




1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……



汉语拼音:àn juàn







  1. 古代官署分类存档的文件。一案一卷,故称案卷。今机关、企业等分类保存以备查阅的文件,亦称案卷。

    五代 王仁裕 《开元天宝遗事·口案》:“每有公事赴本司行勘,胥吏辈未敢讯劾,先取则於 九龄 ( 张九龄 ),囚於前面分曲直,口撰案卷。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四五回:“前几天我偶然翻检旧案卷,见前任官内, 罗魏氏 已经告过他一次忤逆。” 许地山 《人非人》:“他把案卷解开,拿起笔来批改。”



  1. If he be not at to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyers' cases.


  2. I've been greedily devouring the details of Barbara Amiel's party that have been emerging from her husband's trial.


  3. Lawrence's schoolwork showed that he was very able, though his teachers did not see him as a committed intellictual.


  4. If he were not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyers' cases.


  5. Perhaps even more disquieting were results published a few days earlier in the Archives of Internal Medicine.


  6. He was hunched over a file, scratching at it with a fountain pen, when I entered the room.


  7. The cause and details of the service by way of announcement shall be recorded in the files of the CASE.


  8. Through referring to archives dossier files, the fact of criminal detention term enforced by the police is seen.


  9. Generally, these include : 's investigation, comments, polls, examinations, access files and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.


  1. 非必要案卷

    nonessential record

  2. 案卷排他性原则

    filesexclusive principles

  3. 案卷排他性规则

    Record Exclusiveness Principle

  4. 他有案卷在此。

    He had the files.

  5. 变有形案卷为无形案卷

    Changing Tangible Files into Intangible Fries

  6. 目录中现有案卷数量

    inventory of case files on hand

  7. 一是他们看了案卷

    that they looked at our file.

  8. 将案卷按字母顺序放。

    Put the files in alphabetical order.

  9. 行政执法案卷质量忧思

    The Worry about the Quality of the Files during Administration Enforcing the Laws

  10. 庭前公诉案卷移送制度

    system of dossier transfer in pretrial

  11. 绝对机密。塘鹅暗杀令。鹈鹄案卷

    The Pelican Brief

  12. 他要有关1991年债务人的案卷。

    He ask for the file on1991 debtor.

  13. 她的案卷全部置于法官面前。

    Her record was before the court.

  14. 案卷是使用卡片索引查找的。

    Files were located by using the card indexes.

  15. 对取消案卷概念的辩证认识

    A Dialectical Knowledge of Canceling the Concept of File

  16. 请把那宗案卷递给我。

    Hand me that file please.

  17. 她主动把有关案卷带给了他。

    She brought him, unasked, the relevant file.

  18. 律师得吃力地看完所有的案卷。

    The lawyer had to wade through all the files.

  19. 我们不在案卷纪录上,我们是安全的。

    We're not on the books. we're safe.

  20. 审判者已经坐庭,案卷都展开了。

    The court of judgment sat, and the books were opened.

  21. 案卷包含这种证据的文件或集册

    The documents or volumes containing such evidence.

  22. 目前对案卷的管理采取两种办法。

    Two approaches are being taken in managing case files.

  23. 这个案卷是跟其他许多案卷一起发现的。

    This dossier was unearthed along with many others.

  24. 办事员翻遍了案卷,寻找一封信件。

    The clerk thumbed through the files looking for a letter.

  25. 刑事审判方式改革与案卷材料的移送

    Reform of Criminal Trial Procedures and Transfer of Litigation Documents

  26. 你务必迅速地退还案卷, 行吗?, 彼得?

    Make sure you return your files promptly, won't you, Peter ?

  27. 刍议档案文献标题,汇编题名,案卷题名的关系

    A Brief Discussion on Files Titles, Naming and Others

  28. 然而,案卷中没有任何合同执行情况报告。

    However, there was no contract performance report in the case files.

  29. 论行政许可听证程序之案卷排他性原则

    On Exclusiveness Principle of Administrative Permission Hearing Procedure Files

  30. 当你决定推荐, 您需要将您的编译案卷。

    When you decide on a referral, you will need to compile your dossier.


  1. 问:案卷拼音怎么拼?案卷的读音是什么?案卷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:案卷的读音是ànjuàn,案卷翻译成英文是 file

  2. 问:案卷合同拼音怎么拼?案卷合同的读音是什么?案卷合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:案卷合同的读音是àn juàn hé tóng,案卷合同翻译成英文是 contract of record

  3. 问:案卷材料拼音怎么拼?案卷材料的读音是什么?案卷材料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:案卷材料的读音是ànjuàncáiliào,案卷材料翻译成英文是 materials in the case file

  4. 问:案卷法庭拼音怎么拼?案卷法庭的读音是什么?案卷法庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:案卷法庭的读音是ànjuànfǎtíng,案卷法庭翻译成英文是 rolls court

  5. 问:案卷移送拼音怎么拼?案卷移送的读音是什么?案卷移送翻译成英文是什么?

    答:案卷移送的读音是àn juàn yí sòng,案卷移送翻译成英文是 evocation

  6. 问:案卷编号拼音怎么拼?案卷编号的读音是什么?案卷编号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:案卷编号的读音是àn juàn biān hào,案卷编号翻译成英文是 reference to the record

  7. 问:案卷记录拼音怎么拼?案卷记录的读音是什么?案卷记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:案卷记录的读音是àn juàn jì lù,案卷记录翻译成英文是 entry on the roll

  8. 问:案卷记录转让拼音怎么拼?案卷记录转让的读音是什么?案卷记录转让翻译成英文是什么?

    答:案卷记录转让的读音是àn juàn jì lù zhuǎn ràng,案卷记录转让翻译成英文是 conveyance by record



案卷 file 由互有联系的若干文件组合而成并放入卷夹、卷皮的档案保管单位,也是全宗内档案系统排列、编目和统计的基本单位。