunderclap to him.


  1. 问:犹如拼音怎么拼?犹如的读音是什么?犹如翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹如的读音是yóurú,犹如翻译成英文是 be like



犹如 yóurú [just as;like as if] 好像 他急得犹如热锅上的蚂蚁 如同。《关尹子·二柱》:“盖风雨雷电皆缘气而生,而气缘心生,犹如内想大火,久之觉热。”《史记·滑稽列传》:“动发举事,犹如运之掌中。” 宋 黄庭坚 《听崇德君鼓琴》诗:“犹如优昙花,时一出世间。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“词人墨客得了此笺,犹如拱璧。” 巴金 《灭亡》第八章:“我在那里住了两个月就完全习惯了,犹如在自己家里一般。” 1989年《睢县志·文化·古建筑》:“袁家山(袁可立别业),……昔日,前有山门,中有大殿,后有八卦亭。”