




长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……



汉语拼音:xù duàn



植物名。二年生或多年生草本。中医学上以根入药,性微温味苦。功用补肝肾、强筋骨、补血脉、利关节。《急就篇》卷四:“远志续断参土瓜。”颜师古 注:“续断,一名接骨,即今所呼续骨木也。又有草续断,其叶细而紫色,根亦入药用。”明 李时珍《本草纲目·草四·续断》:“﹝续断﹞根苦,微温,无毒,主治伤寒,补不足,金疮痈疡折跌,续筋骨,妇人乳难。久服益气力。”



  1. 植物名。二年生或多年生草本。中医学上以根入药,性微温味苦。功用补肝肾、强筋骨、补血脉、利关节。

    《急就篇》卷四:“远志续断参土瓜。” 颜师古 注:“续断,一名接骨,即今所呼续骨木也。又有草续断,其叶细而紫色,根亦入药用。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草四·续断》:“﹝续断﹞根苦,微温,无毒,主治伤寒,补不足,金疮痈疡折跌,续筋骨,妇人乳难。久服益气力。”



  1. similar to the common teasel and similarly used; widespread in Europe and North Africa and western Asia; naturalized in United States.


  2. Wu-He Dipsacus Root is one of the best genuine medicinal materials in Enshi.


  3. teasel with lilac flowers native to Old World but naturalized in North America; dried flower heads used to raise a nap on woolen cloth.


  4. any of several herbs of the genus Dipsacus native to the Old World having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts.


  5. Dipsacus asper. is an important and common traditional Chinese medicine, has a long application history on clinical.


  6. Conclusion: The results denoted that Dipsacus asperoides seed had the biological character of rapid water absorption.


  7. Conclusion It indicates that black jade dipsacus cream has promoted significantly the role of fracture healing.


  8. The current research showed Dipsacus asper. has multiple pharmaco-activities, and the main effective part is the saponins.


  9. abstract: Objective: To establish the HPLC fingerprints of Dipsacus asperoides processed with methanol.


  1. 治疗腰膝痿软, 常与续断, 杜仲等药配伍应用。

    For weak and achy loin and knees ba ji tian, xu duan, du zhong.

  2. 阳虚肾虚者宜温补肾阳如艾叶,续断,鹿角霜等。

    Treat deficiency of kidneyyang with herbs that can warm kidneyyang, such as mugwort leaf, Teasel etc.

  3. 续断含药血清对成骨细胞增殖的影响及其细胞毒性检测

    Influence of rat serum containing Radlx Dipsaci on the proliferation of osteoblasts as well as the cytotoxic detection

  4. 牙疼时断时续。

    The ache in the tooth is off and on.

  5. 他上学时断时续。

    He attends school sporadically.

  6. 他的呼吸渐渐浅弱,时断时续。

    His breathing became shallow and infrequent.

  7. 此外, 厂里的生产流程也时断时续。

    Furthermore, the work flow was irregular.

  8. 室外大风劲吹,大雨倾盆,时断时续。

    It was blowing and raining hard, off and on.

  9. 战争开始以来, 这本杂志的出版时断时续。

    intermittent The magazine had been published intermittently since the war.

  10. 除非你断了续香火的念头,不然还是不推荐的!

    Unless you break renew the idea of incense, or still don't recommend!

  11. 理伤续断秘方

    Secrets of Treating Wounds and Bonesetting.

  12. 川续断的研究进展

    The Study Progress in Dipsacus asper Wall.

  13. 欧洲川续断,花白色粉色。

    European teasel with white to pink flowers.

  14. 庐山川续断属的新分类群。

    New taxa of dipsacus from lu shan.

  15. 目得观察黑玉续断接骨膏治疗骨折得疗效。

    Objective In order to observe the curative effects that black jade dipsacus cream cure bone fracture.

  16. 分析了不同生长期五鹤续断的主要营养成分。

    In the paper, the main nutrition of Dipsacus asper wall in different growing stages was analyzed.

  17. 五鹤续断是恩施州最佳道地药材之一。

    WuHe Dipsacus Root is one of the best genuine medicinal materials in Enshi.

  18. 结论黑玉续断接骨膏有明显促进骨折愈合作用。

    Conclusion It indicates that black jade dipsacus cream has promoted significantly the role of fracture healing.

  19. 川续断系重要的常用中药材品种,具有悠久的药用历史。

    Dipsacus asper. is an important and common traditional Chinese medicine, has a long application history on clinical.

  20. 新伤续断汤对骨折愈合中胶原影响的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Influence of Xin Shang Xu Duan Tang on Collagen during Fracture Healing

  21. 原产于旧大陆开浅紫色花的川续断,已经引入美国。

    Teasel with lilac flowers native to Old World but naturalized in North America.

  22. 川续断总生物碱对妊娠大鼠子宫的抗致痉及抗流产作用

    Antispasmodic and Antiabortifacient Effects of Total Alkaloids from Dipsacus asperoides on Pregnant Rats.

  23. 时断时续, 有好几年了。

    On and off, for quite a few years.

  24. 他时断时续地写他的书。

    He worked on his book by fits and starts.

  25. 他时断时续地写他的书。

    He worked on his book by fits and starts.

  26. 你听见外面时断时续的声音了吗?

    Did you hear the intermittent sound outside?

  27. 这时断时续的雨泪, 怎么就没个止境?

    This intermittent rain tears, how no one end?

  28. 时断时续的手鼓声飘过人群,散入夜空。

    The insistent clatter of her hand bell rises above the crowds.

  29. 接下来一星期得网络攻击时断时续, 花样百出。

    Next network of a week attacks intermittence, pattern 100.

  30. 接下来一星期的网络攻击时断时续,花样百出。

    Next network of a week attacks intermittence, pattern 100.


