


1. 撇 [piē]2. 撇 [piě]撇 [piē]丢开,抛弃:~开。~弃。由液体表面舀取:熬粥时把沫儿~掉。撇 [piě]平着向前扔:~手榴弹。汉字笔形之一,由上向左而斜下。像汉字的撇形的:~嘴。两~黑眉。……


1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……



汉语拼音:piē hào








  1. If you've been doing any shell or Perl scripting at all, you know you can capture the output of other commands inside backtick operators.


  2. The word is broken at the apostrophe; otherwise, the letters following the apostrophe are trimmed.


  3. On the old woman's knee was a large drop of blood shaped like an apostrophe.


  4. If the sentence is correct, you need the apostrophe. Otherwise leave it out.


  5. Initially the apostrophe was used to signify the omission of a sound. Gradually it came to signify possession.


  6. In a string sort , the hyphen and the apostrophe, as well as other non alphanumeric symbols, come before alphanumeric characters .


  7. While this is not to say that the apostrophe should be renounced, there is plenty of evidence that it is on the way out.


  8. But, contrary to what defenders of the apostrophe imagine, its status has long been moot.


  9. Since strings can be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks, you can quote something that contains quote marks or apostrophes.


  1. 带撇号的变量

    prime variables.

  2. 什么时候用撇号?

    When do I need to use an apostrophe ?

  3. 例如,它经常改变撇号为问号。

    For instance, it often changes apostrophes to question marks.

  4. 如果缩写的单词中包含撇号,如

    If an apostrophe is in a word that is a contraction, such as

  5. 碰撞后得速度, 依惯例, 是有撇号得。

    Now, the velocities after the collisions, by convention, are primed.

  6. 碰撞后的速度,依惯例,是有撇号的。

    Now, the velocities after the collisions, by convention, are primed.

  7. 当处理碰撞问题,物体的速度,在碰撞前无撇号。

    When we deal with collisions, the velocities of the objects before the collision are unprimed.

  8. 要在字符串中表示撇号,需在一行中使用两个撇号。

    To represent an apostrophe inside a string, use two apostrophes in a row.

  9. 在一行中使用两个撇号来表示字符串中的撇号。

    An apostrophe is represented inside a string by two apostrophes in a row.

  10. 用汉语拼音表示的词语在字与字间用撇号隔开。

    Expressions given in the Chinese phonetic alphabet have word boundaries marked by apostrophes.

  11. 用汉语拼音表示得词语在字与字间用撇号隔开。

    Expressions given in the Chinese phonetic alphabet have word boundaries marked by apostrophes.

  12. 当你要缩写一个或者两个词时,你需要加上撇号。

    When you contract a word or two words you need to add apostrophe.

  13. 撇号在英国地名中的使用也是充斥抱怨的争论话题。

    The use of apostrophes in British place names is a subject of querulous debate.

  14. 在19世纪末20世纪初,撇号的使用变得更加统一。

    During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the use of apostrophes became more consistent.

  15. 则在撇号处断词,否则,撇号后的字母将被剪裁掉。

    The word is broken at the apostrophe; otherwise, the letters following the apostrophe are trimmed.

  16. 撇号置于右上角的符号,用以标明变量的第一个导数

    A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable

  17. 当你做这时,波浪字符,撇号,和双引号不马上打字。

    When you do this, the tilde, apostrophe, and the double quote don't type right away.

  18. 撇号置于右上角得符号,用以标明变量得第一个导数

    A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable.

  19. 无撇号的情况下是因为你所指的决定属于这个团体。

    There should be no apostrophe because what you mean is that the decision belongs to the group.

  20. 这个撇号在英语里表示频繁的念出来但是不写出来的音。

    The apostrophe indicates a sound which is frequently uttered, but not written, in English.

  21. 用句后括号中的词或词组来回答问题,注意撇号的位置。

    Answer these questions, using the words in parentheses. Put the apostrophe in the right place.


  1. 问:撇号拼音怎么拼?撇号的读音是什么?撇号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撇号的读音是,撇号翻译成英文是 Apostrophe



piē hào 撇号 ◎撇号piēhào [prime] 在书写或印刷中所加的符号或者是重音“'”,以区别一个字母和另一个有关的字母(以a'区别a或a"),或指明有关的单位(如角度的分或米)或区分一种数学功能。