







汉语拼音:bèi jiā






  1. 加倍;更加。

    《北齐书·神武帝纪上》:“将出 滏口 ,倍加约束,纤毫之物,不听侵犯。” 唐 韩愈 《御史台上论天旱人饥状》:“又京师者,四方之腹心,国家之根本,其百姓实宜倍加忧恤。”《武王伐纣平话》卷上:“皇后见寳釧,接得带了,精神倍加。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“ 吴氏 倍加扫兴,忿怒不已。”



  1. Actually, the person often is do not know to cherish when have, once lost ability, feel doubly precious.


  2. These scintillations can be counted by means of a photomultiplier tube and associated electrical devices.


  3. If you're upgrading an application that many users rely on (like the Apache on your busy Web server), then it pays to be extremely careful.


  4. Some of that money gets spent again and again, producing the multiplier effect of any increase in the money supply.


  5. It was one of those intermissions which frequently occur in nocturnal combats, which are always followed by an increase of rage.


  6. You can double up on as many days as you want. Just spend at least two weeks at each stage before adding more miles.


  7. But I think we have to be careful about building up people's hope so much that they put off living their lives.


  8. It's an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.


  9. This result should be cherished with special care as it did not come by easily.


  1. 我们要倍加珍惜。

    We have to cherish.

  2. 要倍加小心,我求你了!

    Take great care, I pray you!

  3. 得到了,就理当倍加珍惜,感恩。

    Had, should be treasured, thanksgiving.

  4. 我暗暗发誓,日后要倍加小心。

    I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future.

  5. 以言一国之精神, 倍加真确。

    Twice is this true of the soul of a nation.

  6. 因此,员工对他们需要倍加尊重。

    Hence, the need for workers to show them more respect.

  7. 这次考试难度较大, 我们需要倍加努力。

    We need to work much harder to prepare for this difficult test.

  8. 这次考试难度较大,我们需要倍加努力。

    We need to work much harder to prepare for this difficult test.

  9. 对刚栽下的小树,我们要倍加爱护。

    We will have to redouble our loving care of the saplings that have just been planted.

  10. 这些原则是以色列民族所倍加珍惜的。

    Those are principles that the nation of Israel holds dear.

  11. 我们对他在这个领域中的研究工作倍加赞赏。

    We all think highly of his research work in this field.

  12. 花开绚烂,只因有爱花的蜂蝶才倍加美丽。

    The flower blossom bright, only because have a love flower of Feng Die just doubly beauty.

  13. 用户的认可, 更使我们倍加完美地为您服务。

    Users approval, causes us to serve perfectly doubly for you.

  14. 面对我们文明的新威胁和风险的危险倍加突出。

    The dangers of the new threats and risks that confront our civilization come to the forefront.

  15. 然后,我们又回去了。回去后更是倍加努力地工作。

    So, we went back, and we've been working harder yet.

  16. 黛娜对于那些擦得亮晶晶得锡器会忽然倍加宠爱起来。

    Dinah would contract such an immoderate attachment to her scoured tin.

  17. 她的生平倍加有趣,因为她年纪那么轻就已成名。

    Her life is doubly interesting because she became famous so young.

  18. 许多欧洲人、尤其是法国人,对大足石刻宠爱倍加。

    Many Europeans, especially the French, the Dazu rock carvings dote all the more.

  19. 公众往往对俊俏的人倍加关注,播音员也不例外。

    People respond to pretty faces. And broadcasters, it seems, are no exception.

  20. 但是, 接下来, 也使我倍加感到自己目前处境的可怕。

    However, the next, so I feel more present The terrible situation.

  21. 所以,今年贸易前景已经恶化这一点令人倍加担心。

    It is therefore of double concern that this year the outlook has worsened.

  22. 黛娜对于那些擦得亮晶晶的锡器会忽然倍加宠爱起来。

    Dinah would contract such an immoderate attachment to her scoured tin.

  23. 技术创新劳动的特点说明它是某种倍加的复杂劳动。

    The characteristic that technical innovation works shows some kind to it is doubly intricate work.

  24. 从中获得的宝贵经验不应该任意抛弃,而应该倍加珍惜。

    The valuable lessons learned wherefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed, but should instead be treasured.

  25. 生命是最宝贵的东西,我挥霍不起,所以我会倍加珍惜!

    Life is the most precious thing, I can not afford to squander, I will treasure!

  26. 也许正是出于这个原因,他才倍加向往欢乐和希望之事。

    It was for this very reason perhaps that he ever recommended mirth and hopefulness.

  27. 因为她那么努力还是失败了,所以我们都为她感到倍加遗憾。

    We feel so sorry for her cause she exerted herself and was failed.

  28. 也唯有此,我们才会倍加珍惜今天,创造出更好的未来。

    Only to do this can we treasure the today, and to create a better future.

  29. 克罗维茨表示,这些标准对一份财经报纸来说倍加重要。

    Such standards, Mr Crovitz said, were doubly important for a financial newspaper.

  30. 我已经倍加小心的工作了,但是我还是不能把它平均地分配。

    I've worked on triple attention, but I couldn't divide it equally.


  1. 问:倍加拼音怎么拼?倍加的读音是什么?倍加翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倍加的读音是bèijiā,倍加翻译成英文是 A doubly.

  2. 问:倍加作用拼音怎么拼?倍加作用的读音是什么?倍加作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倍加作用的读音是bèi jiā zuò yòng,倍加作用翻译成英文是 diplosis



◎倍加 [汉语拼音]bèijiā [英文]doubly [解释] 格外;越发 乃倍加钦敬。——《三国演义》